Real Name: Katar Hol

Class: Extraterrestrial (Thanagarian) technology-user

Occupation: Thanagarian police officer

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Naomi Carter (mother), Paran Katar (father, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Thanagar

First Appearance: The Brave and the Bold I #34 (March, 1961)

Powers: As a Thanagarian Hawkman possessed enhanced strength, durability, and reflexes. He was a skilled armed and unarmed combatant. He wore Thanagarian body armor and wings that gave him the power of flight.


(Green Lantern III #63, 64) - Ganthet appeared to Hawkman and told him he was needed to fight Parallax. Ganthet, Hawkman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter confronted Parallax as he was about to take away Green Lantern Kyle Rayner's power ring. Parallax defeated the heroes, but Kyle talked him down and convinced him to give up the power ring.

Comments: Created by Gardner Fox & Joe Kubert.

Hawkman received a profile in Who s Who in the DC Universe #6.

Post-Crisis on Infinite Earth's Hawkman's appearances in the Justice League of America were no longer part of continuity, and his role was replaced by Hawkman Carter Hall.

Hawkman had cameos in Action Comics I #650, JLA #76, Justice League of America II #5, 7, New Gods II #15, Spectre III #22, 54.

Nightwing I #141 showed Hawkman's memorial statue in Valhalla.

Bizarro-Superman wrote and illustrated the Egg-napper,  First Contact, J'onn J'onzz Celebrity Roast and Wonder Woman's Day Off  comic books featuring Hawkman in Bizarro Comics #1.

HAWKMAN (pre-Crisis)

Real Name: Katar Hol

Class: Extraterrestrial (Thanagarian) technology-user

Occupation: Superhero, Thanagarian police officer, curator

Group Affiliation: Justice League of America

Known Relatives: Shayara Hol (Hawkwoman, wife), Paran Katar (father)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Midway City, Michigan

First Appearance: The Brave and the Bold I #34 (March, 1961)

Powers: As a Thanagarian Hawkman possessed enhanced strength, durability, and reflexes. He was a skilled armed and unarmed combatant, and preferred using Medieval weapons such as flails and maces. His transportation was a Thanagarian star cruiser, the Absorbascon let him scan the minds of sentient lifeforms, and he wore wings and an anti-gravity belt that allowed him to fly.

History: Hawkman was a Thanagarian police officer who came to Earth in pursuit of criminal Byth. He was intrigued by Earth, and decided to stay.

(Hawkman I #4) -Hawkman and Hawkgirl discovered a Shang statue and A Celtic cup in their museum collection, but had no knowledge of how they got in their collection. Hawkman flew to the city of Yin in China, and Hawkgirl flew to the Hill of Tara in Ireland in hopes of getting clues. They each found bandits raiding relics, and defeated them. They also both discovered an immobile sorceress, Zatanna. They brought the two Zatannas to their Thanagarian spaceship, and she merged into one person. She told them that she was Zatara's daughter, and after her father disappeared she searched the world to find him. She attempted to split herself in two, but being unfamiliar with some spells, she found herself mystically drained and immobile, and sent the relics from Yin and Tara to Midway, knowing the hawks would save her. Hawkman used the absorbascon to search Earth, but found no one had knowledge of Zatara's location, and with heavy heart Zatanna left to pursue other avenues.

(Hawkman I #4) - Thieves from the year 11964 came to the past and engaged in a robbery spree. Hawkman and Hawkgirl tried to foil their robbery of an art gallery, but the thieves' human magnetor pinned them down. Hawman analyzed fibers from the thieves  costumes, and developed a chemical that wouldn't be affected by the magnetor. After covering himself and Hawkgirl in the chemical they confronted the robbers, who made another raid on the past. Knowing that the thieves couldn't bring anything from the past into the future that wasn't inside of their magnetor car, they covered it in modern paint. The thieves were sent to jail, and Hawkman suggested auctioning off their futuristic possessions to compensate the victims of their robberies.

