Real Name: Martha Wayne

Class: Human

Occupation: Socialite, philanthropist

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Tim Drake (Red Robin, adopted grandson), Dick Grayson (Nightwing, adopted grandson), Elizabeth Kane (mother), Nathan Kanew (brother), Roderick Kane (father), Bruce Wayne (Batman, son), Damian Wayne (Robin, grandson), M. Wayne (descendant), Patrick Wayne (father-in-law), Thomas Wayne (husband, deceased), Thomas Wayne, Jr. (son)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City

First Appearance: Detective Comics I #235 (December, 1956)

Powers: Martha Wayne was a wealthy socialite.


(Batman: Gotham County Line  #3) - Batman was tricked into helping Gotham County seriel killer Radmuller committ suicide. Radmuller's death had created a fold in time that made Gotham county a unique time and space between the living and the dead, and as the dead rose they fell under Radmuller's control. - Batman fought the undead, but they were relentless, and Radmuller told him they were the dead that he failed to save, and they all hated him, wondering where the hero of Gotham was when they died. The undead Jason Todd appeared, and helped Batman fend them long enough for him to flee. Batman found himself in Radmuller's basement with his dead parents, and learned his deepest secret, he'd killed his parents and blamed it on robbers, but had come to believe his lie. Deadman appeared with the Phantom Stranger, and were pleased that Batman finally realized he was being used by Radmuller to sustain his hellish realm. . The spirits of Thomas and Marta Wayne appeared to Batman, and told him he hadn't failed them, but asked him to stop remembering them only as murder victims. By remembering the good times they'd have an easier go in the afterlife. With their help he went back in time and undid Radmuller's death, undoing his work.

Comments: Created by Bill finger & Bob Kane.

Martha Wayne had a cameo in Batman I #673, 679, 681, 682, Batman: The Cult #4, Batman: Joker’s Apprentice #1, Batman: Secrets #4,  Batman: Gotham County Line  #2, Catwoman III #51, Detective Comics I #471, Shadow of the Batman #2.

Martha Wayne appearance in Detective Comics I #265 was reprinted in Batman I #187.

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