Real Name: Peshy
Class: Human
Occupation: Fellaheen freedom fighter
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: Vin Centhotep (husband), Hempa (uncle-in-law), Soter (dather-in-law), unnamed mother-in-law (deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: ancient Egypt
First Appearance: Egypt #2 (September, 1995)
Powers: None
History: (Egypt #2, 3) - Peshy and her husband Vin Centhotep were members of the Fellaheen, a rebellious group that demanded immortality for all Egyptians, not just the elite. They were led by Aphotep, who was also Vin's lover. Modern New Yorker Vincent Me was sacrificed in a magic ritual, and his soul entered Vin. He learned that he was a double agent for temple priest Soter, who promised him immortality, and told him to go along with the Fellaheen's plan to break into the necropolis, and gave him a necklace. The Fellaheen realized they'd been betrayed when Vin's necklace summoned Seth, who created a cutting sandstorm. Seth tore through the Fellaheen, and Peshy and Aphotep saved Vic, knowing he'd betrayed him, but loving him anyway. Vic felt Seth's presence inside him, and the godliness blew him apart from the inside out. Peshy reassembled his body, even though she could not find his member, and was determined to get him inside the necropolis again so he could return to life.
(Egypt #4) - Vin was now Khum Hetet, born to a wealthy family, and grew to be a spoiled young man in love with his sister who spent his free time indulging in pleasures of the flesh. He ran into Peshy and Aphotep, and when he told them he remembered them Aphotep thought him a temple spy, and bashed him in the head. Khum remembered all his past lives, and sought them out again, thanking Peshy for ensuring his rebirth. They still wanted to unseat Seth from power, but Khum begged off, saying he'd think about helping. He tried to gain more information about Soter, whose beetle spies learned what he was up to. His men killed Khum's parents and dragged him to temple.
(Egypt #5) - Khum escaped Soter, and was brought to the land of the gods to act as their agent. Isis had resurrected Osiris, but Egypt was still in an age of darkness under Seth. Nephthys showed him a secret land she'd discovered and named the Valley of the Dead Gods, filled with mutilated Egyptian deities who still existed, and she admitted she didn't understand the significance. Isis made love to Khum to initiate a ritual, and Osiris revealed to him some of the knowledge of the gods. He went to Peshy's home, to find that Soter's men had killed Aphotep and grievously wounded her. She wanted him to hold her as she lay dying, and urged him to find Vin's brother Hempa. Khum mummified her, and demanded Isis bring her to the Western Lands to be reborn if he was to continue working as her agent.
(Egypt #6) - Isis resurrected Peshy incompletely, never getting around to finishing what she started, and Khum was furious when he saw her mindless form in the house of the gods in Osiris' garden. Osiris and Isis had a falling out, and when Osiris left Seth destroyed their dwelling with a sandstorm.
Comments: Created by peter Milligan & Glyn Dillon.
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