Real Name: Michael Holt

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Superhero, former Olympic athlete, engineer, financer, Tylerco security advisor

Group Affiliation: JSA

Known Relatives: Angela (wife, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, New York

First Appearance: Spectre III #54 (June, 1997)

Powers: Mr. Terrific was a trained athlete and skilled fighter as well as a genius in the field of electronic engineering and a charismatic leader. He used T-Spheres, floating computers that collected data and video-feeds and could project holograms. The T-Spheres were remotely controlled by an encephalic broadcaster in his mask that picked up on thought-waves. His mask also protected him from mace and other attacks that targeted the eyes.

History: (JSA #60 (fb, BTS)) - Michael Holt was a decorated Olympic athlete and the founder of a cyberware company that did well enough for him to retire early in life. Holt went to Harvard Law for grad school, and fell in love with Paula, one of his foreign criminal policy classmates. He knew he was head over heels when he missed a question in class for the first time while looking at her.

(Spectre III #62) - Corrigan decided to give up the mantle of the Spectre, at last seeking peace in death. Craemer arranged for his bones to be buried in a small grave, and performed a funeral service, with all of the friends Corrigan met as the Spectre attending, including Terrific. The JSAers present were happy to see that Terry Sloane finally had a successor. The Spectre-Force vanished and Jim ascended to Heaven.

(Spectre III #54) - Michael's perfect life ended when his wife died in a car crash, and he was ready to commit suicide until the Spectre appeared to him and showed him the life of Mr. Terrific, a man who almost committed suicide before he found purpose in being a mysteryman and crimefighter. His death left a void, unlike Superman or Batman he operated at the street level, saving impressionable youth from a life of crime. Holt saw what he was saying, and dressed as an updated Mr. Terrific he beat down and humiliated some local gang leaders, showing the kids they recruited that crime didn't pay. He told Spectre it would be his goal to eliminate urban crime.

Terrific joined the JSA.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1) - At Star-Spangled Kid’s insistence Terrific and the JSA attended Young Justice’s Justice for All rally in Washington, as did Old Justice, the Titans and JLA. It was interrupted by Klarion, who magically de-aged Terrific and most of the heroes into children. Doiby Dickles pulled out an extraterrestrial aging gun to return the heroes to their proper age, but another of Klarion’s spells intercepted his shot. The result was that the younger heroes present were aged to adulthood, but the other heroes remained children.

(Sins of Youth Secret Files #1, Sins of Youth: JLA, Jr. #1) - The de-aged Terrific Lad and JSA had a dispute with the de-aged JLA that resulted in them brawling for hours. Once they made up the JSA and Doiby Dickles went aboard the Steel Eagle so they could travel to Myrg so Doiby could find another aging gun to reverse Klarion's spell.

(Sins of Youth: Starwoman and the JSA (Junior Society) #1) - Terrific, Doiby and the JSA battled Prince Marieb on Myrg, retrieved an aging gun, and returned to Earth.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #2) - Doiby tried using his new raygun on Terrific and the other heroes affected by Klarion’s spell but it had no effect. Since the heroes’ ages were skewed by a combination of magic and science, they would need Klarion’s cooperation to undo the transformation. The heroes attacked Agenda’s headquarters in Alaska, where Superboy, Superman, Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman were being held hostage. The hq was defended by the Junior Injustice Society, but the heroes prevailed, forced the Agenda to flee, and freed the prisoners. They then forced Klarion to team with Doiby and return everyone to their proper age.

(JSA #13) - Aboard Hourman III’s timeship Metron explained to Terrific and the JSA that Extant stole Metron’s Moebius Chair to travel to the end of creation and create a new universe of his own making. Unless the JSA stopped him, Extant’s new universe would go backwards through time and erase the current universe.

