Class: Magical constructs

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Amazon, Chile

First Appearance: Saga of the Swamp Thing #37 (June, 1985)

Powers: A typical Invunche's head was twisted backward, and their right arm sewn into their backs. Invunches possessed ferocious strength and superhuman durability, but possessed only bestial intelligence.

History: The Brujerķa, a coven of male witches, created Invunche as their servants by crippling and deforming an infant before performing a magic ritual on it.

(El Diablo III #4) - The demonic Vorpal was dedicated to wiping out his enemy El Diablo. He broke into the labs of Cerberus, and created an Invunche for that task. The Invunche went wild, killing most of Cerberus' staff members before being killed by El Diablo.

(El Diablo III #6) - Vorpal created an army of clone Invunches to protect his master Ninhursag, who was about to have a child that would unite Hell and Earth. Diablo found the cave where Ninhursag was to give birth and slaughtered the Invunches.

Comments: Adapted to comics by Alan Moore & Rick Veitch.

The Invunche was a creature of Chilean folklore. For more information see

The Invunche had a cameo in Hellblazer #7, 8.

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