Real Name: Unrevealed
Class: Human technology-user
Occupation: Superhero
Group Affiliation: G7 Authority
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: The Bleed, Earth-50
First Appearance: The Authority I #22 (March, 2001)
Powers: Last Call wore body armor, and its' cybernetics gave him superhuman fighting abilities.
History: (The Authority I #22, 23) - The G7 nations had had enough of the Authority throwing their weight around, and sent their superhuman troubleshooter Seth to take care of them. He ran through the Authority, and the Midnighter managed to save Jenny Quantum, using the Carrier to open a door and bring her to safety. He teleported aboard an airbase and rammed a jet into Seth, exploding the Carrier, which crashed to Earth. Seth was unharmed, and there was no sign of the Midnighter. The G7 had hand-picked a replacement Authority, with the Colonel, a short-tempered soccer hooligan as their leader, and after taking over the Carrier they announced to the world that they were in charge. The Carrier repaired itself, and Machine threatened it until it entered the Bleed for them. The G7 Authority had orders to seek out fossil fuels from parallel worlds as one of their top priorities. The Carrier held thousands of Southeast Asian refugees, most of whom had died in the crash, and the Colonel didn't want to deal with the politics of repatriating them, so the Surgeon dumped them in the Bleed. Teuton started bawling, seeing what happened as an atrocity, and the Colonel tried to cheer him up by dehumanizing Asians. The new Authority had a media special, and the cover story was that the Authority had died after drunkenly crashing the Carrier. The new authority claimed to have been close to them, and were following in their footsteps, being revolutionaries by being part of the system. Midnighter's replacement Last Call made a big point out of having a girlfriend, and not being gay like his predecessor.
(The Authority I #24-26) - Chaplain Action, He-Man of the Cloth served as the spiritual advisor for the G7 Authority, although their interest was mostly for the cameras to convince the public they weren't godless like the old Authority. A mysterious event put the richest citizens into third-world conditions, and the G7 Authority stole food relief for them from Somalia and investigated the cause. Last Call told Teuton to stop crying in public, and was worried people would think they were a couple like Apollo and Midnighter. The surviving Asian refugees that were dumped in Re-Space returned to Earth with futuristic warplanes and attacked the Authority. The Colonel opened a door to Columbia to direct the warships against a rebel force, even though occupying the refugees was only a temporary solution. Re-Space had allowed the refugees to change the world according to their dreams, and they'd built a utopia at the cost of Earth's 1%. The Colonel blamed his team for dumping the refugees, and refused to take responsibility for issuing the order. Chaplain Action gave him a pep talk, and they invaded Re-Space. The refugees dreamed of the real Authority, the heroes that had rescued them, and the G7 were transformed into their heroic predecessors. Last Call raged that he could never be Midnighter because he was straight, and beat Dinh, the leader of the refugees, to death, returning the G7 to normal. The Colonel used Re-Space to return the 1% to the top, and told Last Call he was a weird homophobe, but he'd won the day. The G7 were back in the government's good graces, and destroyed a deathsquad sent by the Authority's ally Jacob Krigstein, following that up by destroying the environment to shut up protestors who didn't want America drilling for oil in Alaska. The Colonel loved his job.
(The Authority I #27, 28) - The Authority's work for the WTO led to a planetwide ecological crisis in the 27th Century, and the teen heroes of that era traveled back in time to fight them, but were massacred. The Carrier's explosion had caused a rip in the Bleed, and Machine warned that nearby parallel worlds would soon be crashing in on them. The Colonel said a cries like that would merit another raise for him. Depowered Apollo had been kept prisoner by the G& Authority, and they let Last Call beat on him for a diversion. He told Apollo about the awful fates all his teammates were suffering. The Carrier hated the new Authority, and took them through some of the most diseased universes, such as the Megalosalmon Shoals, as protest. The Surgeon showed off his new creation Religimon, a pop culture created god to unite the teeming masses. The Colonel got bored, and started sexually harassing and bullying Rush. Midnighter broke into the Carrier, and ran over Street with his motorcycle, killing him. The Colonel panicked, and said to call their bosses and get Seth to help them. Teuton tried to assault Apollo, and Midnighter caved in his head with a bolt pistol. Apollo wept tears of joy to see his husband alive and well. The remaining G7 argued about who was going to fight Midnighter, and they all tried to back off, but Seth arrived and told them not to worry about it. Apollo fried Last Call and Engineer's heads with his heat vision, and Midnighter shot the Surgeon.
Comments: Created by Mark Millar & Frank Quitely.
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