Real Name: Malak-Karu
Class: Magical construct
Occupation: Destroyer
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: San Francisco, 1000,000 years ago to present
First Appearance: Lobo / Demon: Helloween (October, 1996)
Powers: Malak-Karu was immense, thousands of miles in length, and was immortal and possessed incalculable superhuman strength and durability.
History: (Lobo / Demon: Helloween #1) - <1000,000 years ago> Sun-worshippers constructed their mythology and came up with the idea of Malak-Karu, the sun’s opposite that haunted the night. A high priest conceived of a spell to banish Malak-Karu and created a mystical golden guardian to combat him. The magical rite that followed actually created Malak-Karu and empowered the guardian. Karu was banished deep beneath the Earth, never to arise for an aeon, and the guardian was buried on the moon in preparation for his resurrection.
(Lobo / Demon: Helloween #1) - The Demon Etrigan hired Lobo to help Malak-Karu destroy the Earth upon his resurrection. Karu rose from his tomb, and as he prepared to attack Earth the guardian rose. Lobo killed the guardian, and Karu watched on in interest, annoying Lobo, and he mouthed off to the demon. Karu swallowed Lobo and Demon, and Demon changed his plan, deciding he’d rather live than see Earth die. Having snatched the guardian’s sword he told Lobo to think thoughts of goodness to power it and destroy Karu. The only thing that inspired good in Lobo was his space-dolphins, so he thought of them, and the sword powered up obliterated Karu for another 100,000 years.
Comments: Created by Alan Grant & Vince Giarrano
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