(JSA #23-25) - Terrific determined that Hawkgirl had been taken to the planet Thanagar, and the JSA resolved to follow her there. Dr. Fate used Fate’s Tower to transport them to Thanagar where they witnessed the resurrection of Hawkman I. The JSA and Hawkman battled Sin-Eater and his Dark Wingmen who had conquered Thanagar. The JSA were defeated and imprisoned. They escaped and once again battled Sin, with Hawkman ultimately being the one to defeat him and free Thanagar from his rule. The JSA returned to Earth and welcomed Hawkman as their newest member.

(JSA: Our Worlds at War #1) - During the Imperiex War Terrific, the JSA and the JSA reserves were given a mission by President Luthor to disrupt Imperiex’s link to his ship’s power supply. The JSA not only cut off Imperiex from his power, but they managed to blow up his ship as well.

(JSA #26) - Mr. Terrific and Dr. Mid-Nite II examined a woman under a sleeping spell that their JSA teammate Dr. Fate believed to be his wife Lyta. They had no idea how to treat her, so Fate screamed at them and made an exit to search for his own solution. Mid-Nite and Terrific did a physical on Sentinel and discovered his body was now composed entirely of green flame.

(JSA #27) - Mr. Terrific got caught up in a battle between Atom-Smasher and probationary JSA member Black Adam. Captain Marvel arrived at JSA hq and physically restrained Black Adam and calmed him down. Because of a dispute between current JSA chairman Sand and Hawkman, the JSA elected Mr. Terrific as their new JSA chairman, and immediately afterwards Terrific and most of the JSA were teleported by Roulette to her House.

(JSA #28, 30) - Roulette forced Terrific and his JSA teammates to battle each other for the amusement of a crowd of supervillains. Terrific and Dr. Mid-Nite were strapped into chairs and pitted against each other in a game of chess, with Roulette promising death to the loser. Terrific and Mid-Nite intentionally played to a draw, then escaped. The JSA wrecked Roulette’s House, so she teleported them back to JSA hq with a promise that they would play in her games again.

(JSA #31) - Terrific and the JSA investigated the death of supervillain Shakedown. Batman joined them, letting them know Shakedown and his partner New Wave had kidnapped Jessica Weintraub, the infant daughter of a recently bankrupt Gotham computer whiz. When the villains realized they weren’t going to get paid their ransom they turned on each other. Batman and the JSA saved Jessica and captured New Wave. Terrific got Batman to drop his gruff attitude and got a handshake out of him. He told Batman it took more effort to be rude than to be polite.

(JSA #32) - Terrific and the JSA welcomed Johnny Thunder to JSA hq, he claimed to have had a miraculous recovery from Alzheimer’s. In truth it was the Ultra-Humanite in possession of Thunder’s body.

(JSA #34-37) - The Ultra-Humanite used Johnny Thunder’s Thunderbolt to conquer the world, and imprisoned Terrific and virtually every superhuman on Earth in stasis tubes, only reviving them when he needed mind-controlled slaves to serve in his personal guard the Thunderfront. The Kid served as a member of the Thunderfront when they attacked the JSA, the only heroes not under the Humanite’s control. The JSA used a device that disrupted the braincaps Humanite used to control the Thunderfront, freeing them from Humanite’s mental domination. Terrific and the JSA later defeated the Humanite, and afterwards attended the funeral of Johnny Thunder, whose body gave out after he was freed from the Humanite’s control.

(Green Arrow III #13) - Terrific was awoken from a good night's sleep when Hawkman and Green Arrow started brawling at the JSA hq. Hawkman didn't want Arrow dating JSAer Black Canary because he thought Arrow was bad for her, but Canary didn't like having them figth over her and ended their argument with a sonic scream.

(JSA #38) - Terrific was worried about the JSA security system being compromised in the past by the Thinker and Roulette, so he had Power Girl overhaul the system and oversaw the creation of a JSA satellite com system.

(JLA #69) - With the JLA trapped in the year 1,000 B.C., Batman's contingency plan for a new JLA was activated. JLA-Spheres based on Mr. Terrific's T-Spheres located went to JSA hq to recruit Hawkgirl and Captain Marvel, who'd been chosen by Batman to bring them to the Watchtower. With Terrific and their teammates looking on Hawkgirl accepted the offer and took a leave of the JSA, but Marvel declined. Terrific was flattered that Batman copied the designs of his T-Spheres for his own use.

