Real Name: Miisia Genyei

Class: Human magic-user

Occupation: Healer, former herder

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: unnamed brothers (deceased), unnamed parents (deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Uigan, Taladas, Krynn, Earth-TSR

First Appearance: Dragonlance #33 (August, 1991)

PowersMiisia Genyei was a healer, able to take the pain of others and absorb it into herself.

History.(Dragonlance #33, 34) - Miisia Genyei was the youngest member of a nomadic clan of herders, who enjoyed a peaceful bucolic life. Their world was changed when Lord Bylarr’s Darkhold pursued the knights of the House of Solarzz to Uigan and slaughtered them. The Genyei clan hid from the conflict, but when they found one knight left alive they brought him to their home and tended to him. Miisia felt the knight’s pain, and by laying hands on him she healed him by taking all his pain into herself. The knight introduced himself as Marsval Solarzz, and said his knights had been tasked with protecting the Blackgem, a powerful magical artifact, but Bylarr’s men had managed to steal it. Marsval believed Miisia was gifted with her healing power by the goddess Mislaxa, and Miisia was horrified, just wanting to live her simple life. She didn’t know if she would ever have peace again if she had to take on the pain of others. Marsval couldn’t convince her that she was blessed, and, knowing he was in her debt, offered to take her to a place of power high in the mountains where she might find a solution to her problem. Lord Bylarr came to Miisia’s home to kill Marsval, and not finding him, murdered the Genyei’s clan. Miisia felt her family’s death and passed out, and Marsval vowed to avenge them. Miisia recovered and blamed Marsval for bringing chaos into her life. They encountered a group of elves taking their leader Kyyy to the Temple of the Masters of Light and Dark for his death rites. Miisia healed the elder, earning herself the loyalty of the elves, who agreed to help them reach the temple. Kyyy said the temple was once a place of good, but had been corrupted in the wake of the Great Cataclysm. Lord Bylarr and his raiders caught up to them at the temple. He said he could use the Blackgem to tap into the magic of the temple, and would use his newfound power to conquer Taladas after he ended the House of Solarzz. Bylarr woke the corrupted elemental that guarded the temple and engaged Marsval and the elves in battle. Miisia sensed that she could heal the temple and the elemental, and cleansed them both of their corrupting influences. The magic of the cleansed temple killed Bylarr and the grateful elemental offered Miisia anything her heart desired. She no longer wanted to get ready of her healing power, sensing she had a destiny to use it. She would go on to become the most renowned healer Taladas had ever seen, inspiring the Cult of Mislaxa, who carried on her work for generations.

Comments: Created by Paul Kupperberg & Grant Miehm.

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