Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Extraterrestrial mutate

Occupation: Bounty hunter

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile across the universe

First Appearance: Teen Titans II #2 (November, 1996)

Powers: Jugular possessed superhuman strength and endurance. He was a shapeshifter who could form weapons from his body, or use his body to envelop opponents.

History: The H'san Natal genetically altered Jugular to give him powers, and he went into their employ as their bounty hunter. His main mission was to track down rogue H'san Natall hybrids, and this brought him into conflict with the Teen Titans.

(Supergirl / Prysm Double-Shot #1) - Jugular came to Earth with a squad of soldiers to capture Fringe for the H'sann Natall. They found Fringe in Leesburg, and subdued him, but were observed by Mickey and Tamara, a human couple. Jugular didn't want there to be any evidence of his visit, so he tried to kill them, but was stopped by Supergirl and Prysm. He battled the heroes, and Fringe summoned his ghostly protector, who attacked Jugular and threw him into a creek.

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