Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Demon

Occupation: Lord

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: catacombs underneath Castle Branek

First Appearance: Blood of the Demon #13 (May, 2006)

Powers: The Lord could vomit up an acidic spew, and possessed superhuman strength and durability. The Lord was armed with a mystic sword.

History: (Blood of the Demon #13-16) - The Lord held sway over a number of demons and held gladiatorial events in Castle Branek. An Old West version of the Demon sought out the Lord of the Damned’s stronghold, and asked him to remove Merlin’s enchantment. The Lord cut off his hand and imprisoned him. The Lord’s spurned queen Agonista cast a spell that switched the minds and bodies of the Demon and the Lord. The Demon in Lord’s body imprisoned and dismembered the Lord. When Harry Matthews came to rescue the Demon, the Demon in the Lord’s was amused by pitting Harry against the Lord to the death in the gladiator arena. Harry had to say the spell to transform the Demon into human Jason Blood to save himself, but the spell turned the Lord’s body into Jason Blood. Agonista gave the Lord his freedom, and he killed her for betraying him. He battled the modern day Demon, brought to the stronghold by Merlin, and after the Old West Demon regained the Lord’s form he entered the fray. The Old West Demon killed the Lord, stabbing him through the heart. Since their minds and bodies were connected, the Lord’s death caused the Demon to burn up.

Comments: Created by Will Pfeifer & John Byrne

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