Real Name: Mordru

Class: Lord of Chaos

Occupation: Wizard

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Mysa (White Witch, wife), Kiwi Nal (mother-in-law), Nura Nal (Dream Girl, sister-in-law)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Zerox, formerly Cilia, present to 30th Century

First Appearance: Adventure Comics I #369 (June, 1968)

Powers: Mordru possessed vast black magical abilities, could travel effortlessly through time and space and was immortal.


(JSA #73) - From his stony prison in the Rock of Eternity Mordru tormented Shazam, telling him he could sense his fear for the future of magic.

(JSA #78-80) - Mordru escaped his bonds and attacked Shazam, forcing him to use up all his magic to ward him off. Mordru was satisfied that Shazam would now be helpless against the Spectre, who was on his way to the Rock of Eternity to kill Shazam, and left. Mordru attacked the JSA in Fate’s Tower. He defeated them an crushed the helm of the missing Dr. Fate. Nabu repaired and animated the helm, and told Mordru it was time to settle their conflict. During their battle Nabu shunted them to several hypertimelines, and Mordru existed in none of them. Nabu offered this as proof of a limit on Mordru’s power, he was a fluke of nature and a cancer of creation. The battle weakened Mordru, and when the JSA returned with J.J. Thunder he summoned the Thunderbolt to banish Mordru.

(Superboy I #188) - Mordru created blood-crystals that would instill anyone who saw them with an intense hatred of Superboy, and planned to distribute them worldwide. Superboy defeated him by burying him underground, canceling out his magic, and hurled the crystals into space.

Comments: Created by Jim Shooter & Curt Swan.

Mordru received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16, Who's Who in the DC Universe #2 and Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #5.

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