Real Name: Orion

Class: God (New Gods)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Affiliation: formerly Justice League America, JLA

Known Relatives: Darkseid (father), Heggra (grandmother, deceased), Kalibak (half-brother), Steppenwolf (uncle), Tiggra (mother, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsNew Genesis, formerly Apokolips

First Appearance: New Gods I #1 (February-March, 1971)

Powers: Orion was extremely long-lived, possessed high levels of superhuman strength, stamina and durability and rapidly healed from injuries. He was an unparalleled and savage hand-to-hand combatant. Orion wielded the astro-force that let him fly with an astro-glider capable of protecting him from the rigors of space and gave him the ability to project devastating bolts of energy or magnetic beams. Orion had access to a Mother Box.

History(New Gods I #7 (fb, BTS)) - Queen Mother Heggra arranged for Darkseid to marry Tigra,and she bore Darkseid a son named Orion. Darkseid was disgusted with both of them, and put them in exile. 

(New Gods I #7) - Darkseid made a pact of peace with New Genesis that required him to send his son Orion to be raised on New Genesis, and in return Highfather sent his son to Apokolips. Orion had the ferocious temper of his mother, and when told that Highfather was his father he tried to attack him with a knife, asking why he hated him. Highfather calmed him down and resolved to teach him the peaceful ways of New Genesis. 

(New Gods III #22 (fb)) - Highfather watched the children of Supertown at play, supervised by Desdemona. He observed Orion and told Metron that he believed the future of New Genesis depended on overcoming his heritage, just as he believed Apokolips would win if Darkseid swayed Scott Free to the dark side. The newly resurrected Steppenwolf led a raid on New Genesis, and Desdemona led the children to a fortress while New Genesis soldiers turned away the attack. Metron almost had his Mobius Chair finished, but the power of the x-element destroyed the chair, and he needed more, so he contacted Darkseid. Darkseid exchanged more of the x-element for Boom Tubes, and while Metron successfully finished his chair and toured the cosmos Darkseid sent Steppenwolf to reclaim Orion from New Genesis. Many children were killed, but Orion himself turned the tide and sent Steppenwolf retreating. Orion was already developing a deep hatred for Darkseid.

(New Gods III #2 (fb), 10 (fb)) - Orion’s hostility drove people away, and the only family he had was Highfather and Metron. Commander trained Orion in the ways of combat, and he became a furious warrior, an embodiment of war itself. Arkal, a boy at his school, disliked Orion’s fiery ways, and they fought tooth and nail, but eventually became close friends and grew up together. During a school break Orion visited Akarl’s families’ Agri-Center, but found Bugs had slaughtered everyone there. Orion’s mind disappeared into a crimson haze of violence, and he slaughtered the perpetrators, leading to his lifelong hatred of Bugs. Orion’s rage grew, and Highfather worried for him. He granted him the power of the astro-force, knowing Darkseid’s forces might well target him. Orion’s hatred of Darkseid made him eager to resume war with Apokolips, but Highfather tried to show him that his rage was an evil equal to Darkseid’s ways. Orion took no heed, unable to comprehend anything but his hate and love of war.   

(Forever People I #7) - Lonar came across Orion, who was brooding and in a deep depression. The sight of the magnificent Thunderer, a battlehorse Lonar rode that had been resurrected from the ruins of the Old Gods momentarily cheered him, but the animal reared at his touch. Orion wondered if life would always recoil from him.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #20) - Superman helped the Forever People free Beautiful Dreamer from Darkseid’s clutches, and because he was feeling like an outsider among humanity, they allowed him to take a Boom Tube to Supertown. Highfather called him to his side, and told him the answers he sought were held on his adopted planet Earth, and he could not interfere by giving him the answers himself. He used his wonder staff to return Superman home, and confided in his son Orion that Superman would be a valuable ally in their war against Darkseid. Orion was chomping at the bit to wage war against Darkseid, even though he knew their final battle was a long way away. Highfather warned him not to think war glorious.

(New Gods I #1) - Highfather summoned Orion to New Genesis, and they read from the Source Wall, which predicted that Orion would go to Apokolips, then Earth, then to war. Metron wanted to aid them, and hinted that Darkseid was Oirion’s father, but Highfather told him to be quiet. Orion went to Apokolips and battled Para-Demons, Darkseid’s dog cavalry and Kalibak, but found the tyrant absent. A mass-director unit transmitted all of Darkseid’s orders, and Metron appeared to Orion, letting him know that Darkseid was on Earth searching for the anti-life equation. He’d broken the pact by bringing humans to Apokolips to scan their minds for the equation, and setting up base underground in Earth. Orion freed the humans on Apokolips and came to Earth, telling Darkseid they were at war.

(New Gods I #2) - Orion confronted Darkseid and the villain told him he’d dare do whatever he wanted with Earth. His warlord Brola attacked Orion, but was soundly defeated, but Darkseid slipped away. Orion's new human friends helped him establish a base on Earth, and he took the secret identity of O’Ryan. Using mother box he saw Darkseid’s minions pouring into Earth, poised for conquest, and told his friends everyone would have to help combat Darkseid unless they wanted Apokolips to own Earth. Darkseid used Desaad’s fear machine to cause panic in the city, but Orion destroyed the device. 

(New Gods I #3) - Orion’s human friends gave him human clothing so he could blend in. Orion spent a private moment of reflection, using mother box to restore his true face, the cruel brutal, face that hinted of his Apokoliptan origins. His human friend Lincoln, a P.I., brought him to the building where Darkseid had abducted him for probing. They found Intergang members preparing to detonate a bomb that would shut off the city’s communication centers. Orion defeated them, and using mother box he lifted the bomb into space, where it exploded harmlessly.