(Hawkman I #5) - Lucius Crane, an elderly gem collector, decided to donate his collection to the Midway City Museum, but when Carter and Shiera came to pick up the valuables they found Shadow-Thief stealing them. As Hawkman and Hawkgirl they pursued him, but a booby trapped gun Shadow-Thief wielded took Hawkman out of action and allowed the villain to escape, and he let it be known to them that he'd guessed their secret identities because of their immediate appearance after they met him in their civilian identities. After another robbery they confronted him, but Shadow-Thief used his dimensiometer to send them in the form of shadows to the shadow dimension of Xarapion from which her got his powers. He used a paralysis beam to imprison their shadows, and as a consequence their earthly bodies were also immobilized. The Thief detailed a plan to use his dimensiometer to bring an ice age to Earth, and left the heroes in their prison, along with Thar Dan, who'd initially given him the dimensiometer and now regretted it. Hawkman used telepathy that was a side effect of the beam to contact a hawk on Earth that moved his body, and on Xarapion he was now free of the beam. Thar Dan gave them a dimensiometer that let them return to normal and physically attack Shadow-Thief on Earth. Once captured Shadow-Thief threatened to reveal their identities, but Hawkman had har Dal use a paralysis ray on the Thief's human form on Xarapion to keep him from talking, while his shadow was imprisoned in an Earth prison.

(Hawkman I #6) - Archaeologist Paul Colby unearthed a golden mask created by Vulcan in Greece and presented it to Carter and Shiera Hall of the Midway Museum. It was once the mask of a giant automaton that wrecked havoc in Greece centuries ago. As he was hanging it in the Hellas Hall it possessed him and subdued Carter. The mask took him back to Mount Olympus with the Halls in their superhero identities of Hawkman and Hawkgirl in hot pursuit. The mask uncovered its body and reunited, bringing the Giant in the Golden Mask back to life. The Ginat went on a rampage until the hawks found the case where Colby discovered the mask, and once again separated the giant and his face, leaving him immobile. The giant was kept on display as a tourist attraction to bring in money to restore the town it wrecked. The mask was brought to the Midway Museum, where it was unveiled to the public for one minute daily, not enough time for it to take mental possession of anyone nearby.

(Hawkman I #6) - Hawkman and Hawkgirl planned a dinner date, but before their night out Hawkgirl spent the afternoon cleaning their Thanagarian ship. Kalvars, aliens that crash-landed on Earth thousands of years ago, awoke and needed an intact spaceship to depart the planet. Their leader Fal Tal attacked Hawkgiel mentally and made off with the Hawks ship. The Hawks repaired the Kalvar ship and overtook the aliens, temporarily disabling their Thanagarian craft, and took them to Thanagar to stand trial for the theft.

(Justice League of America I #34) - Hawkman and the JLofA had dreams where parts of their teammates costumes attached themselves to them and gave them their teammates powers and weaknesses. In their dreams they overcame this and defeated a giant Italian statue, giant seashells and Joker and Chac. When they woke these dream adversaries became real, as did the objects that handicapped them. Their enemies had learned from their dream defeat, but by switching up tactics the league defeated them. They reasoned that Dr. Destiny was involved, and although he was in jail he'd built a Materioptikon in his dreams. The League had him sent to a psychiatrist in hopes of removing his dream powers.

(Justice League of America I #117) - The Equalizer infected Thanagar with microbes that made everyone average, with no one smarter, stronger or more capable than anyone else. Hawkman found he no longer had the power to be a law enforcement agent, and pursued the Equalizer, who was heading towards Earth, in his Thanagarian ship. Hawkman knew he d need help, so he contacted the JlofA, and they met him on Mars. The Equalizer s microbes averaged out the JlofA s powers, and let Hawkman share in some of them. He didn t have time to explain his situation, and the JlofA were baffled and thought their loss of powers were an attack by their former ally. Hawkman managed to defeat them, and left them on Mars while he continued to chase the Equalizer. The League focused their reduced willpower on Green Lantern s ring, allowing them to catch up to Hawkman, who was at a standstill with the Equalizer. After Hawkman explained the situation the League aided him, but the Equalizer countered any attack they mustered. They realized that he also equalized his emotions in response to theirs, so they focused their thoughts on hate to make him give a loving response. The Equalizer realized how much they despised him, so he cured the League of the microbes infecting them and either self-destructed or returned to his home galaxy. Hawkman realized he couldn't t return to Thanagar for fear of being reinfected until he found a cure, and asked for readmission to the League. The JlofA voted him back in, and he shed a single tear of gratitude.

