Membership: None named

Base of Operations: Outlaw

First AppearanceDemon III #31 (January, 1993)

History (Demon III #31) - The Hardy Boys were an alien gang that patterned themselves after gunslingers from America’s Wild West, and operated out of the frontier planet Outlaw. The bounty hunter Lobo came to Outlaw looking to collect the price on their heads. Lobo called them wimps, and they responded that that was “killin’ talk.” They were worth more alive, so he shot out their kneecaps, but Lobo got a note sent across space from the demon Etrigan who challenged him to combat.. He was enraged and decided to head to Earth immediately. Having no means to collect his bounty right away he decapitated the Hardy Boys and strung their heads from his bike.

Comments: Created by Alan Grant & Rich Hedden.

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