Real Name: Peachy Pet Thunder

Class: Human magic-user

Occupation: Genie

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Erasmus (first cousin once removed), Jenny (great-aunt), Jenny (great-aunt), Mildred (mother-in-law), Shocko (husband), Tinfoil (cousin), Jonathan L. Thunder (adoptive father), Mildred Thunder (adoptive grandmother), Simon B. Thunder (adoptive grandfather), Yz (Thunderbolt, father-in-law)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: 5th Dimension, formerly NYC, NY, 1940s era to present

First Appearance: Flash Comics #21 (September, 1941)

Powers: As a human Peachy Pet was an ill-mannered but street smart child. As a genie she was unbelievable powerful, able to warp reality and wield magic with ease.


(Flash Comics #70) - Johnny Thunder took Peachy Pet to a museum exhibit on ancient Egyptian history, but she was unimpressed, calling it history’s junkyard. Johnny studied the flight stone, an artifact found in an ancient Egyptian prison, and Peachy speculated that Egyptian cops used it to hit prisoners over the head. A thief ran into security at the museum, and hid inside Tuto-Toniah’s sarcophagus. It was enchanted, and once he entered he disappeared, only to reappear on the flight stone. He fled, and Johnny wanted to tell the security guards what he saw, but Peachy forbade him, saying they’d think he was crazy. She said she knew he was crazy but she didn’t want other people to know too. The next morning Johnny read a newspaper report that said Tuto-Toniah’s sarcophagus had been stolen, and Johnny summoned the Thunderbolt to get to the bottom of the case. They found the same thief Johnny had seen at the museum in a bank loading money into the stolen sarcophagus. He opened it, showing Johnny the money was gone before locking Johnny inside. Johnny reappeared at the flight stone, which the thief had also taken and stashed in his hideout. The theief’s gang tied Johnny up, but he chewed through his gag and summoned Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt brought the flight stone to the police station, and the next time the thief tried to make a getaway by hiding in the sarcophagus he found himself under arrest.

(Flash Comics #71) - Peachy Pet demanded a horse, and when Johnny said no she threw a tantrum that only stopped when Johnny locked her in her room. She threatened to burn the house down, and tried to escape out her window but Johnny caught her. He summoned Thunderbolt, who helped him board Peachy’s windows shut. Peachy knew Shocko could help her, and started mentally concentrating on him. Shocko was arguing with his mom that none of the other kids would play with him, and he begged to go to Earth and play with Peachy, but his mom said no. He started thinking about Peachy and when their thoughts met Peachy said “Sez me,” summoning Shocko. He blasted the boards off her windows, and helped her steal a horse from a farmer. She said she had a great hiding spot where Johnny would never find her new pet. Thunderbolt came to Earth in a tizzy, and when Johnny asked him why he was there, saying he wasn’t summoned Thunderbolt reminded Johnny he had a life of his own, and was upset that his son was missing. Thunderbolt saw the evidence that Shocko had busted Peachy out of her room and scoured the world until he found his son. Johnny found Peachy’s horse taking a shower, but when Thunderbolt returned with his son and asked Johnny is he should return the horse to the farmer Johnny said the horse seemed pleasant enough and he didn’t want to interrupt his shower. Thunderbolt wondered what he ever did to deserve being saddled with such a fool as a master.

(Flash Comics #73) - Thunderbolt and his wife were playing pool, and Mrs. Thunderbolt asked her husband to bring Shocko to work with him because he was getting to be a handful for her, and she couldn’t get him out of the house because the other 5th Dimensional children wouldn’t play with him. Johnny said the magic word, and Thunderbolt relented, bringing his son to work, even though he complained Johnny was enough of a pain for him while he was trying to get things done. Johnny built a dollhouse for Peachy Pet’s birthday, but managed to get his head stuck between two planks of the roof, and was in danger of choking to death before Thudnerbolt freed him. Shocko took the distraction as an opportunity to sneak away, wanting to go to Peachy’s birthday party instead of returning to the 5th Dimension. He thought the party’s magician was boring so he turned into a giant rabbit and stuffed him in his own top hat, alarming the children at the party. Thunderbolt chased his son back home, and Peachy’s friends all said they were never coming over her house again. During all the commotion Johnny managed to get his head caught in the dollhouse again.

