Real Name: Peg (last name unrevealed)

Class: Human

Occupation: Student

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: unnamed grandfather, unnamed great-grandfather, unnamed parents

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Boy Commandos #28 (July-August, 1948)

Powers: Peg was a social butterfly.


(Batman I #52) - Peg got bored and decided to try her hand at cooking to impress her mother. After making the kitchen into a disaster she got a call from her friend Marje, and asked her mother to finish the cooking because she had a dinner date.

(Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #1) - Peg went on a date at a restaurant, but was tired of her date's bragging, so she ordered the most expensive items on the menu. He didn't have enough money for the bill, so they were both forced to wash dishes.

(Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #1) - Peg complained about school, and her father asked her how she'd like it if she had to chop wood in the morning and walk ten miles to school. She asked if he did that and he admitted he didn't.

(Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #29) - Peg’s friend Alvin was learning photography and she let him take pictures of her. He got all the small details right, but forgot the film.

Comments: Created by Henry Boltinoff.

Peg was one of DC's many one-page gag strips from their earlier days of publication.

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