Real Name: Louis Hughes

Class: Human

Occupation: Minuteman

Group Affiliation: Minutemen

Known Relatives: Carlos (cousin, deceased), Hughes (mother), Curtis Hughes (father, deceased)

Aliases: The Boy

Base of Operations: Philadelphia, PA

First Appearance: 100 Bullets #15 (October, 2000)

Powers: Loop was skilled with firearms and a competent hand-to-hand combatant.

History:  (100 Bullets #15, 16) - Loop Hughes was raised by a single mother after his father Curtis abandoned them, and he grew to respect her and hate him. Loop started hustling on the streets, and when his friend Phife told him someone killed Li'l Moe he saw it as an opportunity to take over the corner. Agent Graves appeared in front of his car and hopped in. He gave him briefcase containing a dossier on Curtis Hughes, a gun and 100 untraceable bullets. He told Loop he knew his father was worthless, and he could do with the briefcase as he pleased. Loop thought things over while picking up his mom from work. She was disappointed he still didn't have a legit job, and reminded him she wouldn't tolerate him ending up a criminal like his father. Loop talked to Phife again, who said that since his father never thought about him, he wasn't worth time thinking about. Loop broke into his dad's apartment and leveled a gun with him. Curtis showed no fear, and told him he was street trash. When Loop said he was his son Curtis said he owed his mother a beating for raising a thug. He knew Loop didn't have it in him to shoot, so he hit him, and then embraced him, saying they could get to know each other. Curtis took Loop under his wing, teaching him about criminal enterprise. Loop acted as his backup during collections, and Curtis taught him how to hotwire a car and to always count money you were paid in front of whoever paid you. Curtis worked for Nino Rego, and after talking his boy up introduced him to Loop. Rego sent them to collect 120 grand from Joey Disanto, who was balking on paying. They went to see Disanto at his cheesesteak restaurant, and when he pulled a shotgun Loop shot him in the head. He was disturbed, but Curtis said he'd learn that killing was easy once you got used to it. They found a huge stash of ecstasy, and when Disanto's dealer came into the shop he said he didn't want any trouble. He gave Curtis Disanto's money and invited him to keep the gig going he had with Disanto, selling ecstasy to kids in the suburbs. Curtis said they'd make the murder look like a robbery, and sent him to see his mother for a while, telling him to lay low. Loop's mother feared him hanging around Curtis but admitted he'd cleaned up nice, and said his cousin Carlos and his girlfriend were visiting. Graves knocked on Curtis' door, and Curtis asked him exactly why he'd sent his own son to kill him.