(New Gods I #4-6) - Orion, in his civilian P.I. identity of O'Ryan, watched as the police dredged the body of Seagrin, who'd been murdered by the Deep Six, from a harbor. Orion oversaw the passing of Seagrin's soul into the Source. Orion knew his Mother Box couldn't locate the Deep Six because Darkseid had constructed a jammer, and he knew that Intergang protected it, but would flee and move it if he made his interest in the jammer know. He had Dave Lincoln, Victor Lanza, Claudia Shane, and Harvey Lockman pose as his "O'Ryan Gang." They shook up Intergang member Snaky Doyle and found Country Boy's seaside hideout where Intergang had the jammer hidden. Orion destroyed the jammer and went into the sea, locating Slig of the Deep Six. He saw the monstrous Spawn that killed Seagrin, and was being set free into the sea by Slig. The distraction allowed Slig to capture Orion, but he later escaped bondage. His brutal fight with Slig brought out his bestial side, and Orion reverted to his true appearance. He broke off the fight to be calmed by Mother Box, and then beat Slig to death, repaying the death of Seagrin. Orion went in search of the Spawn and found a number of shipwrecks in his wake, rescuing survivors of a wrecked yacht. Orion found a wooden craft with a living masthead wrapped in kelp mutated by the Deep Six. He freed the captive Lightray, who explained that he tried and failed to stop the Six. The boat contained a "sender," mutated sea life that directed the Spawn. Orion wanted to kill it, but Lightray transformed it at a molecular level into a technoorganic “caller” that would draw Spawn and the Deep Six to them. Orion killed Jaffar of the Deep Six with the astro-force and battled the remaining Six. Spawn was ready to devour them when Lightray’s transformation of the “caller” completed, making it a living warhead that destroyed Spawn and the Six in an explosion. Lightray sped Orion to safety at lightspeed.

(New Gods I #8) - Orion set up a home for Lightray on Earth, staying with his human friend Victor Lanza. Orion saw a TV report of Kalibak on Earth. After going on a rampage he'd taken Orion’s friends Claudia Shane and Dave Lincoln hostage, demanding that Orion confront him. Orion arrived in time to save the life of detective Terrible Turpin, who was determined to arrest Kalibak and keep superpowered brawls from destroying Metropolis. Orion and Kalibak fought savagely, and Kalibak got a hunch that Orion must come from Apokolips to be filled with such fury. Orion reflected that they’d fought each other ever since they were young, and there must be a connection between them. As their battle reached a crescendo Orion’s true demonic face was revealed, but as he was about to deliver a killing blow Lightray flew him away. Turpin had hooked up every power generator into the city into one device, and used it to shock Kalibak into unconsciousness. Orion was angry that Lightray had seen his true face, but Lightray told him that while he saw many scars, they were all acquired defending New Genesis.

(New Gods I #9,10) - The dawn broke, and Lightray tried to convince Orion that the new day was filled with hope, though Orion’s mind was still focused on war. Playwright Eve Donner offered them hospitality, and she was equally fascinated and repulsed by Orion. Orion raged that Darkseid would not face him one-on-one and Lightray warned Eve that he was the personification or destruction. Orion told her he’d seek her out after his final battle and see if she thought he was worth her pity. Orion and Lincoln checked in on Orion’s friend Dave Lincoln, and found the Metropolis police waiting for them. Metropolis D.A. J. Mason Hartwell told Orion and Lightray they’d be held accountable for the property damage they’d caused during their fight with Kalibak, but Dave Lincoln pointed out that they’d helped to defeat Kalibak and prevented any loss of life. Forager of the New Genesis Bugs found the New Gods and warned them that Mantis was planning an invasion of Earth. Orion hoped that all of Earth would aid the New Gods of New Genesis in their war against Darkseid, because their preservation depended on it, and departed. Orion fought Mantis’ Bug horde fiercely, and Lightray convinced Sonic Research and Development to lend him a transmitter, which he used to focus sound and light to drive off the Bugs, and send them scurrying back to New Genesis.

(New Gods I #11) - At Dave Lincoln’s apartment Orion railed that he wanted to face Darkseid no matter the consequences. Lightray advised planning and caution, but Orion would have none of it. Kalibak escaped police custody and challenged Orion, but Lightray wanted his war-weary friend to have a break and accepted Kalibak’s challenge. Kalibak soundly beat him, and Orion engaged him in combat. Orion and Kalibak finally realized their relationship as half-brothers, and Kalibak gained the edge because Desaad was pumping energy into him from Apokolips. Darkseid wanted his sons to fight on a level playing ground, and feared death for Orion, so he killed Desaad, disabling his device. The tide turned in Orion’s favor and as the battle reached its climax the Black Racer appeared and claimed Kalibak.

(New Gods II #6) - Orion got word that his mother Tigra was still alive on Apokolips, and traveled there, causing havoc. Lightray aided him as he could, but knew he couldn’t be present during his final battle with Darkseid. Orion fought past Steppenwolf and confronted Darkseid, who showed him Tigra, trussed up, and threatened her life. In his unreasoning fury Orion was unprepared, and Darkseid’s marksmen shot him down into a fire pit. Darkseid hoped Orion was dead, although he knew he couldn’t have brought himself to kill his son.

(DC Graphic Novel #4) - Orion was nursed back from near-death by Himon, his daughter Bekka, and a group of Hunger Dogs. With Himon and Lightray’s help he destroyed a mekkanoid production center, and captured a canister of Micro-Mark, a deadly weapon that could destroy a planet. Darkseid had more Micro-Mark in production, and used it to destroy New Genesis, forcing Highfather and the New Gods to flee to a satellite city. Orion led a Hunger Dog revolt by killing one of the citizen’s tormentors, and killed Esak for creating Micro-Mark. Orion and Bekka confessed their love for each other, and he revealed his true grotesque face to her. She was unphased because she knew his heart. Darkseid’s rule crumbled under the Hunger Dog revolt, and massive explosions caused by his Micro-Mark tore apart Apokolips. In the confusion Orion and Bekka saved Tigra from captivity, and fled on a spaceship.

