Membership: General, Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Prometheus

Base of Operations: Still Zone

First Appearance: JLA #34 (October, 1999)

History: (JLA #34, 36-39) – To avenge his last humiliating defeat at the hands of the JLA, Lex Luthor formed the New Injustice Gang. They chose a time to strike when the JLA’s resources were spread thin, and during a Belle Reve prison riot Prometheus had minor crook Red Dart steal Lantern’s ring, and Prometheus tinkered with it before allowing Green Lantern to recover it. The Gang attacked the JLA Watchtower, getting the drop on the JLA because they entered via Prometheus’ Still Zone. They attacked the heroes and set off massive explosions that damaged the Watchtower. The fight went against the JLA, and as the doomsday weapon Mageddon approached Earth it put the Injustice Gang in its thrall to keep the heroes from saving Earth. The JLA taunted Luthor, saying he wasn’t living up to his reputation by giving into Mageddon, and Luthor freed himself from the remote sender through sheer force of will. Prometheus was defeated by Batman, but managed to teleport away, and the General was pushed into the Still Zone by Orion’s hound Sturmer. Queen Bee managed to set up a hive in NYC, but it was infiltrated by Plastic Man, Big Barda, and Wonder Woman, who defeated her. The Gang was defeated, and Luthor swore Mageddon’s influence left him amnesiac, and that he would never willingly associate with supervillains.

Comments: Created by Grant Morrison

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