(100 Bullets #17-19) - Graves said he wanted Loop to have the power of making his own choice about how he felt about Curtis, even if it involved pointing a gun at him. Curtis used to work for Graves, and was aggrieved that the Trust never allowed him to be a Minuteman. Graves agreed that they were bigoted, and told him that the Trust had decided the Minutemen were no longer of service to them. He gave Curtis a briefcase and a dossier on one of the Trust, but Curtis said he wasn't interested. At Loop's house Carlos told him he wanted to celebrate, and Loop had the suspicion he was running away from something in L.A. Curtis told Rego that Disanto was dead when they got there, and Rego sent him to burn down his friend's tavern, the Holly Go Litely, for the insurance money. Curtis smelled a setup, and told Loop not to come. Curtis left Loop a baseball glove, a way of apologizing for never playing catch with him as a kid, or doing anything else for him for that matter. Loop did end up driving to Holly Go Litely just as the building exploded with Curtis inside. Fisanto's dealer had already told Rego what they'd done, and Rego decided to terminate his relationship with Curtis. Loop had revenge on his mind, and went to Rego's compound, shooting his men and his son Jimmy. He confronted Rego, but his bodyguard Tommui lept to his defense, using her blades to slice Loop up. Rego said Loop should blame himself for his father's death, because he didn't think Curtis would be stupid enough to steal from him unless he was doing it for his son. Tommi moved in for the kill, and Loop slashed her throat with a beer bottle. He could barely stand, but Rego had taken Curtis' friend Holly hostage, and she helped him aim and kill Rego before spitting on his body. Agent Graves picked Loop up, and he asked Graves if he'd gotten what he wanted with Curtis dead. Graves said that unlike Loop, he never had a reason to hate Curtis, and he'd only given him an opportunity. He told Loop he got what he wanted, time with his father, if only for a little bit. Curtis left Loop a key in his baseball glove, and he hoped it would lead him to the money he'd stolen from Rego. He went to Curtis' apartment and found Graves waiting for him, telling him to think harder because Curtis had given him the clue he needed to find the money. Graves reiterated how much he respected Curtis, and had set up a small funeral service, which he asked Loop to attend with his mother. Graves offered him another briefcase with a dossier on a Trust member, but Loop refused, saying he was no gangster. Loop realized the money would be at the Phillies stadium, and went to a game with Carlos. He retrieved the money, and ended the night with a newfound love of baseball. They returned to the Four Season where Carlos was staying, and he still refused to say how he'd recently come into money. He'd stolen it from Minuteman Lono, who was waiting for them, and killed Carlos with a punch to the throat. Loop pulled his gun, Lono quickly disarmed him, and, seeing it was one of Grave's untraceable guns demanded to know if Graves was setting him up. He swore Lono wasn't his target and he hadn't seen Graves since their initial meeting. He gave Lono Curtis' money to buy his own life, and Lono warned him about associating with Graves. At Curtis' funeral Loop was arrested for the murder of Rego's bodyguard, the police having received a tipoff from Graves.

(100 Bullets #43-46) - In jail Loop got into an altercation with fellow inmate Nine Train, sending him to the hospital and earning Loop a trip to solitary. He spent his time perfecting rhymes, and when he released he was greeted warmly, having made a good impression on the prisoners with his quick wit and sideways talk. He even made an ally in white supremacist Erie, helping him earn his GED, but everyone kept warning him Nine Train would be gunning for him. CO Dirtz wasn't thrilled with him for breaking rules on his shift, and went out of his way to intimidate and shove around Loop. Erie warned him that the COs spread the word not to be around a new inmate named Lupo, a copkiller, and Loop was terrified. Lono's cellmate Arvis was found dead, and even though there wasn't a mark on his body Loop knew Lono did it. In the showers Lono approached Erie, demanding an outdoor job, real meat, cigars and other perks. Erie said that would cost at least $12,000 and Lono said he wasn't looking to business, just giving him orders. Erie and his friends attacked Lono, who brutally put them all down, even smashing Erie's face against the shower floor. He noticed Loop, grabbed his rear, and told him to visit sometime. Loop ran back to his cell, and lockdown was called, so he and his cellmate Cotton had to ditch everything illegal. Dirtz knew he just got out of the shower, and by the way he was acting he knew Loop considered himself a dead man. He told Loop he could help, so Loop nodded towards Lono's cell, and soon a group of COs entered it with nightsticks draw. Loop played chess with another inmate when Cotton warned him Nine Train would be out of the infirmary in two days. His chess buddy reminded him he'd taught Loop to not rely on luck, and make advance plans to succeed. Loop visited supply man Casey to get a shiv, then told Dirtz he was strapped and wanted to go to the infirmary, promising to take out Nine Train and Lono at the same time. Dirtz liked his idea, and kicked him down the stairs, breaking his hand. Loop got patched up in the infirmary, and when nine Train greeted him with deadly threats he used his shic to stab him in the groin and throat. Lono was in the infirmary too, but was meeting with Mr. Shepherd, who wanted him to train Loop to be the newest Minuteman, The Boy. Lono threatened to kill loop rather than give Shepherd and Graves what they wanted, but shepherd told him to take the long view. Lono returned to the infirmary as Dirtz was beating Loop for killing Nine Train and attacked, crippling the CO. Loop and Lono were kept in solitary in cells next to each other. Loop thought it was funny he had three people out to kill him, and by taking out one he'd taken out the other too. Lono warned him that the joke was on him.