(JSA #40) - The Shadower held Kenton Elementary School hostage, and promised to execute the children unless Dr. Mid-Nite saved the life of his grandfather, the original Shadower Vartan Kevork. Kevork needed a pancreatic coduodenectomy, perhaps the world’s most difficult surgery, and Mr. Terrific aided Mid-Nite in performing it. They did the best they could, but it was a risky surgery and Kevork died, but Captain Marvel and Star-Spangled Kid freed the hostages.

(JSA #41) - Hourman told Terrific and the JSA he had a premonition of Black Barax attacking Tylerco to prevent them from performing an experiment that would prove the existence of tachyons. The JSA fought Barax at Tylerco, but he succeeded in wrecking Tylerco’s experiment. Captain Marvel’s lightning caused Barax’s time machine to malfunction, and just as Marvel, Mr. Terrific and Hawkgirl boarded the ship they found themselves taken into the past. Thery found themselves in the year 1944, but a time-rift sucked in Marvel and took him to ancient Egypt. Terrific and Hawkgirl met the original Mr. Terrific, and they helped the Freedom Fighters in a battle against Barax. The original Mr. Terrific was clearly pleased with his successor. After they forced Barax to return to his own time Human Bomb helped Hawkgirl and Mr. Terrific reactivate Barax’ time-cube so they could rescue Marvel from the past. When they arrived in Egypt they were confronted by Vandal Savage and the Metamorph.

(JSA #43, 44) - <Egypt, 15th Dynasty> Terrific and Hawkgirl battled Vandal Savage and Ahk-Ton, but were carried away from the fight by Captain Marvel. Marvel brought them to Khufu’s temple of Karnak and informed them that Vandal was trying to conquer Egypt. The heroes prepared Karnak for the forthcoming siege, and Terrific aided in the military strategy they would use. Savage, Ank-Ton and an army of sand-homunculi waged war on Karnak, and the battle went badly for the heroes until Nabu petitioned Ra for help. Ra helped the heroes vanquish Savage and his army, but Terrific and the JSAers still had to find a way back to their own time. Nabu put them in sarcophagi and put them in a magical sleep during which they didn’t age. When they woke up it was the present day, and they were released form the sarcophagi by Black Adam.

(JLA / JSA: Virtue and Vice) - Terrific attended the first annual JLA and JSA Thanksgiving celebration when the teams were called to Arusha, Tanzania to stop Doctor Bedlam from disrupting the Pan-African Conference on World Hunger. The JLA and JSA defeated Bedlam, but the attack was a ruse on the part of Johnny Sorrow to give him the opportunity to have Despero possess President Luthor, who was at the conference, and to have the Seven Deadly Sins possess members of the JLA and JSA. Terrific was possessed by Pride, and when the Seven Deadly Sins took complete control over the heroes they possessed they destroyed JSA headquarters and incapacitated the unpossessed JLA and JSA members. Under Pride’s control Terrific allowed Pride to spread his influence on the citizens of Manhattan. The other Sins also spread their influence across the globe. The JLA and JSA freed Terrific and the other possessed heroes from the Sins’ influence, and returned the Sins to captivity in the Rock of Eternity. Fate and the others defeated Johnny Sorrow and freed Luthor from Despero. At Terrific’s request Luthor built the JSA a new hq.

(JSA #45) - Terrific and the JSA took an interest in then trial of Kobra since they were the ones who stopped his attack on major cities using antiballistic satellites, the terrorist act he was currently being tried for. Terrific and Sand sat in on the trial while the rest of the JSA provided security, which was necessary because hundreds of Kobra cultists were swarming the district court building where Kobra was being tried. Under Kobra’s orders the cultists threatened to activate bombs implanted in their bodies, killing themselves. Rather than allow the bloodshed the judge and Director Bones of the D.E.O. agreed to let Kobra go free for the time being. Atom-Smasher and Black Adam were outraged, and both agreed Kobra should have been killed for his crimes then and there. Terrific and the rest of the JSA vehemently opposed their viewpoint, so the duo quit the team. “Dr. Fate” then removed his helmet and revealed he was really the JSA’s nemesis Mordru.

