Real Name: Ra

Class: God (Egyptian gods)

Occupation: Sun god

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Amaunet (wife), Atum-Re (father), Geb (nephew), Horus (great grand-nephew), Khonshu (son), Montu (son), Neith (mother), Osiris (grand-nephew), Shu (brother)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: ancient Egypt

First Appearance: Blue Beetle II (Charlton) #5 (April, 1965)

Powers: Ra was an immortal sun god.

History: (Egypt #3) - Ra traveled on solar boats in the sky, traveling through the underworld before being reborn in the East. A barge of the dead carrying Anubis and shades including Vincent Me approached Ra in the sunrise.

Comments: Adapted to comics by Joe Gill & Frank McLaughlin.

Ra was a god from Egyptian mythology. for more information see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra.

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