Membership: Arak II, Baby Boom, Kritter, Mr. Bones, Penny Dreadful, Tao Jones

Base of Operations: Los Angeles, CA

First Appearance: Infinity, Inc. #17 (August, 1985)

History: During the 1960s' six pregnant women were injected with an experimental drug by their gynecologist Dr. Love. Their six children were born mutants, and were spirited away by Dr. Love, who raised them as his own. The children never left their house, and all they knew was learned from books, television and radio. When Dr. Love died they decided to become superheroes, inspired by TV clips of the Justice Society of America. Unfortunately the newly-formed Helix had no means to support themselves, so they soon turned to crime. They kidnaped Fury II of Infinity, Inc. And held her for ransom. Fury was rescued by her teammates, and Helix escaped.

After a brief and disastrous alliance with Carcharo, the team was captured. When Helix went on trial, the judge deemed them mentally unfit, and they were sentenced to a psychiatric hospital. Mr. Bones was taken into Infinity, Inc. custody and eventually became a member of the team. Helix did not take this separation well.

List of appearances: Infinity, Inc. #17, 18, 26, 28, 38, 52

Comments: Created by Roy Thomas & Todd McFarlane

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe Helix lived on Earth-2.

Last updated: 3/23/2002

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