Real Name: Lumiun
Class: God
Occupation: God
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: ancient Canaan
First Appearance: Power of Shazam #10 (December, 1995)
Powers: Lumiun was a god, all-powerful and immortal. He was especially renowned for the virtue of his wisdom.History: (Power of Shazam II #10 (fb)) - <millennia ago> Jebedian of Canaan was a shepherd, and while the young boy tended his flock his parents were murdered by bandits. He cried to the skies, accusing the gods themselves of injustice. They asked if he wanted vengeance, but it was not in his heart. He wanted to form a covenant with the gods to stop injustice in Caanan. He feared his gods, but nonetheless asked them for a potion of their power in times of need, to be their champion. Lumiun looked inside the boy’s soul and saw great purity. The gods agreed to his covenant, but promised to take away his powers if he abused them. Jebediah was granted the strength of Voldar, the wisdom of Lumiun, the speed of Arel, the power of Ribalvei, the courage of Elbiam, and the stamina of Marzosh. As the champion Shazam he defended Canaan from evil, and helped the gods chain the Three Faces of Evil in the Rock of Eternity. After ages, the gods tasked Shazam with finding a successor.
(Power of Shazam II #12) - Blaze freed the Three Faces of Evil from the Rock of Eternity, and in desperation Shazam summoned Lumiun to help. Lumiun was displeased at being awoken from his obscurity, and told Shazam he was the keeper of the Rock of Eternity, not Lumiun. Lumiun disappeared, abandoning his old champion.
Comments: Created by Jerry Ordway & Peter Krause.
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