(New Gods III #1-3) - Darkseid sent Kalibak and a horde of Para-Demons to Earth to retrieve Eve Donner, Dave Lincoln and Wilson Gillmore, three Earthlings that held a part of the anti-life equation. Orion and a host of New Genesis gods resisted them, forcing them to flee, but not before activating a Morrow Block that sapped the lifeforce of Earth. The Morrow Block killed a number of New Genesis gods, including Jezebelle, before Orion destroyed it. On New Genesis Orion railed to Highfather, complaining that he always felt he was on the losing side, and that he was sick of seeing comrades die. To give Orion another lesson in humility Highfather entrusted the body of Forager to him and told him to return his remains to the Bugs. Orion despised the Bugs as lesser beings, but Highfather wanted him to see that everyone who hated Darkseid was on the same side. Forager was honored with a grand funeral, and Orion agreed to relate the history of new Genesis to the Bugs, who recorded history through oral tradition and had many gaps to fill in. Eventually Orion discussed his youth and how his only friend Akarl was slaughtered by the Bugs, leading to his hatred of them. A survivor of Orion’s retribution presented himself, and told him he’d sacrifice his life if Orion would end his vendetta. Orion was touched by his warrior’s spirit and agreed that the New Gods and Bugs should forge a truce, even going so far as to defend the bugs from a troop of new Genesis Monitors ordered to exterminate the bugs. Orion arranged peace-talks between the New Gods and the Bugs, demanding independent states for the Bugs in exchange for their services in the war against Apokolips. Some of the Council of Five bristled at the idea of cooperating with Bugs, and the Commander claimed they’d be poor soldiers. Prime One offered Forager as their champion, and challenged the New Gods to select their own to battle her in an arena., Lonar was chosen, and after a brutal fight he won, but was impressed with her skills, and the fact that she would rather die than be beaten, so he proclaimed the Bugs worthy allies. Metron awoke from his coma and revealed to Orion that the Bugs were created by the New Gods as biological weapons against Apokolips, but when they escaped and ravaged New Genesis they blamed Apokolips for their creation. Orion felt betrayed and told Highfather he was not as righteous as he seemed. He struck Highfather and left New Genesis.

(New Gods III #4, 5) - Orion spent time contemplating on a mountaintop in Tibet, but Forager followed him. She told him he’d have to accept that the New Gods weren’t perfect, but they were trying to make amends with the Bugs, something Apokolips would never do. Mantis built an insect colony around a nuclear missile silo in Tulsis, Nevada, planning to bombard Earth with a nuclear attack. Orion and Forager invaded the colony, slaughtering Mantis’ horde of bugs, but their efforts to stop Mantis from firing off six nuclear missiles failed. Mantis seemingly killed Forager and in his rage at losing a woman he felt connected too Orion killed Mantis. With Lightray’s help he caught up to the missiles and opened a Boom Tube to the insect colonies of New Genesis, destroying their civilization. Orion felt no joy, but thought the Bugs deserved what they got. Forager reappeared alive and railed against Orion for not considering using the Boom Tube to bring the missiles to an empty world. Mantis’ hordes had perished, but so had many innocent Bugs. She hit Orion and told him he was no different than his father Darkseid. Highfather himself was worried about Orion turning to the dark side, and consulted the Source. If Orion was turned to evil by Darkseid, than the war against Apokolips was lost.

(New Gods III #6) - Orion talked with his friend Dave Lincoln about how they viewed conflict. Dave firmly believed in Earth law and order, but Orion saw things more back and white, the enemy should always be exterminated, not given a trial. Lightray arrived to tell Orion Eve Donner had been kidnapped by Darkseid, and they made their way to Apokolips, with Dave yelling that Orion should focus of saving the girl, not meting out punishment to Darkseid. Darkseid wanted to lure Orion into killing Eve, but his plans fell apart when the Dreggs, the undead Old Gods, invaded Apokolips. In his conflict with them Darkseid’s Omega-Beams struck Orion, Lightray and Eve, sending them all off-planet.

(New Gods III #7-12) - Orion awoke in the underground of Apokolips, surrounded by the Dreggs. A stranger showed Orion visions of the Old Gods and recounted his past history. When the stranger talked about Tigra Orion remembered that his mother’d be reimprisoned in Section Zero, and resolved to save her, partially because he hoped her knowledge of Darkseid would allow him to defeat his father. On the streets of Apokolips Orion was disgusted with the toil of the Hunger Dogs, and the statues dedicated to Darkseid as lord of his people. Orion smashed one of the monuments, and Darkseid dispatched Kalibak to reclaim his prodigal son so he could bring him to the dark side. After a quick, furious battle Kalibak was defeated. Orion rallied the Hunger Dogs and screamed at an old blind woman who mistook him for Darkseid, claiming he in no way resembled his father. He met Jovita, who ran an underground resistance. She wanted Orion to go away because destruction followed him everywhere. Darkseid sent his servant Tyrus and his hound Tracker to find Orion, and although Orion bested him Tyrus followed him to Jovita’s underground base. Orion killed Tracker and was prepared to kill Tyrus, but Jovita stayed his hand. She already had her Hunger Dogs flee their home, but if Darkseid knew of Tyrus’ death he would certainly track them down to send a message. Jovita and Orion fled to an abandoned armament factory. Volunteer and his troops appeared to drag Hunger Dogs away from their homes to server Darkseid’s army. Orion passed himself off as a recruit to get close to Darkseid. Orion rose through the ranks of Darkseid’s recruits, and when Desaad used his torture machines to break the will of the troops he found Orion would not break and went into a coma. After an initiation of killing Para-Demons he was assigned soldier duties, and had a hard time learning that his adversaries were often pressed into service with no love of Darkseid, and many of them feared Orion, who’d slain many of their numbers. Kalibak led Orion and a troop to locate and exterminate Jovita and her band of Hunger Dogs. Kalibak continued his rebellion against Darkseid, and after letting the Hunger Dogs escape he let Orion beat him and claim a key to Section Zero where Tiggra was being held. Jovita joined Orion of his way to Section Zero and tried to express her love for him, but he felt no love, only lust for war. Orion fought his way to Tiggra, but she refused to leave, telling him she’d be a prisoner no matter where she went because of what she knew and had seen. She also affirmed for Orion that he was just like his father, and he left Section Zero in disgust. Kalibak observed through a monitor, his plan was complete, he’d taught Orion the same lesson he’d learned a long time ago, that he truly was his father’s son.

