Real Name: Heggra

Class: God (New Gods)

Occupation: Queen of Apokolips

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Drax (Infinity Man, son), Kalibak (grandson), Orion (grandson), Steppenwolf (brother), Tigra (daughter-in-law), Uxas (Darkseid, son), Yuga Khan (husband)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Apokolips

First Appearance: New Gods I # 7 (February-March, 1972)

Powers: Heggra was a cruel and cunning queen, and had the armies of Apokolips at her disposal.

History: (Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #3 (fb), New Gods I #11 (fb, BTS), 7 (fb, BTS), New Gods III #8) - Heggra was the queen of the treacherous ruling body of Apokolips. Heggra had two sons, Drax and Uxas, and claimed to value Drax for being a brave warrior and an asset in her wars against New Genesis. Uxas was a born schemer and coward, and she needed a way to keep him in line. Queen Mother Heggra disapproved of her son Uxas courting the sorceress Suli, and although she bore him the son Kalibak she had Desaad poison her. Any love in Uxas' heart was erased, and his rage began to grow. He resolved never to trust anyone, not even family, and to never again feel love. She arranged for Uxas to marry Tigra, and the marriage was loveless, as Heggra had planned.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #3 (fb)) - After the latest peace with New Genesis, Uxas told his mother that Drax had decided to be a peacemaker, and shook hands with Izaya the Inheritor. Heggra found this hilarious, and warned her son that he must prove his Apokoliptan worth by soon taking a wife and the god-power that was rightfully his. Pressured by his mother, and his treacherous friend Desaad, he decided to go ahead with his rite of passage

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #5 (fb)) - Heggra awaited the outcome, and att dinner she had a servant present her with a number of Hunger Dog infants, and she chose a plump one for her meal. Uxas betrayed Drax, and stole the power for himself. He prepared to kill his mother, but she laughed. She knew Drax would fail, and Uxas would succeed because she had crafted him to represent what the omega energy represented. She’d been cold and cruel to him, and made him into a heartless schemer obsessed with power. She asked his god name, and he’d chosen Darkseid, the name no other New God had ever claim for themselves. He admitted there was much he could learn from his mother in the ways of evil, and spared her.

(New Gods I #7, New Gods III #20 (fb)) - Darkseid incited a war between New Genesis and Apokolips when he caused Steppenwolf to murder Avia, wife of Izaya the Inheritor. Heggra moved her family to the royal bunker while the war raged, and was proud of Darkseid. Darkseid explained his plans to escalate the war using the x-element, which was used to construct a Matter Threshold that could instantly transport troops to new Genesis. Heggra died during the war when Darkseid ordered Desaad to poison her..

Comments: Created by Jack Kirby

Heggra received a profile in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16 under the New Gods entry.

Heggra’s appearance in New Gods I #7 was reprinted in New Gods II #4

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