Real Name: Kali

Class: Goddess (Hindu gods)

Occupation: Goddess of destruction

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives:

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: India

First Appearance: (DC Comics) Wonder Woman II #149 (October, 1999)

Powers: As a goddess Kali possessed vast superhuman strength and durability, and was immortal. She had an unquenchable bloodlust, and demanded sacrifices from her devotees. She was a fierce fighter, and each one of her six arms held a deadly weapon. She could possess a human using the Red Sepulchre or Goor Khat.

History: (Hellblazer #180 (fb, BTS)) - Kali was the Hindu goddess of destruction, and was worshipped by the Phansigars or Thugees, who killed in her name. Blood belonged to Kali, so she would not accept a sacrifice whose blood had been spilled. She blessed the Goor Khat, or sacred knot, and the Thuggees used it to strangle their victims.

(Hellblazer #180) - The sacred knot disappeared in the 1800s, and gained near-mythic status as the Red Sepulchre, capable of opening the doors of lidfe and death. Domine Fredericks desired its power, and killed Scrape Gillis, the last known man to possess it, but he didn't know what it was or what it looked like. He kidnapped Gemma Masters to force her magician uncle John to find it for him. Once John identified the sacred knot he ha done of Frederick's thugs find it, and Kali possessed him. Kali killed Fredericks and all of his men before John dispelled the goddess and burned the knot so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.

Comments: Adapted to comics by Eric Luke & Rick Burchett.

Kali had a cameo in Flash Comics #95, Hellblazer #179, 264.

Kali is a goddess of the Hindu religion, and more information about her can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali.

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