Real Name: Kra
Class: Extraterrestrial (Zunian) robot
Occupation: Ruler
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Zuna
First Appearance: Challengers of the Unknown I #8 (June-July, 1959)
Powers: Kra was a sentient robot who possessed superhuman strength and durability.
History: (Challengers of the Unknown I #8) - The Zunians had a society where robots fulfilled their every need, but when an Earth rocket exploded near the moon the radiation drifted to their planet, giving the robots sentience. The robots, led by Kra, rebelled and became tyrants. The robots could be deactivated by a switch on their backs, but the radiation they generated was deadly to Zunians, so they couldn't get close to the robots. Juhl, a Zunian leader, went to Earth to ask for help from the famous Challengers of the Unknown. Juhl took them to his planet, and when Kra heard of his plan he broadcast an order to have his robots start destroying Zunian towns, promising more severe repercussions for any more dissent. The Zunians had a chemical that would remove the radiation from the robots, and the Challs made their way past Kra's robots to take an ancient aircraft from one of Zuna's museums and loaded it up with the antidote. The Challs confronted Kra, throwing sand in his joints to disable him before disassembling him and broadcasting on his speakers, telling his robot hordes to gather in the town square, where the Challs sprayed them all with the antidote. The Zunians thanked the Challs for saving them and sent them home.
Comments: Created by France Herron & Jack Kirby.
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