Real Name: Harry "Tex" Thompson
Class: Human
Occupation: Mysteryman, spy
Group Affiliation: formerly All-Star Squadron
Known Relatives: Trey Thompson (grandson, deceased), unnamed grandson (deceased), two unnamed great-grandsons
Aliases: Americommando, Tex Thompson
Base of Operations: Mobile, 1930s-1940s era
First Appearance: Action Comics I #1 (June, 1938)
Powers: Mr. America was an accomplished spy and hand-to-hand combatant, and skilled with a whip.
(Action Comics I #11) - Tex, Daley, Reynolds and Deborah arrived on the Malay isle ruled by a white woman. Daley felt uneasy, even though everyone else assured him there was no danger. The ruler's guard tried to bring Deborah to the dungeons, so Tex shot him in the hand. This fulfilled a prophecy about the princess' lord arriving with a loud noise, and suddenly the guests were treated well. Tex didn't like the idea of being married off, and when he was told he'd have to undergo the trial of water-fire and sword to prove himself he intended to take a dive. His plan went awry when he realized his life was on the line. He had to swim through water and stab a shark, battle a swordsman to the death, and passed a wall of fire by soaking a blanket in water and running through. The princess was pleased with her success, and told her guards to present Tex to her.
(Action Comics I #16) - Tex, Bob and Gargantua were in France for carnival season, and went to the Red Devil tavern. The host was, naturally, dressed as a devil, and when Tex said "The devil is cordial," he unwittingly uttered a secret password. Bob and Gargantua were forced to stay behind while the devil introduced Tex to a masked figure, a spoy who ordered him to get secret papers from the French government. Tex reported the treason to the head of the French secret service, who gave him the paper, assuring him they were inocuous, and asked him to gather intel on the spies. Bob didn't like Tex getting involved, and said the secret service should just do their own work. Tex delivered to the masked man, and was given another assignment. The secret service chief told Tex he was doing great, and handed over a report on French fortifications which Tex knew were clearly important. He arrived at the spy den only to find the secret service chief, who was part of the ring. Gargantua and Bob arrived just in time to keep him from getting gunned down, and handed the spies over to the authorities.
Comments: Created by Ken Fitch & Bernard Baily.
Mr. America received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #15.
In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU Mr. America lived on Earth-2.
Mr. America had a cameo in JSA All-Stars #8.
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