Class: Terrestrial microscopic species

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Microscopic world

First Appearance: Green Lantern I #22 (October-November, 1946)

Powers: The Mossboles were semi-intelligent microscopic trees. Their branches acted as antennae that could locate food.

History: (Green Lantern I #22) - The Mikrons and Mossboles lived in a microscopic world inside a fishtank. No food grew in the world, and the Mikrons used their knowledge of chemistry to create artificial food, but they were always under attack from the ravenous Mossboles, who stole their larder and threatened to starve their populace. The Mikrons invented a shrinking / enlarging ray, and planned to send the Mossboles to what they called the Giant World. They wanted to be sure the Giant World had no sentient beings, and their shrinking experiments only brought back goldfish, so they concluded those were the only inhabitants of Giant World. The fishtank they lived in was owned by Green Lantern's sidekick Doiby Dickles, who got suspicious of his missing fish. . GL was skeptical until he saw a small raybeam shrink one of the goldfish to microscopic size. GL used his power ring to shrink them both down, and they entered the microscopic world. They were attacked by Mossboles, and GL was helpless because his power ring was useless against wood. Forced to flee they found a heavily guarded city inhabited by the Mikrons. They told the heroes of their situation, but GL and Doiby objected to the idea of having the vicious Mossboles in their world, so Mikron leader Quidget tossed them in jail. Quidget went to his scientist Streel, and fired up the enlarging ray, but a Mikron who didn't want the Mossboles to wreck a world with sentient beings freed GL. Once Streel saw the heroes, he refused to send the Mossboles to the Giant World, and knocked out Quidget. The Mossboles attacked, but were drawn to Doiby, who had soil from his fishtank in his pocket. The Mikrons said that was their favorite food, so GL told them to send the Mossboles to his world because he had a plan. He brought the Mossboles to a field, where they laid down roots, and became as passive as normal trees, content now that they finally had access to soil.

Comments: Created by Henry Kuttner & Martin Nodell.

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU the Mossboles lived on Earth 2.

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