Real Name: Johnny Chambers

Class: Altered human

Occupation: Mysteryman, Newsreel photographer for Sees All/Tells All News

Group Affiliation: All-Star Squadron

Known Relatives: Jesse Belle Chambers (Jesse Quick, daughter), Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle, ex-wife)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, NY

First Appearance: More Fun Comics #71 (September, 1941)

Powers: When Johnny Speed speaks the formula “3X2(9YZ)4A” aloud he gains superhuman speed, and he can turn-off his speed by speaking “Z25Y(2AB)6.” These formulas function as mantras that connect Johnny with the Speed Force, and few other people can utilize them. When endowed with super-speed Johnny also gains an aura of unknown energy that protects him from friction heat and other adverse effects of super-speed. He can also vibrate his atoms at such high speeds that they can slip past the atoms of solid objects, enabling him to pass through such objects without harming them or himself. Johnny Quick can fly by running at super-speed and then launching into flight.

History: (More Fun Comics #71)-Johnny Chambers’ guardian, the great scientist Professor Gill discovered a secret formula for giving a person super-speed. The formula was found on a piece of papyrus from the tomb of Egyptian king Amen. Knowing he did not have long to live, Gill gave Johnny the formula and asked him to use it in the name of justice. Johnny assumed the costumed identity of Johnny Quick to fight crime, and he entrusted the secret of his dual identity with his friend Tubby Watts, who acted as his sidekick.

During WWII Johnny joined the All-Star Squadron, and he fell in love with fellow member Liberty Belle. The two were married in 1942, and Johnny would partially retire in the mid 1950s’.

Impulse #10) - Johnny Quick visited Max Mercury in the hospital after his battle with Savitar and told Max he'd lost his power. Savitar was responsible and Quick finally admitted that Max was right, and his mathematical formula connected him to the Speed Force. Savitar's avatars attacked them, as well as Jay Garrick, XS and Impulse. The speedsters powers returned thanks to the actions of Flash and Jesse Quick, allowing them to defeat the avatars. The speedsters then went to confront Savitar.

(Flash II #110) -

(Impulse #11) - Impulse and the speedsters destroyed Savitar's avatars and destroyed his castle, but Johnny Quick sped up faster than he ever had before to save Jesse from an attack by Lady Savitar. He met the Speed Force, and became a part of it, ending his Earthly existence.

Comments: Created by Ed Moore & Mort Weisinger

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe Johnny Quick I lived on Earth 2.

A statue of Johnny Quick was seen in the JSA Museum in JSA #52 and JSA #63.

Johnny Quick had a cameo in Flash II #139, 141,  Spectre III #20 and Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1.

Quick’s grave in Valhalla was shown in JLA #5.

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