Real Name: Low

Class: Extraterrestrial technology-user

Occupation: Parasite, Sinestro Corps member

Group Affiliation: Sinestro Corps

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsSpace Sector 3308

First AppearanceGreen Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1 (August, 2007)

Powers: Like all members of his race Low was a deadly parasite capable of draining all the blood from a victim within minutes. He reproduced by laying eggs in his victims, and a single carcass yielded enough food for a thousand of his slug-like spawns to feed on. His primary weapon was his power ring, which was virtually identical to the power rings used by the Green Lantern Corps, except that it only utilized the yellow range of the spectrum, tapping into the emotional energy of fear. Low’s power ring was capable of doing almost anything he could imagine. Examples of its’ powers include flight, phasing, creating giant objects formed of energy, and force fields. Low’s power ring could also counter the abilities of any Green Lantern’s power ring.

History(Green Lantern / Sinestro Corps: Secret Files #1, Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1) - Low was a parasite chosen to join the Sinestro Corps because of his ability to instill great fear. Sinestro gathered Low and the Sinestro Corps on Qward. Sinestro laid out their mission of using fear to make the chaos of the universe bend to their will, and to replace it with law and order. Their first step was to burn anyone thst would oppose their plan, so they had to destroy the Green Lantern Corps. They brought Kyle Rayner to Qward and stripped him of the Ion entity. Sinestro made Kyle feel fear, and infected him with the Parallax entity, which he then presented to his guardian, the Anti-Monitor. 

(Green Lantern Corps II #14) - The Sinestro Corps ambushed and slaughtered a number of Green Lanterns in Space Sector 2263, giving commander Enkafos the confidence to prepare a frontal assault on the GLC. Arkillo rallied his soldiers, including Low. 

(Green Lantern IV #22) - Kyle / Parallax battered Hal, promising him he’d feel the same fear his father fealt before he died. Low and the Sinestro Corps joined the battle, threatening to overwhelm Hal. Parallax told him the GLC despised him and had abandoned him, but just then the Lost Lanterns appeared, to save him. Parallax killed Lost Lantern Jack T. Chance, and Hal and the remaining Lost Lanterns retreated to Qward’s underground catacombs.

(Green Lantern IV #24) - Sinestro communicated with Hal via his power ring as the Sinestro Corps invaded Earth. He intended to conquer the planet, making it a symbol of the Sinestro Corp’s power and their ability to control any planet. He intended to makes slaves of the Earthlings, and execute anyone who did not submit. Low and his fellow Sinestro Corps soldiers wrecked havoc on Earth, but were staved off by the GLC and an army of Earth’s heroes. 

(Green Lantern IV #25) - Low and the Sinestro Corps continued to wage war on Earth while Hal and Kyle went to Coast City to protect it from Sinestro, and Hal issued a radio broadcast asking the residents to flee. Not a soul left, everyone had faith Hal would save them from Sinestro. Sinestro and a number of his soldiers engaged Hal and Kyle, and Sinestro told them he’d already won the war. His actions made the Guardians rewrite the Book of Oa, and now that the GLC could use lethal force they would be feared. Sinestro always wanted the GLC to be a more totalitarian police force to bring order to the universe, and he’d succeeded. Sinestro and Hal’s rings were both drained of power, and they squared off in hand-to-hand combat. Hal won, and told Sinestro he was under arrest. In NYC the Anti-Monitor tapped into Earth’s energy and prepared to unleash an anti-matter wave to consume Earth. The GLC ruptured the heart of Anti-Monitor’s Warworld, the Sinestro Corps central power battery, and created a shield around Warworld and the Monitor. The ensuing blast nearly destroyed the Anti-Monitor, and he was finished off by Superman-Prime, who betrayed him for having destroyed his home, Earth-Prime. With the Anti-Monitor destroyed, Sinestro vanquished, and having no way of recharging their rings the Sinestro Corps fled Earth to lick their wounds.

Comments: Created by Geoff Johns & Ethan Van Sciver

Low received a profile in Green Lantern / Sinestro Corps: Secret Files #1.

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