Real Name: Hugo Strange

Class: Parallel Earth (Earth-2) human

Occupation: Criminal scientist

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, Earth-2

First Appearance: Detective Comics I #36 (February, 1940)

Powers: Strange was a criminal mastermind and skilled scientist.


(Batman I #1) - Professor Hugo Strange escaped during a jailbreak and mutated five mental patients into superhumanly strong monsters. Strange abducted Batman, imprisoned him and injected him with the same serum he used to create his monsters. Batman escaped and during the ensuing fight Strange seemingly fell to his death. Batman created an antidote for the monster serum and injected himself with it. He then tracked down Strange's monsters and killed them all.

Comments: Created by Bob Kane & Bill Finger.

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