Membership: Deadeye, Elasti-Man, Element-Man, Fiero, Frostbite, Scarab, Slipstream

Base of Operations: Qward, Anti-Matter Universe

First Appearance: Justice League Quarterly #8(Autumn 1992)

History: (Justice League Quarterly #8)-A group of super-powered villains from the extradimensional planet Qward banded together in hopes of becoming wealthy. They would go from town to town creating disasters, and saving the townsfolk in exchange for an exorbitant price. At this time on Earth, Claire Montogomery was running a membership drive for her New Conglomerate. Her corporate sponsored super-team the Conglomerate was originally scheduled to face their rivals the Justice League in a pay-per-view charity event for UNICEF. The Justice League’s benefactor Maxwell Lord decided to undermine Claire by hiring away all the individual team members into lucrative contracts in the entertainment industry. Claire had no luck finding adequate replacements until she met Norman the Doorman, who had the ability to open up dimensional rifts. He showed her the villains from Qward, and she mistook them for super-heroes when she witnessed them rescuing a village from the effects of a volcano. After they were brought to Earth she explained the situation and they agreed to become the New Conglomerate. In truth they were only playing along with Claire in order to get a taste of Earth’s greatest heroes and determine if world domination was feasible. At the pay-per-view event they went from cheating against the Justice League to blatantly attacking them. They had made up their mind that ruling the world would be easy, and they would begin by killing the League. At this point Norman realized his mistake and helped banish the New Conglomerate back to Qward. Despite the very positive reaction from the viewers, the New Conglomerate has yet to be brought back to our world.

List of appearances: Justice League Quarterly #8

Comments: Created by Mark Waid & Rod Whigham

Last updated: 3/23/2002

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