(JSA #46, 47, 49, 50) - Mordru tore into the JSA and badly injured Terrific. Flash rushed Terrific to the JSA infirmary only to be confronted by Eclipso. Flash took Terrific and JSA team doctor Dr. Mid-Nite to Mid-Nite’s lab in Portsmoth where he could care for Terrific without being disturbed. Mid-Nite struggled to save his friends, and Terrific, though unconscious, was able to communicate with him and give him guidance via the thought broadcaster in his mask. Mid-Nite and Terrific patched up J.J., who rejoined the rest of the JSA and helped defeat Mordru.

(JSA #52) - Terrific and Dr. Mid-Nite called in Cave Carson to see if Sand was still alive after merging his body with the Earth. Carson discovered that there were a series of pulses emanating from Earth’s tectonic plates that sent a Morse code pattern spelling of J-S-A. He took this as evidence that Sand was alive and promised to investigate further.

(JSA #53) - Terrific determined to go back into action despite having a broken leg, and Dr. Mid-Nite advised him against testing his hydraulic harness in combat. Terrific was determined to resume his superhero career, but told Mid-Nite he admired his passion for healing the sick.

(Superman / Batman #4) - President Luthor blamed Superman for a kryptonite asteroid approaching Earth and sent a number of heroes and villains against Superman, who was aided by Batman. A fight in Tokyo nearly destroyed the country, and Terrific and the JSA believed Luthor would use this against the entire superhero community, so they sent Hawkman and Captain Marvel to bring Superman and Batman into custody.

(JSA #54) - Terrific, the JSA and JLA celebrated Thanksgiving at JSA hq. Batman was worried that they would come under attack from their enemies, like many previous times the JLA and JSA met on social occasions. Mr. Terrific tried to put Batman at ease, but was unsuccessful. Kulak and the Warlord of Ys ruined the Thanksgiving meal, but were quickly defeated by the heroes. The JLA and JSA settled for ordering out, and had pizza for Thanksgiving, and Terrific had to admit that Batman’s hunch was right.

(Hawkman IV #23)- Terrific and the JSA attended a party for Hawkman in St. Roch, but the celebration ended when they heard a news report about Black Adam’s conquest of Kahndaq.

(JSA #57, Hawkman IV #24, JSA #58, Hawkman IV #25)- Hawkman demanded to be made JSA chairman when the JSA decided to go to Kahndaq. Terrific stepped aside, but told him Hawkman’s leadership would only last until the mission was over. Terrific and the JSA traveled to Kahndaq in the Steel Eagle with the intention of taking the members of Black Adam’s superteam, their former allies, back home before Adam completely turned them into villains. Black Adam destroyed the Steel Eagle, and the team was scattered across Kahndaq. Atom-Smasher captured Terrific and Dr. Mid-Nite and brought them to Black Adam. Terrific challenged Adam's notion that Adam was helping the people of Kahndaq, so Black Adam’s threw Terrific and Mid-Nite to a crowd of angry Kahndaqis, who considered the JSA invaders. Terrific and Mid-Nite escaped, and met up with the rest of the JSA. Terrific and the JSA fought Black Adam to a standstill. Atom-Smasher and Captain Marvel brokered a peace pact between Black Adam and the JSA. The JSA promised not to interfere further in Kahndaq as long as Black Adam and his team remained within the country’s orders and didn’t try conquering any surrounding nations.

(JSA #59) - Terrific accompanied Hourman to see Atom II to ask to use Atom’s time pool to return Hourman II from Timepoint. Atom couldn’t help the heroes, and Terrific suggested Hourman take the opportunity he had being time displaced to say a last goodbye to his wife.