(New Gods III #13,14) - Highfather scolded Orion for infiltrating Darkseid’s army, telling him it caused dissention among the populace of New Genesis. Orion replied that Highfather would never understand his personal struggles of identity, and that by now the people should never doubt his allegiances. Lightray took Orion to Earth for peace and tranquility. Orion met Dave Lincoln, and after watching him avert a hostage situation without violence, he reflected on the nature of heroiucs and the use of power. Orion and Lightray’s reveries were cut short when a Reflektorr that’d followed Eve from Apokolips terrorized North Shore Park. It fed on fear, and Orion was confident in confronting it, but it turned into the one thing he feared, a monstrous version of himself. Orion battled the Reflektorr, but his heedless rage against himself caused great amounts of destruction. The Reflektorr fled and hitched a ride on a subway, making its way to the Habitat of the Hairies. It confronted a Hairie with his fear of the city, and he would have burned the habitat to the ground if not for the intervention of Lightray and Orion. Reflektorr retreated through a Boom Tube back to Apokolips. Lightray and Lincoln both asked Orion what he saw in the Reflektorr, and he lied, claiming he saw Darkseid. 

(New Gods III #15) - Orion helped Dave Lincoln pursue the Poet, a misogynist serial killer that killed women. Orion disliked the idea of senseless murder, but Lincoln tried to convince him that the deaths in warfare were no more sensible. Orion tracked the Poet, who’d attracted the attention of Desaad. Desaad pumped up the Poet with Apokaliptian power in an effort to save him, but Orion triumphed. Orion and Lincoln deduced that Sharon, supposedly a victim of the Poet, was actually killed by her husband, who was sick of caring for an invalid. Lincoln took the man into custody, and once again tried to explain the idea of human justice to Orion, who would have preferred to slaughter the murderers he’d encountered that day.

(New Gods III #16) - Orion reflected on the value of love over war when he was confronted by John Hedley, a man who found a relic of the Old Gods and had their power. He had a chip on his shoulder against superheroes, and goaded Orion into fighting. Orion tried not to be baited, but exploded when Hedley mentioned his father. They battled, Orion prevailed, and he recognized the pointlessness of their struggle. Highfather arrived via Boom Tube and reclaimed the sword. Later Infernus tracked down Hedley, and fearing to report failure to Darkseid, because that would mean death, he attacked Hedley. Orion showed up and defeated Infernus, yelling at him for daring to use his god powers against a mortal. Hedley told Orion his opinion of super-heroes as ego-tripping megalomaniacs hadn’t changed, and Orion responded that he’d seen many men like Hedley. They refused to ever concede defeat, but that didn’t mean they were not repeatedly beaten. 

(New Gods III #17) - Orion stopped bank robbers, but he staid himself from being overly brutal, remembering that they were men, and he was a god. Lieutenant Marvin Jones, made it clear that he didn’t want Orion’s help, prompting him to put on a display of power to remind Jones what a god was. Lightray thought Orion was being far too serious, and after mussing his hair and scowling, performed a very good imitation of his friend. Orion was pleased, and actually laughed at himself. In the Promethian Galaxy Yuga Khan broke his bonds, and his return to existence constituted a greater threat to life than either Darkseid.

(New Gods III #18-21) - Highfather contacted Mister Miracle, Orion and Lightray on Earth, hisimage dominating the NYC skyline. He let them know that he needed them for the upcoming threat of Yuga Khan, and warned them that they might have to lay down their lives. Miracle refused because he was still trying to build a normal life on Earth with Barda, but Orion and Lightray pledged to help. Monitors arrived on Earth, telling Orion that Commander conscripted him to join the military. Orion served Highfather and didn’t recognize Commander’s authority, so he fought off the Monitors. Darkseid’s minion Necromina attacked the Glen Oaks Rest Home where Victor Lanza was staying, and Orion raced to his rescue. Necromina blasted him, and her zombies drug him through a Boom Tube to Apokolips. Orion was feigning defeat to get close to Darkseid, and when Desaad hooked him to a torture machine he escaped, as visions of his recurring dream of destroying his father ran through his head. He was alarmed when confronted by the soldier Concord, who he’d gotten to know when he’d infiltrated Darkseid’s army. The soldier didn’t recognize his former brother-in-arms, and blasted him, fearing Darkseid’s wrath if he failed.Orion was jailed, but in the time it took to escape Yuga Khan had imprisoned Darkseid and taken over Apokolips. Jovita found Orion and pleaded with him to help her Hunger Dogs against Khan, but he was single-minded. Orion found Darkseid imprisoned in his own citadel, and his father told him he must destroy Khan, and the only way he could do that was to kill Darkseid. He explained that it violated the primal laws for a son to kill his father, so he could never kill Khan himself. He took Orion to Section Zero, home of the Lump, and told him they'd fight and he would slay him within the mindscape of Lump. This violation of the primal forces would allow Darkseid to conquer Khan. Orion found that even in the mindscape he couldn’t kill Darkseid, that killing the one that gave you life would be the ultimate act of self-loathing. He left the battlefield, and told Darkseid that some day he would answer for his sins, but it would not be by Orion’s hand. Yuga Khan’s reign ended when he tried to pierce the Source Wall for a second time, and was once again imprisoned in the Promethian Galaxy.

