MembershipAztek, Emilio, Hector, Lizard King

Aliases: Q Brotherhood, Q Gang, Q Group

Base of Operations: Andes, South America

First Appearance: Aztek: The Ultimate Man #1 (August, 1996)

History (Aztek: The Ultimate Man #5 (fb BTS)) - The Q Society existed for ages as the representatives of Quetzalcoatl on Earth. They trained Emilio to be their latest champion against Tezcatlipoca. He fell in love with a woman, and had a child, which was forbidden for a champion to do, so the Society killed him, and raised the child.

(Aztek: The Ultimate Man #7 (fb)) - Members of the Q Society visited millionaire Thomas Wayne in Gotham City, and revealed their purpose to him. They relied on philanthropists for most of their operating costs.

(Aztek: The Ultimate Man #1) - The Q Society trained their latest Aztek champion, the boy now grown, and placed him in Vanity City, Oregon. Reports indicated Vanity as the likeliest place where their archenemy Tezcatlipoca would return.

(Aztek: The Ultimate Man #4) - The Q Society debated the merits of Aztek focusing on his mission versus building a career and a social circle. A problem arose when their former star pupil entered Vanity, jealous that Aztek was now the Society's champion, and he planned on killing the man he viewed as a usurper.

(Aztek: The Ultimate Man #8) - Aztek was in critical condition after battling the Lizard King and the Joker, so the Q Society arrived to patch him up. Aztek woke up doring surgery and shouted that the Society had killed his father. Knowing that his loyalties were now divided the Society had Aztek's second practice with the suit. The Society warned him that if he messed up again he'd be replaced, but they set him up with a new apartment provided by LexCorp. Lex, now working alongside Q, also protected Aztek's secret identity, and hired Dial "V" for Villains to orchestrate a hostage situation, allowing Aztek a high-profile public victory.

(Aztek: The Ultimate Man #10) - Aztek's second was still convinced she should be the Q's champion, and told Hector she might have to eliminate Aztek.

Comments: Created by Grant Morrison, Mark Millar & N. Steven Harris.

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