
Membership: OMAC 1-1,373,462

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: OMAC Project #1 (June, 2005)

History:  Brother Eye, an artificial satellite with A.I. was constructed by Batman to keep tabs on his fellow members of the JLA in the worst-case scenario that one or more of them ever went rogue. Maxwell Lord took control of Brother Eye and created OMAC (Observational Metahuman Activity Construct) cyborgs controlled by Brother Eye with the intention of using them to control Earth's superhumans. OMACs possessed superhuman strength, invulnerability, flight and could evolve superpowers to deal with any threat. OMAC nanotech was delivered in the form of a vaccine to the general populace, and Brother Eye could activate the nanotech virus at any time, turning the incubators into OMACs.

(Batgirl I #66) - Cassandra (Batgirl0 Cain was in Detroit on a quest to find her mother Lady Shiva and found the apartment building that was her last known address. She showed a picture of Shiva to an elderly neighbor, hoping she’d recognize her. Verraco, a metahuman Cassandra had tussled with earlier in a biker bar had followed her to Detroit wanting a rematch. They fought across the neighborhood, and an enraged Verraco threw a car at Cassandra. She ducked, but the car hit the old woman. The woman turned out to be an OMAC, and quickly neutalized Verraco before flying off with him. Cassandra was intrigued by what had just happened, but was focused on continuing her quest.

(JSA #76) - An OMAC attacked the JSA outside of a NYC courthouse, and almost killed them before Atom-Smasher drove the OMAC off.

(Teen Titans III #30) - The OMACs fought an army of demons unleashed on Los Angeles by Brother Blood.

(JLA #122) - When the JLA investigated a mass murder perpetrated by the Key in Metropolis Brother Eye activated a number of OMACs to destroy them. The OMACs ended up overwhelmed, so Brother Eye commanded them to self-destruct.

Comments: Created by Greg rucks & Jesus Saiz.

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