Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human

Occupation: Businessman

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives:

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, Prime Earth

First Appearance: Detective Comics II #5 (March, 2012)

Powers: Mr. Mosaic was a rich and successful businessman with a number of political and criminal connections. His body was covered with numerous lesions, giving him his name.


(Batman II #23.4) - The rolling blackouts caused by the Crime Syndicate worried interim warden Agatha Zorbatos that their security system at Blackgate would fail. After receiving no answer when she tried to contact the prison guards she grabbed a shotgun and told her intern Donald to guard the armory. Bane was planning an invasion of Gotham City and had some of his men infiltrate Blackgate as guards. Agatha was shocked to find they’d already freed all the inmates and murdered the legitimate guards. White Rabbit, leading a group that included Reaper, Emperor Penguin, Hypnotic, Mr. Combustible, Mr. Mosaic and Tweedledee and Tweedledum told her Bane sent his regards.

Comments: Created by Tony S. Daniel.

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