(New Gods III #23) - Darkseid and Desaad found that Ellis Ames, a man with a terminal disease, possessed a piece of the anti-life equation. Darkseid sent his warrior Agogg after him, and while Orion and Lightray initially took him to safety Agogg used his psychic profile to track down the last places Ames had been, including a music publishing company, one of many that found Ames’ work sub par, and Royer’s Children’s Hospital, where Ames played before he contracted his disease and was banned from the premises by an overly fearful nurse. Ames told Lightray how he envied him, and that how all he ever wanted was to make the world a better place than if he’d never been born. Agogg defeated Orion and Lightray in combat, and when he attacked the hospital Ames gave himself over to keep his beloved children from harm. On Apokolips he was brought before Darkseid, and when Darkseid turned his back he claimed he’d already given the anti-life equation to Agogg, and tossed himself out a window, acting like Agogg was the perpetrator. Darkseid believed the ruse and killed Agogg with the omega effect. In honor of his sacrifice Orion and Lightray gave Ames a heroes’ funeral.

(New Gods III #24, 25) - While the Forever People tried to convince Nortech Industries to stop preventing the environment, Darkseid and Desaad became aware of Maya’s existence and both had their own plans for her. Highfather contacted Orion and told him to protect Maya from Apokolips, and when he met up with the Forever People he attacked Nortech security, telling them their attempts at peaceful talks would get them nowhere. The Forever People convinced him to back off, and they tried to go through the proper channels to meet Nortech C.E.O. E. Donald Rodman, but he refused an audience. Orion again attacked the Nortech plant, seeing violence as the only solution, and Rodman finally agreed to a meeting. Meeting the Forever People reminded him of his own youth as a rebellious hippy, but he refused to budge. Desaad took advantage of the fact that Orion’s attack weakened Northech’s control system, and dominated the mind of a nuclear tech, having him release the radiation of a reactor, resulting in hundreds of deaths. Rodman blamed the New Gods, and after they briefly contained the radiation they all volunteered to shut down the reactor, but Orion made it clear he was the one who had the best chance of success and the least to lose. Before Rodman could give him the security codes to shut it down Desaad’s pawn Tyrus assassinated him. Desaad appeared to them and promised to stop the reactor, for a price, possession of Maya. The Forever People turned him down flat, summoned the Infinity Man, and together with Orion, he made his way to the reactor, where they found the Black Racer waiting for them. As his spirit passed on Rodman gave Black Racer the safety codes and begged him to shut down the reactor, to honor the peace loving man he once was. Disaster was averted, but Desaad promised he wasn’t done.

(New Gods III #26) - Orion relemntlessly tracked Tyrus to avenge Rodman’s death while Lightray tried to convince him not to turn into the relentless killing machine his enemy was. Desaad, again acting under the false guise of Darkseid’s authority, told Tyrus to bring Rodman’s nephew Randy to Apokolips, because he possessed a piece of the anti-life equation. Orion and Lightray saved the boy, and opened a Boom Tube to Armagetto, where they had another confrontation with Tyrus, who promised to kill the boy if he couldn’t have him. In the Dreggs’ Cavern Metron and Necromina witnessed the rebirth of one of the Old Gods, who used his hammer to restore the Cavern to its old glory and to save Lightray from a blast of Tyrus’ gun. Tyrus initially thought he’d killed Lightray and was ashamed of himself for bringing nothing but pain into the world. When Lightray revived he felt different, he felt hope, and he switched his allegiances to New Genesis.

(New Gods III #27, 28) - Darkseid became aware of Earthwoman Anne Flaherty, who possessed part of the anti-lie equation, and sent his ruthless soldier Dispatcher to retrieve her. Highfather sent Orion and Lightray to stop him, but by the time they reached her she was dead, killed by drunk driver John Elliot.  Orion battled and defeated Dispatcher, but chose not to disintegrate him with the astro-force, knowing Darkseid would kill him for his failure. Lightray was disarmed by all the good Anne’d done in her life he was determined to resurrect her with Darkseid’s Mortis Mark technology acquired from Metron. Highfather told him it was an evil idea, and that just as every life had its purpose, so did every death.  Highfather brought Orion to the Source Wall so he could explain why Darkseid never really resurrected anyone. It wrote out “There is no anti –life…There is only life.” and sent Orion to stop Lightray, but Lightray had a change of heart. Dispatcher took the Mortis Mark tech from him, and used it on Anne. Anne knew the value of life, and didn’t want to return to it in an unnatural state, so she willed herself to dust. In a last-ditch effort of redemption Dispatcher attacked Orion, but was killed by his own raygun, that John Elliot had found. Elliot had touched Lightray’s liferock, and living the lives of others he realized how much Anne’s life had mattered. 

(DCU Holiday Bash #1) - Highfather took Orion to New York City on Christmas to remind him they made war to maintain joy and peace in the universe. Mr. Peasley thought Highfather was the agency Santa Claus he hired to work his department tore. Highfather told Orion this would be another good opportunity, a chance to witness the innocence of youth. Orion initially objected, but eventually gave in, for the first time willing Mother Box to reveal his true face so he could play Santa’s elf. With Highfather as Santa and Orion as his elf they gave Christmas presents to every needy child that came to the store.  