(JSA #60-62) - Terrific and Atom hooked up one of Terrific’s T-Sphere’s to the time pool, sending a distress signal across the past in future in hopes of locating the timelost Hourman II. Mid-Nite’s assistants K-Mark and Ice Sickle were killed, and Terrific joined Mid-Nite in church while he was praying for them. Mid-Nite and Terrific discussed theology, Mid-Nite being a devout believer while Terrific was an aetheist. Spectre burst into the church, followed by the Spirit King. The Spirit King’d raised an armyof the damned to destroy the JSA, including Louis Snipe, the dead man who’d killed Mid-Nites assistants. Terrific and the JSA fought the army of the dead, but knew it was the Spectre who had to return them to Hell. The Spirit King possessed Flash, and under his control he nearly killed Mr. Terrific before Spectre banished the undead army and destroyed the Spirit King. Terrific had a near-death experience, seeing his wife in Heaven, and being introduced to the soul of his unborn son. Paula hadn’t named the boy yet, so Terrific suggested the name Terry, after the first Mr. Terrific. Terrific woke up, and couldn’t get his wife’s smile out of his mind. Despite his skepticism he joined Dr.Mid-Nite at a church service.

(JSA #63, 64) - Terrific, the JSA and Cave Carson’s crew traveled hundreds of miles under the Earth to find Sand, and they found Sand’s body, which in its mindless state was generating an army of rock creatures to protect itself. Terrific and the JSA fought off the rock creatures long enough for Power Girl to take Sand’s body up to the surface. Sand recovered, and the JSA threw a party to celebrate.

(Superman / Batman #13) - Terrific and the JSA were among the heroes invited to Paradise Island to welcome Superman's cousin Supergirl into the superhero community.

(JSA #65, 66) - Terrific and the JSA defeated Solomon Grudy, who was running amok in Central Park. Hourman III, who’d received the distress signal Mr. Terrific had sent across time, appeared to the JSA, and brought Flash, Dr. Mid-Nite, Mr. Terrific and Hourman I to Time-Point to save the life of Hourman II. Dr. Mid-Nite performed emergency surgery on the grievously wounded Hourman II, but in the process Hourman I’s allotted hour at Time-Point ran out. A door to the past opened, and he prepared to go back in time, but his son refused to let him. Hourman II jumped into the past, intending to be the one Extant killed. Hourman III stopped him, set up a holographic field, and took Hourman I’s place as the one murdered by Extant. The JSA returned home with the remaining Hourmen.

(Identity Crisis #1) - Terrific was among the number of heroes who attended Sue Dibny’s funeral. Afterwards heroes broke into teams to look for suspects in Sue’s murder, and Terrific and the JSA went looking for Dr. Phosphorus.

(JSA #67, Identity Crisis #5-7) - Dr. Mid-Nite and Mr. Terrific performed the autopsy on Sue Dibny’s body. Terrific left, planning to meet the drunken driver who'd killed his wife and had just been put on work release. He couldn’t bring himself to confront the man, and tried to accept that he still didn’t have closure on his wife’s death. Mid-Nite and Terrific later found miniature footprints in Sue’s brain, and learned that she died from lack of blood supply to her brain. It was Jean Loring, using her ex-husband Atom’s technology who killed Sue.

(JSA #68) - Rip Hunter gathered Terrific and the JSA and brought them in his Time Sphere to the year 1951. Per Degaton was going to do something on October 30, 1951 and blame it on the disbanded Justice Society, thus altering history. As a result they would be tried for treason and the JSA would never again reform. Rip Hunter had brought the JSA to convince the Justice Society to get back together to oppose Degaton.

