Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Lord of Order

Occupation: Lord of Order

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: All known realities

First Appearance: Adventures of Superman #494 (September, 1992)

Powers: Kismet wielded control over the entire fabric of the universe, but chose to only use her power to illustrate the divergent paths between order and chaos.

History: Kismet was a Lord of Order guiding those torn between the forces of order and chaos. She intervened in several key moments in Superman's life.

(Superman II #173, Adventures of Superman #595) - President Luthor, the Atom and Doc Magnus devised a plan to crack Imperiex Prime's armor and channel the energies back to the galaxies he stole them from using a Boom Tube provided by Darkseid. Superman, Strange Visitor and the Blackhawks were responsible for delivering a payload of 30 hydrogen bombs to drop on Imperiex Prime. Strange Visitor and Kismet explained to Superman that Visitor was the essence of Sharon Vance, but more of a memory than a person, which is why she was incapable of finding happiness. Her main function was as a vessel to hide Kismet from her enemies. She absorbed Superman's energy and left him behind while she bombed Imperiex, sacrificing herself to crack his shell. Kismet took Superman outside time and space to shield him from the explosion.

Comments: Created by Jerry Ordway & Tom Grummett

Kismet received a profile in JLAA-Z #2 and Superman Secret Files #2.

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