(100 Bullets #58) - Lono and Loop got out of solitary, and Lono started teaching his pupil some particularly brutal fighting techniques. Lono got a phone call, and it was Mr. Shepherd who was dying from a gunshot wound. Shepherd offered Lono his job as Warlord for the Trust. Lono wasn't his first choice, but he had trained him for the role, never beating the rage and nastiness out of him. Lono wasn't thrilled with the prospect, but desperately wanted to get out of prison. Shepherd told Lono the triggerword 'Croatoa' that reactivated Minutemen, and asked him to tell Dizzy it wasn't her fault. Lono had no idea who Dizzy was or what he was talking about.

(100 Bullets #59) - Lono and Loop were released from jail, and met by Mr. Graves, who told them to bring Minuteman victor Ray back into the fold. They traveled to Chicago, and interrupted Victor in the middle of lovemaking with his friend Christine. Victor was nonetheless happy to see Lono, and told Christine to go to the store and get them liquor. Lono laid out Graves' plan of replacing the 13 families of the Trust with a single head, and victor said he was down and would get his bag right away. While he was getting ready Christine returned and Lono cornered her, threatening to force himself on her, disturbing Loop. She called out for victor who told Lono to back off, and Lono called him selfish. Victor told Chistine he was leaving and not coming back, upsetting her because she'd just told her husband about their affair, and Victor said that was her own foolish decision.

(100 Bullets #65) - Lono kidnapped Fulvio Carlito, learning he was behind the botched hit on Augustus and Benito Medici in Miami. He decided to torture him, and take his time with it, so he sent Victor and Ray to enjoy themselves at a strip club. Victor said Loop's inexperience made him nervous, and chided him for overdrinking, saying he needed to keep his edge. He thought Loop wasn't listening, and bought him a lap dance, telling the dancer to freak him out by saying she was his mother. Loop was ready to deck him, but he promised to break his arm if he swung. He said the dancer might as well be his mother because she was a single parent raising a son, and there were only seven stories in the entire world.

(100 Bullets #66) - Loop and Victor Ray shadowed Megan Dietrich when she went out to dinner. Victor entered through the kitchen, and when she was in position he shot her in the chest with a rifle, but she survived.

(100 Bullets #68, 69) - Lono, Loop and Victor were in Atlantic City to see deactivated Minuteman Jack Daw, who was working in an underground fight club. Lono spread word that he wanted a fight with Jack, and Victor bet a huge sum on Lono, so the fight was set. Lono had the triggerword 'Croatoa' tattooed on his stomach, and when the fight started Jack's memories started rushing back. He was in a daze, and Lono beat him bloody. Once his senses returned Jack gave as good as he got, and Loop was scared they'd kill each other. Victor said they were only playing, one of them felt no pain because he was messed up in the head, and all the other felt was pain, but he wasn't sure which was which. Jack won the fight, and they both lost consciousness due to their injuries, so Loop and victor loaded them up into their car.

(100 Bullets #73) - Agent Graves went to Cleveland, and paid a homeless man to find Remi Rome and write 'Croatoa' in the snow. The man found Remi after his brother Ronnie found him and was going to kill him for screwing over his mobster boss, and the reactivated Remi pulled his gun. Remi and Ronnie made up, and Graves welcomed Remi back into the fold, planning their next move with Cole, Loop and Victor.