(JSA #69-72) - <October 28, 1951> Mr. Terrific II followed the original Mr. Terrific, who was on his way to New Orleans in search of his brother Ned Sloane. When Mr. Terrific I boarded a train, Mr. Terrific II was irked to learn he couldn’t board the whites only section. In New Orleans Terrific surreptitiously helped Terrific I, who was running from Roulette and her goons after he took off with Ned’s daughter Veronica. Terriffic II followed them into a graveyard and ran into a KKK meeting. Terrific I and II teamed up to defeat the KKK members, and Terrific II explained he needed Terrific to return to action to stop Per Degaton. After Terrific I found a safe place for Veronica they met up with the rest of the reformed Justice Society and the time-traveling JSA at the Justice Society brownstone. Hourman informed them Per Degaton was going to assassinate the President. The Justice Society and JSA went to Washington to warn Truman that his life was in danger. Degaton and the Red Morgue attacked Washington, but the teams were ready for him. Degaton used a time-disc to speed up Atom’s metabolism and turn him into a nuclear bomb ready to go off. If he exploded millions would die, but J.J. Thunder and Johnny Thunder summoned the Thunderolt to turn Atom back to normal. Terrific and the other heroes defeated Degaton, who fled into the timestream. The resulting time distortion caused the Justice Society members to forget their adventure with the JSA. After Degaton was defeated Rip Hunter ferried the JSA back to the present.

(Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-3) - Terrific and the JSA quarantined Warriors after Guy Gardner lost control of his powers and destroyed the bar. The only thing standing was a statue of Green Lantern, leading the heroes to worry that Hal Jordan was involved and had returned to the dark side. Alan Scott refused to believe it, but Mr. Terrific remained skeptical. He went to the JLA watchtower where he learned that Parallax was responsible for Hal’s actions. Parallax, in possession of Guy Gardner, attacked Mr. terrific and left him unconscious before flying off.

(JSA #73-75) - Atom-Smasher asked to be readmitted to the JSA so Terrific and the JSA had a meeting and a vote on it. Once they’d voted, Atom-Smasher was already gone back to Khanaq. Captain Marvel told the JSA that Jean Loring/Eclipso and the Spectre-Force were attacking Khandaq, and their help was needed there. The heroes had little luck battling Eclipso and the Spectre, and Black Adam resented their presence and began fighting them. Spectre only stopped his attacks when Atom-Smasher told him he’d accept the Spectre’s judgment, and allowed the Spectre to stop his heart. Black Adam restarted his heart with his magic lightning, and the JSA took Atom back to America after warning Black Adam to stay far away from him in the future.

(JSA #76) - Terrific and the JSA were set to testify at the trial of Atom-Smasher, who’d surrendered himself to the authorities. Atom-Smasher pled guilty to violating international law, so the JSAers were dismissed. An OMAC attacked the JSA, and nearly killed them before Atom-Smasher interceded, chasing off the OMAC before he returned to police custody. He told his teammates he believed in justice, and had to pay for his actions.

(Supergirl V #1) - Terrific and the JSA battled Solomon Grundy, who was on a rampage. JSAer Power Girl's powers suddenly went haywire, and Terrific solved the problem by separating Power Girl and Supergirl. He determined that because their origins were so similar Supergirl's presence was somehow making Power Girl's powers go berserk.

(JSA #77) - Terrific and the JSA had a meeting about their current lack of membership, with Terrific making the suggestion of calling in JSA reserves, when Air-Wave, whose powers had overloaded, crashed into JSA hq. After recovering Air-Wave flew off to find where the transmissions were coming from that cause him to go haywire he was followed by Green Lantern I and Hal Jordan.

(JSA #78-80) - Terrific and the JLA located Fate’s Tower thanks to Terrific’s T-Spheres, and found Fate’s helm, but no sign of Fate. Sand put on the helm, awakening Nabu. Nabu told them Spectre did something to Fate, but he didn’t know what. He opened a portal to the 5th Dimension so the JSA could rescue J.J. Thunder. Only Terrific, Hourman and Stargirl made it through before Mordru attacked the rest of the JSA, breaking Nabu’s concentration and sealing the portal. They found the 5th Dimension at war, with J.J. responsible for the chaos, and joined Saradin, Shocko and Thunderbolt in their resistance of J.J. The JSAers allowed themselves to be captured by J.J.’s hounds with Thunderbolt ad Shocko hidden in liquid in Terrific’s mouth. As they approached J.J.’s throne Shocko couldn’t conrol himself and attacked. J.J. easily defeated the heroes and commanded Thunderbolt to kill them. Thunderbolt shook off J.J.’s commands an attacked him. The fight ended when Saradin separated Qwsp from J.J. and bound Qwsp to his service. The JSAers brought J.J. back to Earth, where he summoned the Thunderbolt to banish Mordru.

