Class: Terrestrial species

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Krynn, Earth-TSR

First Appearance: (comics) Dragonlance #7 (April, 1989)

Powers: Purple worms were immense burrowing creatures with compound eyes, razor-sharp teeth and a stinger on their tail.

History: (Dragonlance #7) - A purple worm made her home under the newly raised Temple of Ishtar. Heroes Kalthanan and Myrella were on their way to the temple through the worm's tunnels, but were attacked, as she had her larvae nearby. Kalthanan severed her stinger, and they were able to flee from her.

Comments: Adapted to comics by Dan Mishkin & Mike Collins.

The Purple Worms were a race from TSR's AD&D role-playing game adapted to DC Comics.


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