Real Name: Kintaro

Class: Extradimensional (Shokan)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Outworld

First Appearance: (DC Comics) Mortal Kombat X #13 (March, 2015)

Powers: Kintaro was a giant tiger-like beast with four arms, and was a skilled warrior.

History: (Mortal Kombat X #13, 14, 15, 18) - In a battle for Outworld Kotal Kahn and Goro clashed, and Kotal emerged victorious after ripping off Goro's arms. The mutilated Goro approached his father King Gorbak, and requested he kill him for falling in combat. Gorbak refused, telling his son the wounds Kotal inflicted on him hurt him as well, and he ordered a regiment of Shokan against Kotal and his forces, including Kintaro and Sheeva. Kotal and his allies Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade made battle plans for defending the city. Kotal admitted he did not know the size of the Shokan army, but if the odds were overwhelming he would challenge their champion to Kombat. D'vorah spotted their army approaching, and although their numbers were few they marched with the Oni Warlords. Kotal sent D'Vorah, Ferra and Torr out as diplomats to meet with Kintaro, offering to pay reparations for crippling Goro. Kintaro showed them no respect, and demanded their absolute surrender. D'Vorah replied that Kotal would never submit, so the Shokan attacked the city walls. After hours of bloody warfare Kotal Kahn confronted King Gorbak, killing him by exploding his head. The Shokan retreated, but Kotal knew they'd be back. Kintaro informed Goro that when their war with Kotal was over they'd need to choose a succesor, and Goro would not be eligible because he was crippled. Goro promised the Shokan would pay for rejecting him.

(Mortal Kombat X #20, 21) - Kano agreed to ally himself with Kotal in exchange for becoming his arms dealer, and Kotal agreed. Kintaro, the Shokan and the Oni Warlords led another raid on Z'unkahrah, but were halted by Kotal and his new allies. Tremor unleashed an earthquake on the Shokan, and Kano hit them with an atomic weapon, decimating the forces. The Shokan refused to surrender, so Kotal ordered his forces to kill them all. Kintaro said he would not yield, but asked for an honorable death. Kotal spared him, telling him he never warred with the Shokan before Goro threw his lot with Mileena, and would welcome them as allies in war against her. Kintaro accepted, and both sides cheered.

Comments: Created by John Tobias.

Kintaro was a character from the Mortal Kombat video game series, first appearing in Mortal Kombat II. This entry covers only Cage's DC appearances. For a full history of the character see

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