(JSA #81) - Terrific and the JSA were called to Philadelphia when Liberty Belle lost control over her powers after an attack by the Society. Stargirl showed her that her daughter Jesse was there, and was worried about her mother. This allowed Belle to focus and regain the use of her powers.

(Teen Titans III #32) - Superboy Prime confronted Superboy because he wanted to take his place, and was willing to kill him to do it. Terrific and the JSA and the Teen Titans were called in to combat Prime. There were casualties, but Flash Jay Garrick, Flash and Kid Flash took Prime out of action by running him into the Speed Force.

(Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1) - The Society massed in Metropolis, and Terrific and an army of virtually every hero on Earth confronted the villains and engaged in an epic battle with them.

(52 / WWIII Part Three: Hell Is For Heroes #1) - <Week 5, Day 5> Terrific and the JSA went into action after Black Adam decimated Pisa, Italy during WWIII, aiding the survivors.

(52 / WWIII Part Four: United We Stand #1) <Week 50, Day 7> Black Adam arrived in China, and prepared to destroy the entire country. He defeated China's superhero team the Great Ten before China allowed Mr. Terrific and the American superhero community to square off against him. Black Adam was a god with nothing left to lose, and each punch he threw was intended to kill. His savagery was winning the day until Martian Manhunter reappeared and flooded his brain with his own loss, the death of the entire Martian species. Black Adam was distracted long enough for Captain Marvel to hurl a Shazam bolt at him. Theo Adam was powerless, and left with amnesia. He staggered away unnoticed from the end of WWIII.

(JSA #83-87) - <one year later> Terrific saw a vision of his dead wife. Terrific and the JSA had their first get-together in many months, and many of the members recounted recent encounters with the ghosts of loved ones. Gentleman Ghost appeared to the JSA and told them the ghosts they saw were his warning to them that they would all soon die by his hand. The Ghost hospitalized Green Lantern, and Mr. Terrific used his T-Spheres to keep an eye on the others should the Ghost strike them next. Some of the JSAers went to London to pursue the Ghost, but Terrific stayed behind to make sure the JSA’s loved ones were safe. An army of ghosts loyal to the Gentleman Ghost attacked JSA hq and leveled it, but when the JSAers in England destroyed the Gentleman Ghost his army faded. Terrific and the other JSAers started cleaning up the rubble of their old hq.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1) - An army of Earth’s heroes, including Terrific and the Justice Society, appeared to take Superboy-Prime down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn’t at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he’d be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy’s death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible for boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime.

(Nightwing II #141) - Terrific and the JSA, under John Stewart’s guidance, helped Nightwing construct his NYC headquarters in the Cloisters.

(Titans II #16 (fb)) - <two weeks after Final Crisis> Bludhaven; Mr. Terrific collected Justifier helmets from around the world and asked Cyborg and Starfire to help him destroy them.

Comments: Created by John Ostrander & Tom Mandrake

Mr. Terrific received a profile in JSA Secret Files #1. Terrific received a profile in JLA-Z #2 under the Justice Society of America entry. Mr. Terrific (as Terrific Lad) received a profile in Sins of Youth Secret Files #1 under the Junior Society of America entry.

Flash II #185 had a flashback of Terrific and the JSA’s battle against Thinker in JSA #16, 17.

Sand had a dream about fighting Black Barax alongside Mr. Terrific in JSA #33.

Mr. Terrific had cameos in Justice League of America II #1, 7.

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