Real Name: Baran Flinders

Class: Human mutant

Occupation: Professional criminal

Group Affiliation: The Society, Fearsome Five

Known Relatives: Selinda Flinders (sister), Unnamed parents

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New Jersey

First Appearance: New Teen Titans I #3 (January, 1981)

Powers: Mammoth possessed superhuman strength and resistance to injury. He is more agile than he appears, but he lacks any developed skill in combat, usually relying on brute strength. Mammoth is emotionally and intellectually underdeveloped. He had a strong attachment to his sister Shimmer and would become violent when separated from her.

History: Baran was born in Australia, and he discovered early in life that both he and his sister were mutants. Other children tormented the for being different, and their parents were run out of town. Their parents sent them to internationally renowned scientist Dr. Jace to develop their powers. During their teenage years they became criminals, but avoided imprisonment. When Dr. Light I placed a help wanted ad in the Underworld Star to form a super-villain group, they answered it and became founding members of the Fearsome Five as Mammoth and Shimmer. Their first case led to their first imprisonment at the hands of the Teen Titans. The Fearsome Five have fought many times against the Teen Titans.

(Adventures of Superman #430) - Mammoth, Gizmo and Shimmer advertised in the Voice for two members to complete the Fearsome Five. Charger and Deuce were accepted, but the others didn't know they had their own agenda, to kill Superman. They robbed the Metropolis diamond expo, and defeated Superman. Charger and Deuce wanted to kill Superman, but their teammates reminded them they were crooks not assassins. They next robbed the charity cruise aboard the Augustus Mandrell, and once again defeated Supes, who was distracted by issues in his personal life. Charger tipped off Superman to the Five's location so he could finish off the hero, but the newly confident Superman defeated the Five.

(Adventures of Superman #435) - Charger freed his fellow Circle member Concussion from prison, and Mammoth assumed his "friend" would free him too. Charger mocked him and hit him with a devastating electrical charge.

(DCU Holiday Bash #3) - Mammoth spent the holiday season with his fellow inmates in the Slab.

(JSA #35-37) - The Ultra-Humanite used Johnny Thunder’s Thunderbolt to conquer the world, and imprisoned Mammoth and virtually every superhuman on Earth in stasis tubes, only reviving them when he needed mind-controlled slaves to serve in his personal guard the Thunderfront. Mammoth served as a member of the Thunderfront when they attacked the JSA, the only heroes not under the Humanite’s control. The JSA used a device that disrupted the braincaps Humanite used to control the Thunderfront, leaving them unconscious but freed from Humanite’s mental domination. The JSA later defeated the Humanite.

(Teen Titans III #8) - Mammoth teamed up with Gizmo, who promised to help him find his sister, who Mammoth refused to believe was dead. The duo were apprehended by the Teen Titans and escorted to Alcatraz Island.

(Villains United #5) - Mammoth and the Fearsome Five were inducted into Lex Luthor's Society. For their first mission they captured Pariah and brought him back to Luthor.

(Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1) - The Society made plans for a worldwide prison break to free every incarcerated supervillain, and they sent Mammoth to the Slab to break in and let the prisoners know the inhibitor collars that made them powerless had been deactivated by the Society.

(Titans II #20) - Mammoth and the Fearsome Five were hired by a client to take down the Titans. They decided to take them out one at a time, and targeted Troia. Troia defeated them, but they refused to name their client, and were sent to Belle Reve.

Comments: Created by George Perez & Marv Wolfman

Mammoth received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #14. Mammoth received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #8 under the Fearsome Five entry.

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