Membership: None named

Base of Operations: Garon

First Appearance: Green Lantern II #36 (April, 1965)

Powers: The Headmen all possessed super-mentality. Products of their super-science included a Cerebro-Ray that could bend others to their will, space faring rocket ships, patrol crafts capable of turning invisible, and laser cannons and pistols.

History: (Green Lantern II #36) - A clique of super-intelligent Garon aliens with enlarged cranium dubbed themselves the headmen and enslaved their planet. They controlled their populace using a cerebro-ray that made the target bend to their will. By chance the ray had no effect on Onu Murtu, and she plotted against the Headmen, developing equations and technology to undo the effects of the cerebro-ray, but when she was found out she fled to Earth. She told Green lantern her story, but when the Headmen tracked her down they tried to trick GL by telling him her story were a lie, and that she was a wanted criminal who needed to return to Garon to face justice. GL was unsure of whom to trust, but made up his mind when the Headmen tipped their hand, attempting to use a sniper to take out the distracted GL. GL forced them to flee and offered to help Onu Murtu free her people. She refused, telling him that her people used to be a proud race, and that she had to lead the rebellion herself.

Comments: Created by John Broome & Gil Kane.

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