(Justice League of America I #118, 119) - Dr. Hubble sent out signals to outer space from his observatory in Central City. His continued failures led him to switch off the machine, but his last message was garbled and received by an alien from Arcturus. He concluded from the scrambled message that Earth was being overrun with superhumans, and sent his Adaptoids to destroy Earth s superheroes. The Adaptoids arrived in Central City, where they were confronted by the Flash. Hawkman  and Aquaman were observing from the JlofA satellite, and Aquaman was getting worried that Hawkman had made the job his life since Thanagar had been quarantined. Hawkman ignored Aquaman, and decided he needed a new League adventure as a distraction, so he hit the JlofA emergency signal. The League responded, and after adapting to an Earth environment the creatures attacked the League and adapted to counter all of their powers before returning to their spaceship. Their master sent out a broadcast to the JlofA, telling them they could either abandon Earth, or face athree groups of Adaptoids stationed in Hong Kong, San Francisco and Venice. The heroes saw the Adaptoids as a threat, and confronted them, but left Hawkman behind, feeling his grief for his loss of Thanagar would make him a liability. The battle went against them, and after being infected by the Adapotoids they retreated back to the JlofA satellite. Hawkman left a note saying he d returned to Thanagar, and they were all steamed at his selfishness. The Adaptoids decided that the entire human race was viral, spreading too fast and destroying the planet Earth. They were no longer satisfied with forcing superheroes to leave Earth, they promised to exterminate the human race to save the planet, and broadcast their intentions on a TV transmission. Batman, Atom, Elongated Man and Green Arrow tried to defeat hem, but were bested and teleported back to the JlofA satellite alongside their fellow beaten Leaguers. The Adaptoids started toppling world governments when Hawkman returned from Thanagar, along with Hawkgirl, and teleported the Adaptoids to ther satellite. The League questioned his motivations, but his plan soon became clear. Hawkgirl s Equalizer Disease that made everyone around her equal gave the JlofA the edge over the aliens, enabling them to defeat the Adaptoids and imprison them on an abandoned planet halfway between Earth and Thanagar. The Adaptoids settled into their new home, building cities and prospering, while Hawkman and Hawkgirl vowed to monitor them. Atom ran medical tests on the heroes and concluded that they were immune to the Equalizer Disease after their previous exposure, and Hawkgirl had been cured. Hawkman was glad to have his companion back on Earth, and vowed to work with her to find a way to cure his people.

(Justice League of America I #121) - When the Leaguers on Rann were seemingly disintegrated by the robot Borg, Adam Strange traveled to the JlofA satellite to gather Hawkman and the rest of the League to avenge their comrades and deal with the mastermind behind the attacks, Kanjar Ro. Before the League could form a plan of action they were alerted to a freak electric storm in Long Island, and left their satellite to respond, with Adam staying behind because Earth s surface was poisonous to him. The storm turned out to be a Cloud Creature, another revamped threat from Rann, and it defeated the League. Kanjar confronted Adam Strange and explained his schemes, but Adam responded by stealing the energi-rod he d used to recreate the Rannian menaces and zeta-beamed back to Rann. Sardath used the brain waves on file from Kanjar Ro s time as a prisoner on Rann to allow Adam control over the energi-rod. Adam correctly reasoned that Kanjar s ego demanded that he destroy the entire JlofA in one fell swoop, so the seemingly murdered Leaguers must have been in captivity on Rann. In an ice cave he found the five black spheres that Kanjar had turned the League into, and undid the transformation with the energi-rod. He found an additional black sphere, and it turned out to be Alanna. She told Adam that Kanjar kept her alive as insurance to have leverage against Adam if his plan failed. The JlofA returned to Earth and defeated the Cloud Creature. Without his energi-rod Kanjar was easy pickings, and Black Canary knocked him out with a karate chop. The League went to Rann with Adam and attended his wedding to Alanna.

