Real Name: None

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Professional criminal

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Jason L. Rogers (brother, deceased), Unnamed sister-in-law (deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: All-Star Comics #20 (Spring 1944)

Powers: The Monster has no corporeal form, but he can take possession of his brother Jason’s body, transforming him into a massive creature possessing superhuman strength and endurance. Jason’s mind blanks out when possessed by the Monster, and never remembers these transformations. The Monster is a brilliant yet mad criminal strategist. He sometimes employs a ray-gun capable of sapping a victim’s life-force.

History: (All-Star Comics #20)-The Monster was born a mutant, having a mind but no physical body. As the years past he became insane and extremely jealous of his brother Jason, who was born an ordinary human being. One day the Monster found that he could possess Jason’s body at will, making it do his bidding. The first such transformation occurred while Jason and his wife were being taped on vacation. When Jason’s wife saw the film she had a heart attack. Jason himself could not see the transformation, and was unaware what provoked the tragedy. From that day forward the Monster would periodically possess Jason’s body, and wreck his brother’s life by robbing his life-savings, dynamiting his place of work and smashing his house. One day the Monster wrote out his plans for a citywide crime wave and left them on Jason’s desk. In desperation and confusion Jason contacted the Justice Society of America and begged them to end the Monster’s schemes. The JSA foiled most of the Monster’s plots, but they were unable to capture him. They returned to Jason’s house to find the Monster expecting them. The Monster attacked them with his ray-gun, but accidentally shot himself. The Justice Society found the film of the Monster’s first transformation and deduced the truth. As the Monster died from the ray-gun injury, so did Jason, but he decided it was worth it to finally be rid of the Monster.

List of appearances: All-Star Comics #20

Comments: Created by Gardner Fox & Joe Gallagher

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe Monster lived on Earth-2.

Last updated: 3/23/2002

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