(100 Bullets #76-79) - Remi Rome killed Mia Simone, tossing her out a window and destroying another house of the Trust. Graves applauded his abilities as a buttonman, but told him and Burns that repercussions would be severe, and one of them might be the next to go. He reminded them Lono worked for the Trust and Wylie and Dizzy weren't affiliated with anyone at the moment. Dizzy wanted to kill Graves for making her murder Shepherd, and Wylie called Graves up, telling him to stay away from her. Lono and the Minutemen were partying at a motel when Wylie called Victor, telling him he was with Dizzy, and Victor quickly told Lono, who wanted her dead. Lono called Megan Dietrich, who'd learned of Mia Simone's death, and her attempt to put him in his place were met with vulgarity. He knew Augustus was pleased that another Trust house was gone, even though Graves was responsible, and said to keep up appearances as warlord he was going to Mexico to find Graves, knowing he wouldn't be there. Lono and the rest of the Minutemen made their way south of the border, and all of them were howling for Dizzy's blood. Cole told Graves he had no problem taking out Dizzy and Wylie if they wouldn't go with Graves' plan, and Graves said he wanted Wylie to go with them willingly. Wylie was a natural leader according to him, but Cole was his right hand man because he actually trusted him. Wylie told Mr. Branch the Minutemen were coming, and they could use Benito Medici, who was with them, as bait. Graves sent Wylie's old friend Kuchenko and his criminal friends against Wylie, who killed every one of them in a hail of gunfire. Wylie talked to Dizzy, asking her if she missed her family, but she was firmly focused on killing Graves for forcing her to do something she'd never do of her own free will. Victor arrived at their place ahead of the other Minutemen, saying Wylie could use a friend. Victor and Wylie had a sit-down about why Graves and Shepherd had chosen Lono as the Trust's new warlord. Victor said Lono was perfect because he'd never had any true allegiances, and told Wylie how Lono had him and Loop shoot but not kill Megan Dietrich so Lono would be needed by the Medicis. Wylie resolved to have a talk with Graves, and Victor promised to keep Dizzy, Branch and Benito safe. Wylie told Branch the plan was still on, and as soon as he left Victor announced he had a job to do, and none of them were safe. He threatened to execute them and asked Branch for a beer. Branch found a handgun in the beer cooler and pointed it at Victor. Wylie met Graves, Cole and Remi, who were disappointed in him for not bringing Dizzy. He claimed Graves was working for the Trust, believing an old lie, and was involved with Dizzy because of a mistake he'd made long ago. Remi didn't want to hear his elaborations and shot him dead. Branch couldn't shoot Victor, who cut one of his fingers off before brutalizing Dizzy and Benito. He left Benito behind for Lono, Loop and Jack to find, and drove off with Diz and Branch.

(100 Bullets #80) - Lono took Benito to a cheap motel and locked him in an adult booth, demanding to know why he was alive. He said Graves would probably kill his father, and Lono would probably kill Graves, but Benito should have been out of the picture the moment he met Wylie. Victor delivered Dizzy to Graves, who said he wanted a private conversation with her. Victor was not pleased with Remi for killing Wylie, and when he protested that Wylie had drawn a weapon Victor said Wylie was a better shot than him, and if he'd wanted to kill Remi he'd be dead. Branch was only being kept alive as leverage against Wylie, so Victor told Cole to clean up his mess. Cole got Branch alone, and said he should have gone to Italy when he had the chance. Graves told Dizzy, who reiterated that she was going to kill him, that Shepherd and Wylie had died not to protect her, but to keep the two of them apart. After a longer conversation Graves introduced Dizzy to Victor, Cole and Remi as the newest Minuteman.

(100 Bullets #85) - Lono, Jack and Loop went to the gym so Loop could work on his combat skills with Jack. The gym's self-defense trainer was Sophie, who immediately recognized Lono because she still had nightmares about what he'd done to her and her boyfriend. When he went for a sauna she mixed bleach and ammonia and locked him inside, telling him she'd promised herself she'd kill him if she ever saw him again. Lono choked for air for a few minutes, and then she released him. She said he was vulnerable like her, but she wasn't like him, she was a better person.

(100 Bullets #89) - Graves, Diz and Victor celebrated with some champagne, and Dizzy told Graves it seemed out of character for him. He assured her he was a happy person, despite appearances, and was pleased his plan to bring down the Trust was almost at fruition. He called Cole, who he'd tasked with Mr. Branch to meet Ronnie Rome, who'd brought the painting of the Trust's founding back to Italy. Branch was killed by Echo Memoria, and when Graves called Cole he refused to answer, handing his phone over to some homeless men with instructions to tell Graves goodbye. Graves was not pleased, but believed he could handle the situation. Cole met Jack Daw and Loop with the painting.