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #4) - The New Gods waged war against Darkseid’s armada to keep them from Earth. Vykin returned from the front to confirm that aboard one of the ships was a doomsday device that could obliterate the universe, and he’d discovered that only the astro-force could contain it. The alien races no longer had hope after Darkseid slew their gods, and they wanted revenge against him and the entire universe. Highfather dared the unimaginable in deciding to resurrect Orion, the only man capable of harnessing the astro-force. He approached the Source, and the Black Rider appeared, warning him that although he would not interfere, Orion’s soul was not at rest, and it was a fool’s errand to play with a tortured soul. Highfather gravely said that he did what he must, and he had Takion communicate with the Source, reach into it, and pull out Orion.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #5) - The explosion was an illusion, the most powerful Dreamer had ever cast, and it left the aliens off-balance. Highfather had Takion communicate with the Source to bestow some of its power on Orion, restoring him to full strength. Lightray, Barda, and some of the Forever People breached the ship where the oblivion bomb was kept, but Darkseid appeared aand told the aliens they were foolish to attempt to destroy his universe. He used the omega beam to erase them from existence, but as he faded the captain of the ship activated the oblivion bomb. Orion deactivated it with the astro-force, and Darkseid disappeared. Highfather and the New Gods made a peace with the aliens, allowing them to chose among their ranks for new deities to worship so their lives could have fulfillment. Darkseid met Orion on a nearby asteroid as the alien armada left in peace, and told him he recognized something different, yet familiar in him since he’d returned from the Source. He asked his son how he’d deal with the aliens, and Orion responded by destroying every last ship with the astro-force. Darkseid said he finally felt like he had a son.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #6) - Highfather and company learned that the alien armadas returning to their worlds had been destroyed, and Takion suspected Orion because the wrecked ships contained traces of astro-force. Orion denied his wrongdoing, but Metron told the others he’d witnessed it. Before they could decide what to do next Lonar arrived, telling the New Gods that the Female Furies had tunneled beneath Genesis and killed Harmon, god of music. Barda felt personally responsible for her old charges, and led the strike force into the tunnel the Furies created. The heroes fought barvely, and Orion joined in, slaughtering countless Parademons over Mr. Miracle’s objections. Orion said he never appreciated the gifts Darkseid gave him, but staid his hand when he fought Bernadeth, sister of Desaad. She recognized something familiar in him. Darkseid appeared, and readied to use the omega effect to kill Orioin and release the presence he came back from the Source with, although that defied prophecy. Takion ordered him to stand down, and knowing Takion was the will of the Source Darkseid complied. Takion used his power to release the corrupting influence from Orion, which turned out to be Desaad.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #7) - Takion lost his powers, and Highfather gravely counseled that the Source was in trouble, and it felt brittle and weak. Orion had been contemplative to the point of catatonic since being separated from Darkseid, and the Forever People tried to figure out a way to help him, because if the Source was in danger, New Genesis would need her fiercest warrior to protect them all. They contacted Vykin’s mother Valkyra, renowned trainer of warriors, and Orion’s first teacher. She challenged him to public combat, and while Valkyra initially dominated, Orion’s beastial nature welled up, and he began crushing her in combat. The fight was interrupted by Highfather, who announced to the new Gods that the Source was threatened, and judgment day grew near.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #8) - Orion and the New Gods, alongside Earth’s heroes, continued to fight Darkseid’s Parademon army, but sensed something was amiss. Only Takion knew Highfather was gone, dead at the hands of Ares, who wanted to seize the Source’s power instead of saving it, but at the advice of the last of the Okld Gods, chose to keep that a secret, so the heroes wouldn’t lose hope

(Wonder Woman II #127) -

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #9) - With Apokolips and New Genesis separated, and Highfather and Darkseid lost, Kalibak challenged Orion to duel with him on New Genesis for his birthright, hoping his concentration was broken. Kalibak was confronted by Lightray, whom he easily dispatched, crumbling a stone structure on top of him. Orion agreed to face him, and told his brother that his brute force made him a clumsy warrior, and that he was surprised he’d survived so long. Kalibak was beaten to a pulp, and may have heard wisdom in Orion’s words, he chose to open a Boom Tube to retreat to Apokolips. Lightray was crippled, and near death, but Orion used a Mother Box to restore him. Lightray asked why Orion spared Kalibak numerous times when he had the opportunity to kill him. Orion said he knew Kalibak was one of the most dangerous forces in the universe, but he didn’t know why he staid his hand. Tigra appeared, telling them that Kalibak was fated to kill Darkseid, so Orion couldn’t kill him. Orion angrily told her that it was a son destined to kill Darkseid, and he could fulfill the prophecy, but she claimed to have a bombshell, information that proved Orion wasn’t Darkseid’s son.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #10) - Orion, Big Barda, Beautiful Dreamer and Big Bear surveyed New Genesis, and Orion feared that Darkseid was laughing at them, having a new cosmic clout being part of the Source Wall. Barda boasted that she was a warrior, and not interested in philosophy. Lightray reported after a tour of new Genesis, and was sad to inform them that fire pits had spawned across the landscape, melting the polar regions and doing untold damage. They didn’t know what would make things right, and at that moment Scott Free appeared, dressed in ceremonial robes. He was sure he couldn’t set things straight, despite what everyone thought, and Orion assured him that as Highfather’s scion he had to assume the mantle of leadership. He spent most of his life not even knowing his father, but Barda was impressed with him, and told him not to focus on his limitations. On New Genesis Orion pressed Tigra about her revelation, and she told him that when Darkseid gained the god-power he was ready to slay his unwanted wife, but she staid his hand by telling him she was pregnant. She needed to follow through on her lie, so she had an affair with a captain of the imperial guard, whose name she never cared to learn. When she was coming of term, Darkseid informed her that his mother seemed to be set on living forever, and he couldn’t have an heir before his power base as solidified. He had her bio-frozen for a millennia, and when she awoke his father was long dead. Orion declared her a liar, but Lightray told him to hear her out. She promised she wasn’t scheming, that with the constant threat on their lives their family history never seemed pressing. Orion used his Mother Box to reveal his true hideous features, and asked if that was not proof enough of who his father was.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #11, 12) - Orion traveled to the south pole of New Genesis to see if his mentor Valkyra still lived. The firepits of New Genesis decimate the poles, and Orion wondered if Metron knew what his actions would bring about when he separated Genesis and Apokolips. Orion realized that Highfather never even gave reason for why he fused the planets in the first place, but with his father dead, the answer was unknowable. The ruins of Valkyra’s palace formed a giant steel beast, and it attacked Orion. He used mother box to detect that it was an energy creature, and fighting it was pointless if he couldn’t stop the energy at the source. Diving inside the beast’s maw, he found Valkyra in stasis, and used his mother box to dissipate the beast. Valkyra told him that it was a weapon of the Old Gods unleashed by the upheaval of New Genesis, and it caught her unaware. Orion was pleased that his teacher was still alive, and they reminisced about old times. Valkyra admitted that as she watched Orion grow up, she fell in love with him. Orion could not resist the rare feeling of love that swelled inside him, and he embraced her and kissed her. They spent the night together, and both of them realized how complete they felt. Lightray arrived at the pole, worried about Orion, but when he realized the glorious situation, that Orion was in love, he assured the couple he’d give them some peace, and that New Genesis could handle itself without Orion for some time.

