Real Name: None

Class: Terrestrial construct

Occupation: Supervillain, formerly superhero

Group Affiliation: formerly Honor Guard

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Astro City, Earth-Astro City

First Appearance: Kurt Busiek’s Astro City I (Image) #1 (August, 1995)

PowersThe Living Nightmare was a near mindless engine of destruction powered by the emotions of others. The Nightmare possessed superhuman strength and durability, and was a fierce fighter. The nightmare was a shapeshifter and could leech the powers from superhumans it fought.

History(Kurt Busiek’s Astro City I (Image) #1 (fb, BTS)) - The Living nightmare was created by a psychologist seeking to eliminate fear, but all he did was create an avatar of fear and a mindless engine of destruction. For a time a marine pilot took control of the Living Nightmare, with his mind superseding the creature’s consciousness. This heroic Living Nightmare served with the Honor Guard.

(Kurt Busiek’s Astro City I (Image) #1) - The Living Nightmare reappeared, attacking the Samaritan and trying to leech away his powers. The Samaritan managed to carry the Nightmare into space and hurl it into the sun.

Comments: Created by Kurt Busiek, Alex Ross & Brent E. Anderson.

Living Nightmare was originally published by Image Comics.

Kurt Busiek’s Astro City I (Image) #1 was reprinted in Kurt Busiek’s Astro City: Life in the Big City #1.

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