Real Name: Khan Noonian Singh

Class: Genetically engineered human

Occupation: Leader, conqueror

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Lt. Marla McGivers (wife, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations:  Mobile, formerly Northern India, Earth (1990s era) (Earth-Star Trek)

First Appearance: (television) Star Trek: The Original Series: "Space Seed" (February, 1967), (DC Comics)

Powers: Khan possessed superhuman intellect, strength, agility and durability. He was a master politician and military strategist.

History: (Who's Who in Star Trek #1) - Khan was the product of eugenics experiments that created a race of supermen on Earth. The supermen soon sought conquest, seizing control of world governments. Khan controlled one quarter of the Earth's surface, leading with draconian force, claiming to be trying to unite humanity when non-genetically engineered humans revolted during the Eugenics War. The War lasted from 1993-1996, and Khan and his people were the last to be defeated. Khan and his people boarded the S.S. Botany Bay, and went into suspended animation, hoping to be woken when new conquest was available. The. U.S.S. Enterprise came upon Botany Bay on stardate 3141.9, and considered it as a historical treasure. Khan was revived first, and Mr. Spock pulled up his history, questioning the wisdom of reviving his followers. Historian Lt. Maria McGivers fell in love with Khan, who reflected her passion about the human past, when man had to wage war to survive. She helped him revive his crew, and they helped Khan take control of the Enterprise. Khan and Enterprise Captain Kirk waged war, and they were well-matched, because despite his genetic talents Khan was hubristic and impulsive. When Khan broke his promise to keep any of the Enterprise from getting hurt, McGivers turned against him, and helped Kirk defeat him. Kirk held a ship hearing, and decided to drop charges against Khan and his men, but to transport them to Ceti Alpha V, an extremely hostile planet capable of supporting human life. McGivers followed Khan, and he declared that she was a superior woman. Khan was grateful for the chance to forge a new empire on a hostile world, and Kirk was pleased with his judgment. The neighboring planet Cet Alpha VI exploded, and shifted V out of orbit, wrecking mass destruction. Many of Khan's men perished, and McGivers, now his wife, was killed by a Ceti eel that burrowed into her head. Khan blamed Kirk, and vowed revenge, no matter the cost. Fourteen years later, stardate 8130.4 starship Reliant crew Captain Clark Terrell and Chekov beamed to what they thought was VI to check the progress of top secret Project Genesis. Khan captured them, and bent them to his will with Ceti eels. They took control of the Reliant, and while Khan's people were happy to have safe haven, he was determined to pursue his mission of vengeance against Kirk and destroy the Enterprise. Khan and Kirk waged a cat and battle against each other. In the end Mr. Spock perished of radiation poisoning reactivating the Enterprise's warp engines. Khan doomed his crew by launching the pilfered Genesis Torpedo, and spit his last hateful breath at Kirk before he died.

Comments: Created by Carey Wilbur.

Khan, along with the rest of the characters from DC Comics run on Star Trek, were not part of the mainstream DC Universe. To simplify matters, I refer to these characters as inhabiting Earth-Star Trek. Surely, somewhere out there in the 52, there's a Star Trek universe, or there would be if DC still had the rights to make comics about Star Trek.

Khan received a profile in Who's Who in Star Trek #1, a summary of his television and movie appearances.

For more on the television and movie version of Khan see Wikipedia.

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