Class: Extraterrestrials

Known Representatives: Amon Hakk, Chucck, Falint, Gashmak, Ghorbak, Khidrack, Vanamon Kreel, Wharlick, Zaryan The Conqueror

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Khundia

First Appearance: Adventure Comics I #346 (July, 1966)

Powers: The Khunds were fierce heavily-armed warriors with the capability for interstellar travel.


(Green Lantern III #52) - Gashmak of the Khunds was captured after Invasion and held in Slabside Island Penitentiary. When Mongol arrived at the prison he broke out Gashmak and a number of other prisoners, but when Mongul noticed Gashmak was a Khund he killed him, noting he'd never cared for Khunds.

(Guy Gardner: Warrior #28) - When the Kraggz violated Khundian space borders a ship led by Chucck and Falint prepared to destroy the Kraggs. The Kraggz shot the Khunds with a dissipation blast, destroying their ship.

(Green Lantern III #73) - Two Khunds and the Sychian Vasha were stranded in Coast City, so they went to Gateway City and tried to steal a warp prototype from Dyna Tech so they could return to the stars. Wonder Woman defeated them and they went into hiding for a month. Wonder Woman faked her death to draw them out, and they made another attempt at stealing the prototype, but were captured by Wonder Woman and Green Lantern Kyle Rayner and sent to the Slab.

(Green Lantern IV #12) - A Khund was present for a gathering of bounty hunters, intergalactic and Earthbound that took place six hundred feet under Thames.

(R.E.B.E.L.S. #4, 5) - Captain Ciji, a Durlan disguised as a little girl, commanded a Khund warship, and acquired bounty hunters Amon Hakk, Skwaul and Getorix, who'd been pursuing former L.E.G.I.O.N. commander Vril Dox. Skwaul was a telepath, and sensed something disturbing in Ciji's thoughts, but she impaled and killed him before he could speak, saying she detested mind readers. Vril had taken Getorix' monstrous underling Tribulus, but he had a tracking device on the creature, and Ciji demanded he lead her to Dox. They found Dox and his team of R.E.B.E.L.S. near Maltus, and boarded their ship. Ciji said she wasn't after the bounty on Vril's head, she'd been assigned by the Durlan Shadow Council to restore order, because after Vril's disappearance from L.E.G.I.O.N. the Khunds, Spider Guild and Citadelians began massing their forces, threatening war.Their conversation was interrupted by Starro slave Astrild Storm-Daughter, who said her master was fascinated by the mind tthat created the L.E.G.I.O.N., and offered him the chance to serve Starro, and retain some degree of free will. Vril had no interest in the proposal, Ciji blasted Astrild, and Astrild responded by attacking her ship, killing a number of Khunds and Getorix, but Amon Hakk managed to put on an EVA suit and flee to Vril's ship before Astrild destroyed Ciji's ship.

(R.E.B.E.L.S. #6, 7) - Starro The Conqueror usurped L.E.G.I.O.N. and conquered the Dominator homeworld. The Khunds and other extraterrestrial civilizations prepared for war with Starro. Vril Dox trapped Starro on Maltus along with nearby planets using a forcefield. He reached out to a Khund warship for help fighting Starro, but they said they could easily destroy the invader themselves.

(R.E.B.E.L.S. #8) - The Khunds Godhead ship approached the Starro controlled Dominator homeworld, and prepared to wipe it out with neuron torpedoes. The High Vanguard responded, led by Smite, and dismantled the Khunds weapons before slaughtering most of them, and placing Starro spores on the rest. Starro The conqueror told Smite his work was impressive as always.

(R.E.B.E.L.S. #13, 14) - Starro prepared for an invasion of Earth, with his fleet including Khundian star-slaves. Vril Dox severed Starro's connection to his slaves, freeing them. He sent out a broadcast saying he'd think of a way for everyone to thank him for liberating them.

(Legion of Super-Heroes III #10) - The Worldcomp computer chose the candidates for the next President of the Earth, and the Khunds assembled a terror team to assassinate the candidates. Chief Zendak learned of their plot, and fearing it was a diversion to pave the way for a Khund invasion of Earth he had the majority of the Legion of Super-Heroes fly a spaceship into Earth’s orbit to keep watch alongside Science Police crafts. The rest of the Legion were assigned to protect the candidates, with Sun Boy foiling a Khund assassination attempt on Candidate Lopyt of Acapulco and Invisible Kid saving Candidate Leung of Yangtzopolis. Invisible Kid accidentally opened a spacewarp during the fight, and he and the Khund ended up in Earth’s orbit. Invisible Kid’s Legion transuit protected him, but the Khund died, leaving Invisible Kid in a state of shock. Element Lad brought the Kid back to the Legion spaceship and told him to get some rest before they decided if he violated the Legion code. Wildfire guarded Candidate Mojai Desai of India, who bragged that his family had been leaders for generations, and he’d be sure to be elected. A Khund assassin burst into Desai’s flying mansion, and during his fight with Wildfire he brought the mansion down on his own head. Wildfire flew Desai to safety, and his family safely escaped in lifeships. Colossal Boy, Yera and his parents celebrated Marte’s last day as President. She said she looked forward to going back to teaching at university. The Khunds tried a last ditch effort to spark a war with Earth, and sent an assassin to kill Marte. Colossal Kid fought him off, saving his mother’s life, but was wounded by a laserblast to his arm.

Comments: Created by Jim Shooter.

The Khunds received profiles in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #12 and Who's Who in the DC Universe #4.

Khunds had a cameo in Hawk and Dove III #1.

The Khunds appearance in Legion of Super-Heroes III #10 was reprinted in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #335.

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