Real Name: presumably Lando
Class: Human magic-user
Occupation: Stage magician, mysteryman
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile, 1940s era
First Appearance: World's Best Comics #1 (Spring, 1941)
Powers: Lando was a master magician, capable of teleportation, hypnotization, levitation, turning invisible, and matter transformation and creation.History: (World's Best Comics #1) - Lando was a magician who earned his money giving magic performances, and who dedicated his spare time to fighting all wrong-doers and threats to America's safety. After a highly successful tour Lando went on vacation in Neva, a small town in the Rockies. The locals jibed him about his outlandish magician costume, so he used a spell to turn the clothes of the toughest one into a dress. Having properly chastised the bully, Lando signed into a motel, and the clerk Rossi tried to dissuade him from staying in town, but Lando would have none of it. A girl named Micki Davis snuck into his room, telling him she was suspicious that Crown Mountain outside of town was a base for enemy spies. The locals tried to keep people away from Neva and Crown, and she begged for his help in rooting out the spies. Lando found Rossi snooping outside his door, and made his nose grow to Pinocchio lengths for his impertinence. Lando promised Micki he'd investigate the next morning. They hired a guide, who was actually one of the spies in Rossi's employ. When they started climbing and were hooked together with ropes the guide cut them, hoping Lando would fall to his death. Lando demonstrated that he could levitate and forced the guide to tell him the straight dope. Spy General Hong and his men had an airdrome on top of the mountain, and they planned on taking over the U.S. Lando flew to the top of the mountain, turned all of Hong's planes into broken-down autos, and easily dispatched Hong, creating a cage from the thin air to imprison him.
Comments: Created by Howard Purcell.
In the pre-Crisis DCU, Lando lived on Earth-2.
Lando seems like a store-bought version of Zatara. Did DC really need two real magicians posing as stage magicians and fighting crime?
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