(JLA Secret Files #2) -

(JLA #17, New Gods Secret Files #1) - Takion learned that Mageddon, a doomsday weapon of the Old Gods, was set to awaken and attack Earth. He foisted Big Barda and Orion on the JLA as new members so they could aid in the fight against Mageddon when the time came.

(Green Lantern III #103) - Orion and the JLA were introduced to time-traveling Green Lantern Hal Jordan by Green Lantern Kyle Rayner. Hal was welcomed as a new inductee into the JLA. 

(JLA #19) - Julian September unhinged the universe’s laws of probability with his engine of chance, briefly warping history so that Orion and several other JLA members blinked out of existence. Atom met with the JLA, and Oracle unlocked September’s research notes. He split seven photons to create the Engine of Chance, so Atom shrunk the team to subatomic height and repaired the photons, undoing all the Engine’s effects. 

(JLA #20, 21) - Adam Strange teleported Orion and the JLA to Rann using zeta-beams, told them they were now his slaves, and forced them to rebuild Rann under the supervision of En’Taran Slavemasters. It took all of mother box’s efforts to keep Orion from going berserk; he bristled more than anyone at the idea of being a slave. Strange’s actions were a pretense for having the JLA construct a giant zeta-beam that teleported the Slavemasters away from Rann.   

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #17) - Orion lay in bed with Valkyra when he sensed a disturbance in the universe and recognized Kalibak as the source. He admitted to Valkyra that he still didn’t trust his mother’s story of them only being half-brothers, but as New Genesis’ champion he would nonetheless put an end to Kalibak’s schemes. Kalibak’s plan was to fire an energy device at the Source Wall, atomizing it and killing all the Promethean Giants, including his father, before tapping into the incalculable energy of the Wall. He gloated about being sole ruler of Apokolips, and Tigra stepped in to remind him that he owed his command to her, who’d lied and convinced the New Gods that Kalibak was Darkseid’s sole heir. Orion arrived to attack Kalibak’s stronghold, and slaughtered the Parademons that opposed him. Kalibak and Orion went into fierce battle, and Metron asked Tigra if she realized they could destroy Apokolips with their power. She cared not for her homeworld as long as she had her vengeance. She didn’t even care which of her sons died, as long as the survivor challenged Darkseid to “last battle,” and destroyed him. She knew Orion had held back against Darkseid in the past, because Darkseid’s death would spell the end of the Fourth World. Kalibak began to win the battle, using his energy device to channel Darkseid’s power, but as he presented Orion to the Black Racer, Valkyra appeared and sacrificed herself to the Racer. Metron had told her about the near future a few days ago, and at that moment she determined to save Orion’s life in any way necessary. The stage was now set for Armageddon.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #18) - Orion raged at the sky over his loss, and struck Metron, blaming him because he knew what would transpire and didn’t stop it. Metron replied that he sought answers, he didn’t create them, and once Orion fell in battle the Black Racer needed to claim a god. Orion wished the Racer had claimed him, but Metron warned that love and happinness would never be his lot, the only fleeting joy he would find was in victory in war.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #19) - With Darkseid’s return from the Source, Highfather knew war with Apokolips was inevitable. He left the Source, and told the Gods his time was short, but they needed something to rally around, so he returned Supertown, which was thrown into space when Genesis and Apokolips separated, back to its rightful place. Orion appeared, and told his fellows he had wasted enough time on Earth. He knew war was coming, and demanded that his fellow new Gods be willing to lay down their lives to stop Darkseid.

(JLA #23) - The Star Conqueror put most of the world to sleep, dreaming of a world in which its rule was absolute. Orion recognized it as an ancient threat and attacked it head-on, which had no effect, but the Conqueror’s counter-attack nearly killed Orion and his teammates. The Star Conqueror was only defeated when Superman, Green Lantern and Hippolyta entered the Dreaming and destroyed the Conqueror’s dream.

(JLA #24) - Mr. Miracle, Orion and Lightray watched Takion communicate with the Source Wall and learned that Mageddon would contact Earth in under two months. 

(Martian Manhunter II #7-9) - Orion and the JLA asked Manhunter to surrender to them because they suspected him committing crimes against humanity. In truth Malefic that was responsible, and he’d framed Manhunter by shapeshifting and impersonating him. The JLA questioned Manhunter at the JLA Watchtower, and Malefic turned himself invisible and attacked the JLA. They assumed Manhunter was responsible, leading to a huge fight. Manhunter tried to extricate himself by flying off in a JLA shuttle, but Malefic had anticipated this, and rigged it to go up in flames. Malefic then started hunting down the individual members of the JLA. Manhunter revealed that he’d survived and challenged his brother to a one-on-one confrontation on Z’Onn Z’Orr. Manhunter piloted Z’Orr into the sun and left Malefic behind to burn alive. The JLA apologized to Manhunter for ever having doubted him.