(Flash Comics #74) - Johnny Thunder told his folks and Peachy Pet that he was sick of his life going nowhere, and went out to find a career. He went to the Spunk Publishing Company to apply for an editor job when he crashed into O.H.M.I. Bright, who’d just been tossed from the Spunk office. Johnny tried to sell himself to bright, saying he was the famous Johnny Thunder who controlled the magic Thunderbolt, and Bright was convinced he’d found someone nuts enough to be his agent. Bright wrote a memoir of everything he’d learned in his life, but refused to show his book to anyone until a publisher paid him $50,000 for the rights to the book. Thunder went to the Julis Sheldall Book Company, and Sheldall immediately recognized him as a dope and tossed him out. Johnny wasn’t about to be dissuaded from being a successful agent and summoned Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt flew them into Sheldall’s office while Johnny banged a drum advertising Bright’s book, and flew them out the window again. Thunderbolt helped Johnny continue his antics until Sheldall broke down and agreed to buy the rights to the book if only they’d leave him alone. Johnny and Sheldall cracked open the book and realized it was completely blank. Shelldall’s entirety of life’s knowledge was nothing, so he hadn’t written anything in his book. Sheldall was furious with Johnny, who complained that he’d been duped as well.

(Flash Comics #75) - Peachy Pet was supposed to bring Mr. Thunder his morning paper, but Johnny said she was out playing. Johnny's father yelled at him, saying he was raising a lazy child, and demanded Johnny get his paper. Johnny got the paper, but some men nearby were raising a safe, and when the pulley lifting it snapped it landed on Johnny’s head. Johnny was seemingly unhurt but the men decided to take Johnny to the hospital, and Peachy, who’d witnessed the accident, insisted on tagging along. The doctor wanted to see if Johnny's nervous system was intact, and tapped his knee with a hammer. Johnny’s knee shot out at kicked the doctor through the roof, so the men decided Johnny should be taken to the Scientific Bureau. Johnny got fed up with being poked and prodded and said “Say you!” summoning the Thunderbolt. Johnny didn’t recognize Thunderbolt or Peachy Pet, and Thunderbolt, quite insulted, returned to the 5th Dimension. Peachy was worried about her foster father because the bureau scientists seemed like sadists, shooting Johnny to find out if he’d be harmed, but the scientist aiming ended up hitting his colleague’s head mirror. They put Johnny in a freezing tank and Peachy summoned Shocko to save him. Shocko messed with the controls and freed him. Johnny had enough of the scientists, and flicked one of them away form him with a snap of his fingers. Another safe landed on Johnny’s head, returning him to normal, and he returned home. He’d been gone a day so his father was furious that he’d brought him yesterday’s news.

(Flash Comics #76) - Crooked taxidermist Si Heavily gave his burglar pal Harry Ferret a dogsuit he could slip on to commit crimes unnoticed. They went into a bank to so Si could exchange old bills for new ones when Ferret swiped the bills, but gave himself away when he congratulated Si on a job well done. They ran away from the police and split up  when Johnny Thunder and Peachy spotted Ferrett and Peachy demanded they take him home, hoping there’d be a reward for a lost dog. Ferret quickly tired of Peachy, who treated him too rough and rode him around the Thunder house. A news report came on about the bank robbery and Ferret fled back to Si’s shop, but Johnny summoned the Thunderbolt who rounded them both up.

(Flash Comics #77) - Johnny Thunder announced to his folks and Peachy Pet that he’d finally come up with a foolproof get rich plan, dressing up Thunderbolt, over his objections, as a mysteryman he named Hypochap and offering his services for a fee. Sockitaway Bank hired Hypochap to wash their windows, but while Hypochap was working the bank got robbed. Johnny said that for an additional fee Hypochap would catch the robbers, but before he could cash in Flash caught the crooks, and Johnny was sore that business was snatched from under his nose. The Fabulous Fur Corp. Hired Hypnochap as a night watchmen, and when their warehouse was robbed Thunderbolt said he did his job because he’d watched. Johnny tried to get extra money for Hypochap pursuing the thieves, but they were apprehended by Hawkman and Hawkgirl. A woman hired Thunderchap to rescue her kidnapped daughter, but the Ghost Patrol came to the rescue and kicked the tar out of the kidnapper. Johnny was fed up and visited the office of Flash Comics, telling the editor that if Flash et al. Didn’t stop messing with him he’d start interfering in their comic book stories.

