Real Name: Manosaur

Class: Terrestrial species

Occupation: Monster

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Deep sea, 50 MYA to present

First AppearanceSea Devils #28 (March-April, 1966)

PowersThe Manosaur was an amphibious giant possessing superhuman strength and resistance to deep-sea pressure. He could generate extremes of hot or cold from his body.

History(Sea Devils #28) - The Manosaur belonged to a humanoid reptilian race that roamed the seas 50 MYA. In the present day a embryonic Manosaur was discovered by Professor Rend, but lost at sea in a shipwreck. Rend was obsessed with the Manosaur’s powers of adaptation, and hoped to find a way to bestow those powers on himself. When he was placed in charge of a scientific expedition to find Manosaur fossils he created a Manosaur robot and buried it in the sea floor. With the help of the Sea devils and a deep corer they recovered the robot, which Rend passed off as a genuine specimen. Rend wanted the secret of the Manosaur for himself, and hoped the robot would serve as a red herring until he retrieved the embryo from the shipwreck. He had the robot abduct Sea Devil Judy Walton, and they made there way to the shipwreck. The embryo had matured, and the adult Manosaur smashed its’ robotic duplicate before turning on Rend and Judy. They were saved by the Sea Devils and Man-Fish, and the Sea Devils used underwater grenades to kill the Manosaur.

Comments: Created by Bob Haney? & Howard Purcell.

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