Real Name: Power Boy

Class: God (New Gods)

Occupation: Superhero

Group Affiliation: formerly Teen Titans III, Teen Titans East

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York, formerly Apokolips

First Appearance: Teen Titans III #38 (September, 2006)

Powers: As a New God Power Boy possessed superhuman strength, speed and durability, and could exist in the vacuum of space unaided. He possessed a Father Box, an Apokoliptian analog of a Mother Box.

History: Power Boy was raised on Apokolips, and enhanced by Darkseid to become a superhuman warrior. He caught sight of Supergirl on Apokolips, and traveled to Earth to pursue his obsession with her.

(Titans East Special #1, Titans II #1) - Cyborg recruited a new roster of young heroes and contacted his old friends to reform the Titans and train them. Everyone turned him down, but Nightwing told him he appreciated what he was trying to do. They bout had a moment of nostalgia for the Titans, and how they were always equally family and a team. Cyborg assembled the new Hawk and Dove, Power Boy, Lagoon Boy, Anima, Son of Vulcan and Little Barda as the Teen Titans East. Cyborg specifically recruited Power Boy, because he suspected him of being a villain, and wanted to keep an eye on him. Power Boy spent a night with his teammate Hawk, and was thrilled when she agreed to dress up as Supergirl; for their encounter. He assumed he’d be made leader of the team, and looked forward to the others doing as he told them. Cyborg.wanted them to prove themselves as a team, so he set up a war game where the rest of the team would try to subdue Power Boy, whose cockiness and unfortunate run-in with Supergirl meant he had yet to earn Cyborg’s trust, despite his immense power. The team functioned decently, if not entirely in synch before Power Boy was charred and impaled on a tree. Laser beams cut down the rest of the team, as Cyborg watched helplessly before he was consumed y a fireball that destroyed most of his body. The former Titans responded, and Raven realized that her father Trigon was trying to kill every last Titan, past or present.

Comments: Created by Geoff Johns & Tony Daniel

Power Boy had a cameo in Titans II #21.

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