Class: Extraterrestrials

Known Representatives: Lt. Nahraht

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Janus VI (Earth-Star Trek)

First Appearance: (television) Star Trek: The Original Series "The Devil in the Dark" (June, 1967), (DC Comics) 

Powers: The Hortas were silicon based lifeforms that had a stony, tough exterior, and could excrete acid to burrow through stone. They possessed sophisticated intelligence and reasoning. The Hortas reproduced by reducing the population down to own mother, creating hundreds of silicon nodules that would hatch into new Hortas.

History: (Who's Who in Star Trek #1) - The Hortas were silicon based lifeforms that reduced their population down to one gravid mother every 50,000 years. The Federation discovered the Hortas' homeworld Janus VI, and were unaware of any life, because Hortas were not standard carbon based lifeforms. Janus was rich in minerals, and supplied the Federation with wealth. Miners discovered the Hortas egg cache and destroyed the seemingly inert silicon nodules, prompting the last surviving Hortas to start killing the miners in self-defense. The U.S.S. Enterprise intervened on stardate 3196.8, and found the miners fearful of a boogeyman. Captain Kirk and Spock confronted the creature, and after a Vulcan mind-meld Spock realized the creature was no monster, but a mother. Spock empathized with the creature, and stopped a mob of miners from killing her. Using a universal translator, the Enterprise opened diplomacy between the Hortas and the miners. In return for the safety of her eggs the Hortas aided the miners in extracting minerals. The new generation of Hortas proved useful to the Federation, with one Hortas Nahraht serving as an Enterprise lieutenant.

Comments: Created by Gene L. Coon.

The Hortas, along with the rest of the characters from DC Comics run on Star Trek, were not part of the mainstream DC Universe. To simplify matters, I refer to these characters as inhabiting Earth-Star Trek. Surely, somewhere out there in the 52, there's a Star Trek universe, or there would be if DC still had the rights to make comics about Star Trek.

The Hortas received a profile in Who's Who in Star Trek #1, a summary of their television appearance.

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