(JLA #32) - While delivering medical supplies to No Man's Land Gotham City, Green Lantern and Orion discovered that Locus was conducting disturbing genetic experiments in Gotham. Lantern and the JLA waged war against Locus to force them out of Gotham. 

(JLA #33) - One of the White Martians brainwashed to think it was a human acted as a secretary in WayneTech until he went down in a plane crash in the Andes. This fractured his mental blocks, and unsure of his identity he adopted Bruce Wayne’s and went on vacation in France. Batman sent Orion and the JLA to apprehend him, fearing his mental blocks would break down again. The JLAers assigned to “Wayne” provoked him, and he reverted to his White Martian form, but they defeated him before he could telepathically free his fellow Martians. 

(JLA #34) - Mageddon approached Earth, and sent a remote sender to Belle Reve prison, driving the prisoners berserk with rage. Most of the JLA was occupied, but Plas, Green Lantern and Aquaman quelled the riot while Orion dispatched the remote sender. 

(Day of Judgment #1, 3) - Orion and the JLA battled Asmodel, who'd merged with the Spectre and unleashed Hell on Earth. Orion held back the army of demons wrecking havoc on Earth

(Martian Manhunter II #13) - Orion gave Martian Manhunter his Mother Box and a ride in a Boom Tube to Mars so Manhunter could reconstitute his body with that of his Martian ancestors.

(JLA #36-41) - Mr. Miracle called an emergency meeting of Orion and the JLA and informed them of Mageddon’s arrival and explained its origins. It was a doomsday weapon of the Old Gods, and it would cause a massive outbreak of wars on Earth, the hatred it spread would keep going until everyone on the planet was dead. Orion rendezvoused with Metron, Big Barda and Wonder Woman in space, and saw the numerous alien civilizations Mageddon had destroyed on his way to Earth. Orion returned to the Watchtower to help the JLA battle the New Injustice Gang, who were in Mageddon’s thrall. The JLA pushed the Gang back into the Still Zone, and Orion defeated General by having his hound Sturmer push the General into the anti-infinity outside of Still Zone space. Orion confronted Mageddon head-on but was badly injured. The JLA built an anti-war ray, a device that gave all of humanity the ability to resist Mageddon’s urgings for them to destroy each other, as well as temporary superpowers so that they could all help fight Mageddon, and the final blow was delivered when Superman absorbed the anti-sun that powered Mageddon. Barda and Orion returned to New Genesis. 

(JLA #112, 113) - The New Gods Orion, Lightray and Big Barda were called in by the JLA when Qwardians threatened to destroy Earth with their doomsday weapon Erdammeru while the Crime Syndicate of Amerika tried to take control of Earth. Once the Qwardians learned that Krona, not Earth, was responsible for Qward’s temporary destruction, they returned to the anti-matter universe.

(Firestorm: The Nuclear Man II #33-35) - Mother Box alerted Orion to tell him that the anti-life equation had not been solved, and that a component of the actual equation had been figured out by Earthman Prof. Martin Stein, who was part of the Firestorm-matrix. Mr. Miracle’s mother box told him to take care of Stein, and as he was explaining the situation to Firestorm, Orion appeared. He demanded Stein, knowing Darkseid coveted his knowledge, and refused to listen to reason. Stein formed the Firestorm-matrix with his student Jason Rusch, and after a fierce battle subdued Orion by turning the air around him into titanium. Darkseid’s Female Furies showed up to claim Stein, and Lashina managed to choke out Firestorm with her whip, while the others subdued Miracle. Orion crowed that if her wasn’t helpless he’d defeat them all. Bernadeth told him he was a talented lover, but that he wouldn’t get to show off his fighting prowess that day. They opened up a Boom Tube to Apokolips when Jason’s girlfriend Gehenna arrived with superhero Firehawk, telling them no one messed with her boyfriend. Orion escaped his prison, and challenged Stompa to personal combat, and after a glorious battle he triumphed, with the other heroes having to drag him away from combat when he wouldn’t stop hitting Stompa with cars. The Furies were vanquished, and Metron appeared inside the Firestorm-matrix, revealing that Stein had not unlocked anti-life, but life itself in understanding the elemental nature of Firestorm. The full life equation would threaten Darkseid, and Metron warned that the villain wouldn’t rest until Stein was in his clutches. Orion offered sanctuary on New Genesis, but Firestorm knew that wasn’t the answer. Darkseid sent his son Kalibak to Earth to claim Stein, and he was accompanied by Parademons that wrecked havoc in Manhattan. Kalibak bested Orion in combat, and Firestorm was only able to defeat him by causing a nuclear explosion. The day seemed won until Darkseid appeared, told Firestorm he was tired of playing games, and broke the matrix, grabbed Stein, and escaped through a Boom Tube. Jason formed a new matrix with Gehenna and went after him.

Comments: Created by Jack Kirby.

Orion received profiles in Who’s Who in the DC Universe #1 and Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #17. Orion received a profile in JLA-Z #2 under the JLA (“The Magnificent 7” Era) entry.

There were pin-ups of Orion in the Fourth World Gallery and Legends of the DC Universe 3-D Gallery #1.

Orion had a cameo in Action Comics #650 and Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #1.

In Bizarro Comics #1 Mr. Mxyzptlk beamed information about all of Earth’s superheroes into Bizarro-Superman’s mind, hoping to teach him how to be a proper hero. Afterwards Bizarro had images of various heroes, including Orion, wandering through his head.

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