(Flash Comics #78) - Johnny Thunder decided he had a heart of gold and told Peachy Pet he was going to show how civic-minded he was by solving the city’s transit issues. He summoned Thunderbolt and said anytime he saw someone hail  a taxi he was to grab the customer and instantaneously take them to their destination. Thunderbolt not only started a panic, but couldn’t keep up with the customers in the city, so he summoned Shocko, who summoned his mom, who summoned their extended family members. The taxi drivers were furious that business was being stolen from them, so they alerted the mayor, who realized the city was in crisis, with people being grabbed by Thunderbolts all over the city every time they tried to hail a taxi. Johnny became a wanted man, and called off the whole scheme, and had Thunderbolt take him to the 5th Dimension so he could lay low for a while.

(Flash Comics #79) - Johnny Thunder’s mother ran out of baking powder, and she asked him and Peachy to borrow some from Aunt Jenny. Jenny wasn’t home, so Johnny figured his mother must have meant his other Aunt Jenny, his father’s sister. Peachy reminded him that that Jenny lived in Pine Hollow over 250 miles away, but Johnny was convinced he was right, and bought a bus ticket. At a rest stop Peachy decided to see if she could operate a bus, and Johnny was happy to assist her. They ended up getting boarded by the Barefoot Bandit, who was on the run after a robbery. He held Johnny at gunpoint, but Peachy made him drop his gun by tickling his feel. Peachy gave Johnny to hold the gun on him, but Johnny thought she said “for him” and gave the dangerous criminal his weapon back. The Barefoot Bandit was sick of Johnny and Peachy and kicked them off the bus. Peachy hopped back on, hiding in the baggage compartment, but Johnny was too big to fit in and had to run alongside the bus. The police caught up with the bus, and initially thought Johnny was the bandit because his shoes had worn off, but Peachy set them straight. Johnny forgot why they were even on their way to Pine Hollow, and Peachy berated him for his stupidity.

(Flash Comics #80) - Johnny Thunder read Peachy Pet bedtime stories about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The next day Peachy and her friend Herman were playing in ?Central Park when a police officer yelled at them, telling them to stay off the grass. Merlin was relaxing in the park and lured them to him, sending them to an alternate world where Central Park and NYC were ruled by  King Arthur. Sir cop captured Peachy and Herman after he saw them playing on the grass, and King Arthur sentenced them to death. Peachy demanded a trial by combat, but no one volunteered to be her champion. Herman couldn’t fit in knight’s armor, so she summoned Shocko. Shocko made short work of sir Cop in a joust, and Merlin realized his jest had got out of hand, so he sent Peachy, Herman and Shocko back to their own world. Peachy told Johnny all about her adventure, but he thought she  was telling stories.

(Flash Comics #81) - Johnny Thunder got a new neighbor when child star Gloria Glider moved into the neighborhood. She was know for her movie roles and her skating ability, but Peachy Pet boasted that she was a far better skater and would prove it. Her friend Herman was unconvinced, and had a crush on Glider until she spotted him hanging around outside her house and called him dirty and grubby. Herman fumed, saying she thought she was too good for the neighborhood, and a reporter, hearing him boast about how Peachy could outskate her, made a story of it. Glider and Peachy agreed to have a race around the block and Peachy won when Herman’s cousin Fauntleroy distracted Glider, fawning over her and asking for an autograph. With her reputation at stake Glider called for a rematch at the skate Palace with fancy skating rules. Herman put glue on Glider’s skates, but felt bad when she schmoozed him, syaing he could be her co-star. Glider and Peaxchy both performed horribly, but when Herman came running with new skates for Glider they both felt betrayed and gave him a walloping.

(Flash Comics #82) - Peachy Pet had a brainstorm for an invention and set up her chemistry lab, but Hoiman interrupted her causing the kit to belch out bubbles. She chased him away and told Johnny Thunder she needed peace and quiet. Her next experiment got ruined when he mom’s friends were making a racket downstairs, and it produced a rapidly growing houseplant that filled the entire house. The last straw was her cousin Tinfoil leaving her baby at the house and Peachy couldn’t stand his screaming. She hitched a ride to a lighthouse for some peace and quiet, setting up cannons and signs warning people to stay away. Her experiment was a success, she created self-replicating geese in yher lab. Unfortunately the geese soon numbered in the millions and she had to flee back home. Johnny asked her how her work was going and she didn’t feel like discussing it.

