Real Name: Kancer

Class: Extraterrestrial (Kryptonian) sentient cancer

Occupation: Supervillain

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Metropolis

First Appearance: Action Comics I #777 (May, 2001)

Powers: Kancer's Kryptonian physiology gave him superhuman powers under a yellow sun, including vast superhuman strength and durability, heat vision, x-ray vision and super-breathe. Kancer'sa touch infected victims with aggressive cancer that disintegrated them.

History: General Zod infected Superman witch cancer, and later used the cells to create the sentient Kancer as his henchman.

(Action Comics I #780) - Zod, Faora, Kancer and Ignition led a bloody invasion of Berlin. President Luthor sent Superman to stop them, and Zod told him he attacked Berlin simply because he could. Their fight was a stalemate, and they agreed to conclude their fight later when Superman had to retreat to confront Imperiex in Kansas.

(Superman: The Man of Steel #117) - Zod promised manpower to help President Luthor defeat Brainiac-13 and Darkseid if Luthor promised to make Pokolistan a world power, and Luthor agreed. Zod, Ignition, Kancer and Faora fought off Brainiac's drones in Metropolis and enabled Lex to enter LexCorp Towers, where Brainiac had his temporal displacement cannon.

Comments: Created by Joe Kelly.

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