Real Name: Brainiac 8
Class: Android
Occupation: Superhero
Group Affiliation: Outsiders III
Known Relatives: Vril Dox (Brainiac 1, ancestor), Vrill Dox II (Brainiac 2, ancestor), Lyrl Dox (Brainiac 3, ancestor), Kajz Dox (Brainiac 4, ancestor), Querl Dox (Brainiac 5, ancestor), Brainiac 6 (ancestor), Brainiac 7 (ancestor), Brainiac 9 (descendant), Brainiac 10 (descendant), Brainiac 11 (descendant), Brainiac 12 (descendant), Brainiac 13 (descendant), Brainiac 417 (descendant)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Titans / Young Justice: Graduation Day #1 (July, 2003)
Powers: Indigo could take control of other machines, and her powerful android body possessed vast superhuman strength and durability, could fly, create energy blasts, and project force fields.History: Indigo claimed to be an android from a dystopian 21st century possible future, ,sent back in time after being horribly damaged. During a competition between the Titans and Young Justice, she took over Cyborg's body, and was viewed as an enemy. After a titanic battle she fled into the body of a Superman Robot at S.T.A.R. Labs. The Robot killed Titans Omen and Troia, but was incapacitated by Indigo herself, reassuming control. Arsenal had her android body rebuilt by S.T.A.R. in hope of using her powers for good.
(Outsiders III #4-6) -Acting on tips from Arsenal's source, Indigo and the Outsiders battled and captured Calendar Man, Calculator, Plasmus, Punch and Jewlee and the Bug Eyed Bandit. Indigo and the Outsiders shut down a gun-running operation headed by Brain and Monsieur Mallah in Kwajalein. Arsenal's source gave him a hint that the villains they had recently captured were working for Brother Blood, so the Outsiders went to the House of St. Francis Monastery where Blood was living as a monk. Blood set off a bomb that destroyed the monastery and fled. The Outsiders learned Blood was going to activate sleeper agents to steal one million babies to start a new race raised loyal only to him. The Outsiders stopped Blood from activating a GPS signal that would awaken his sleepers, but they failed to prevent the inmates of the Slab, who were protecting Blood, from escaping custody.
(Outsiders III #7) - Indigo and the Outsiders physically restrained the real Metamorpho when showed up at Outsiders hq and tried to absorb the Outsider's Metamorpho, who was actually a piece of Metamorpho that formed its' own life. The Outsiders helped convince the real Metamorpho that their Metamorpho was a real hero and should be able to continue his own, separate life.
(Outsiders III #8) - Indigo and her Outsider's teammate Metamorpho went on a date, going to a Buster Keaton screening followed by bowling, two of Indigo's favorite things.
(Outsiders III #9-10) - Indigo and the Outsiders confronted Sabbac as he summoned the Soldiers of Dietec to Earth. With the help of Black Lightning and Captain Marvel, Jr. the Outsiders forced the Soldiers back to Hell and forced Sabbac to flee.
(Superman / Batman #13) - Indigo and the Outsiders were among the heroes invited to Paradise Island to welcome Superman's cousin Supergirl into the superhero community.
(Green Arrow III #49, 50) - When Indigo and the Outsiders learned Arsenal was supposedly caught in an explosion at the Star City Forest Trust Bank after aiding Green Arrow against Drakon, they came to offer their help. They searched the wreckage but found no sign of their teammate. They did find a calling card from Riddler, who had Drakon kidnap Arsenal before the detonation. They stormed Riddler’s safehouse, Puertas al Infierno, a former prison, and fought off the hi-tech armored mercenaries that guarded it. Shift captured Drakon, and once Riddler learned his security had been breached he fled, noting that his act was a game, and a hint of things to come when he was serious about destroying Green Arrow.
Comments: Created by Judd Winick & Ale Garza.
Indigo received a profile in Teen Titans / Outsiders Secret Files 2003.
Indigo had cameos in Green Arrow III #72, JLA #121 and Titans II #10.
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