(Flash Comics #83) - Johnny Thunder tried to fix his mother’s can opener by slamming it with a hammer. He broke it further, but claimed he was a mechanical genius, and when she kicked him out of her house he was determined to prove his abilities. He saw a man trying to change a tire, and insisted on helping, but the man was a mobster and not keen on a civilian interfering in his business. While the crook argued with Johnny Peachy Pet changed his tire. The crook was convinced that Johnny had to be a genius, changing his tire without being seen, and brought him back to his hideout to meet his gang. He told him to get to work on a car whose radiator was full of bullet holes, but Johnny once again just succeeded in hitting it repeatedly with a hammer. The gang was furious, so Peachy hopped in the car and drove Johnny to safety. They ran into a police officer who said the car was stolen, so Peachy hit the gas again, only to hit a bunch of officers in a policeman’s parade. They drove back to the gang’s hideout with a number of officers stuck to their car, hoping to return the vehicle. The officers arrested the crooks and crowned Peachy a hero. Peachy took the opportunity to browbeat Johnny for thinking he had any mechanical skills.

(Flash Comics #84) - Peachy Pet went to the market to get fish for supper when the market was frozen in a snowstorm and crooks robbed the customers. When she unfroze Peachy told Johnny Thunder what happened, and he laughed, thinking she was lying because she lost the 78 cents she’d been given and thought Johnny was gullible. She dragged Johnny to the market to prove she was telling the truth, and Johnny summoned Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt visited every house in town until he found the crook responsible. Little Joey invented a freezing machine and was using it in a crime spree. Johnny Thunder demanded his 78 cents back, and Joey froze Johnny, Peachy and Thunderbolt and shoved them in a furnace. Thunderbolt saved them by flying out a chimney and short-circuited Joey’s machine. Johnny still wanted fish, but Peachy had no appetite and told him to go fishing.

(Flash Comics #85) - Johnny Thunder went on a picnic with Peachy, but they were being watched by an ornery goat. The goat tried to ram Johnny, but he was stung in the bottom by a bee and leapt over the goat. He tried to catch a butterfly for Peach and fell into a goat just as the goat charged at him again and jumped over him. The goat made one more go of it and rammed his head into Johnny’s, but Johnny had a thick skull, and he was unharmed but the goat was dazed. The goat’s owner saw Johnny had a way with him, and asked Johnny and Peach to enter him in the county fair. The goat’s owner was feuding with his neighbor, who threatened to beat him up if he saw him at the fair. The neighbor recognized the goat and roughly escorted Johnny and Peachy out of the fair. Johnny dressed up as a woman and returned to the fair, flirting with the neighbor so he wouldn’t pay so much attention to the goat. The goat won the blue ribbon, and the neighbor realized he’d been duped. He went after Johnny swinging, but the goat, who’d come to like Johnny, came to his rescue, ramming the neighbor.

(Flash Comics #88) - Johnny got a pie delivered to his home and Peachy Pet was eager to dig in. Johnny cut the pie, and a black canary flew out, so he pursued it all the way to a junkyard. Goons knocked Johnny out and tied him up next to the captive Black Canary. She’d been on the crooks trail after they stole from a charity drive, stole the map to their loots, and sent it to Johnny in the pie. The crooks put the duo in a cage, flew them up in a helicopter and dropped them. Johnny summoned Thunderbolt, who saved them, but only after expressing that Johnny was still palling around with Black Canary, who he disapproved of. They rushed to Johnny’s home, where the crooks were ransacking it looking for the map. The heroes easily beat them, but Thunderbolt couldn’t act quickly enough to stop Peachy from devouring the pie. Fortunately Black Canary’s black canary had held on to the map.

(JSA #78-80) - As an adult Peachy Pet married Shocko and moved to the 5th Dimension, where she was transformed into a genie. Qwsp possessed J.J. Thunder and waged war in the 5th Dimension. Shocko, Sarain, Thunderbolt and Peachy Pet fought valiantly against J.J.’s forces, but were outclassed, and J.J. kidnapped Peachy. Hourman, Mr. Terrific and Stargirl came to the 5th Dimension to rescue J.J., and sided with Thunderbolt when they saw the chaos. The JSAers allowed themselves to be captured by J.J.’s hounds with Shocko and Thunderbolt hidden in liquid in Terrific’s mouth. As they approached J.J.’s throne Shocko couldn’t control himself at the sight of his captive wife and attacked. J.J. easily defeated the heroes, but Saradin separated Qwsp from J.J. and bound Qwsp to his service, ending the war.

Comments: Created by John B. Wentworth & Stan Aschmeier.

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU Peachy Pet lived on Earth-2.

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