(100 Bullets #90-92) - Benito met with Lono, sayimng he wanted to celebrate his father's upcoming marriage with something special, bringing him one of the Minutemen. Lono asked alive or dead, and Benito said one alive and one dead. Lono reminded him not to treat him like hired help or he'd regret it, as Benito hadn't paid for his loyalty. Loop, Jack and Cole met in a diner, and Cole said he'd defected from Graves because things had gotten out of control. Jack said he decided against working with Graves because he'd given him an attaché with himself as a target, and Cole agreed that was messed up. Lono called and learned that Cole had the painting of the Trust's founding the Medicis were eager to own, saying he was willing to negotiate. Lono asked for Loop on the phone, and told Loop to shoot Cole in the head right away. Former Minuteman Will Slaughter killed Mr. Rothstein, a man with connections to the CIA and FBI that supplied Graves with his attaches of 100 untraceable bullets. Slaughter informed D'arcy that Graves game was over, and they'd see how he'd react. Augustus was furious, and called Javier, suspecting him of the hit. Javier said he was happy to see Graves' power taken away, but he wasn't the one responsible. Loop reached for his gun, and Jack instinctively attacked him. Cole and Jack threw him in the trunk, and drove him out to the woods, with Cole saying they were both masterless now. Instead of shooting Loop Jack gave him a head start and let him run while he fired. Cole asked why he let Loop go, and Jack knocked him out with a roundhouse, taking the painting for Graves.

(100 Bullets #96-100) - Cole woke and found Loop, assuring him he was kidding and wasn't ever going to kill him, but Loop didn't trust him. Lono called Loop and Cole answered, saying he'd be coming for him. Cole asked Loop why he was involved with the Minutemen, and Loop said he was doing it for his father, and he resented the fact that Cole and his friends knew his dad better than he did. Cole said the life of a Minuteman could only end in death, and Loop replied that everyone dies so the ride might as well be fun. Loop and Cole were on the road when they saw Jack's car parked outside a motel, and found him in bed with Echo Memoria. Cole shot Echo in the head, and a furious Jack demanded an explanation. Cole said she'd killed his friend Mr. Branch, a little guy with a lot of heart. They discussed peace with the Trust, and Cole had a feeling Augustus and Graves had been playing them since the beginning. Lono called up Loop and gave him the triggerword 'Sunny Days.' He heard Victor bust in on Jack, Cole and Loop, and they all pointed guns at each other. Lono screamed that if they killed each other they were only giving the Trust exactly what it wanted, and the situation deescalated. The Trust brokered peace, with Benito as new head of the Medici and Graves in control of the former house of Vasco, and Lono stormed the Medici compound. Cole, Jack and Loop buried Echo in the swamp, with the Trust's painting wrapped around her body, and decided to crash the Trust's meeting. Megan strangled Benito to death, and when Crete found his body Graves named Dizzy as the new head of the Minutemen and told her to investigate. The Minutemen stormed the compound, killing dozens of security, and Victor met up with his father Will Slaughter, who'd decided to stop working for the Trust because he didn't want to fight his son. Loop said he had no idea why he was still doing the Minuteman thing, and said he was out, hotwiring a car to get away. Jack Daw and Crete fought, with the battle spilling over into Augustus' alligator pond. Cole stabbed Tibo and strangled D'arcy to death, filled a room with gasoline, and waited for Megan. Lono ambushed Graves, but Dizzy shot him a number of times, and he fell out the window. Graves talked to Augustus, realizing he planned for the Trust to murder his son and Dizzy to kill the other heads so the only ones standing would be him and Graves. Graves shot Augustus dead, and the shot surprised Cole, who dropped his lighter, blowing up both himself and Megan. Dizzy said Graves moved against another member of the Trust and pulled her gun. Graves said Augustus was the one who ruined his life, compromising his principles, but allowing him to pass those principles on to others, and he pointed Dizzy's gun at his own head.

Comments: Created by Brian Azzarello & Eduardo Risso.

Loop had a cameo in 100 Bullets #26, 50.

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