(Justice League of America I #125, 126) - Lugons of energy built up in the Dronndarians dimension and threatened to reach critical mass. To siphon off the energy three Dronndarians used their transmission facilities to send their minds to Earth. Their intellects inhabited statues of Julius Cesear, Benjamin Franklin and Napolean, and offered underworld figures a chance for a one-time use of unlimited power. Each time a criminal used the transmitted lugons of energy to murder a ruival or commit a crime, Dronndarr gained more time before exploding. The Dronndarrians approached Batman nemesis Two-Face, but his schizophrenic personality made him turn down the offer in hopes pof saving Earth. He alerted Hawkman and the Justice League of America, and they were initially skeptical, but the details of his story panned out, they allowed him to help them quell a riot at Oceanside Prison led by  Bull  Langdon and other criminals powered by the Dronndarians. Aquaman figured out that the lugon energy was short-circuited by water, and commanded whales to splash the criminals, ending the riot. They confronted the Dronndarrians, who fled from their animated statues and returned home. The Dronndarrians realized they had failed, even if the League hadn't intervened they hadn't siphoned off nearly enough energy to save their world. They went to the Anti-Matter Universe and contracted the Weaponers of Qward to save their world by destroying Earth with a massive burst of lugon energy. The Qwardians employed Two-Face, who d decided to turn against the League, to attach Dronndarian power blast devices to each of the Leaguers, and tell them about their planned attacks on Bomnn, Sydney and Toronto. The JlofA released more and more lugons of energy into Earth as they battled and overcame the Qwardians, but Atom realized the Qwardian scheme and Two-Face s betrayal. He alerted his teammates and they allowed the Qwardians to beat them until the last of their lugon energy was siphoned back to Dronndar. GL used his power ring to observe the Dronndarians final fate, as their world exploded they evolved into gbeings of pure energy to survive.

(Justice League of America I #127) - The Anarchist kidnapped several world leaders in the name of bringing chaos to the world s governments, and challenged the JlofA to stop him from kidnapping a group oif U.N. delegates. Superman, Green Arrow, Flash and Red Tornado responded, but the Anarchist and his cronies fought them to a standstill and snatched the delegates, leaving the U.N. furious with the Justice League. Clark Kent covered a performance by Simon Elis, faith-healer, and was convinced that he was the Anarchist. The JlofA followed Elias, but he foiled them with a burst of energy, and managed to teleport away with League members Batman, Black Canaery and Elongated Man. Green Lantern told Superman that someone was mind-controlling him, forcing him to recharge his power ring and siphoning off the energy, and they deduced that the Anarchist was the culprit. The next time the Anarchist tried to make GL recharge, GL convinced Superman to knock him out with a punch. Hawkman used his persona -tracker to track down the Anarchist, and he revealed that he was using Green Lantern s powers and creating chaos so that he could restore the world order as Simon Elis and become a dictator. Without GL s power to draw off, the Anarchist and his cronies were easy pickings for the League.

(DC Comics Presents #11) - Hawkman was contacted by Frank Rayles, and visited his observatory after Rayles told Hawkman he could give him superhuman strength by infusing him with starlight from Polaris, the sun of Thanagar. Unbeknownst to the hero Frank was a small-time hood that Hawkman once put away who craved vengeance. By infusing Hawkman with polaris starlight he could mentally control Hawkman with his remote-control helmet. Before he lost control he alterted a blue jay, and sent it to find Superman. The polaris energy was unstable, and could cause Hawkman to explode if he struck an invulnerable object, so Frank sent him after Superman. They battled briefly as a test before Frank recalled Hawkman and infused him with enough polaris starlight to make him explode. The blue hjay found Superman, and he took the problem head on, confronting Hawkman, and dodging his blow, but creating a phosphorescent light show so Rayles would think Hawkman was dead and remove the remote-controlled helmet. The heroes then defeated Rayles.

(Swamp Thing II #46) - Hawkman was among the number of heroes teleported to the Monitor s satellite by Alexander Luthor, Jr., who explained his plan to make sure reality survived the Crisis.

Comments: Created by Gardner Fox & Joe Kubert.

Hawkman received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #10.

Hawkman had cameos in DC Comics Presents #4, 26, 30 and Swamp Thing II #70.

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