Membership: none named

Base of Operations: Mobile across time

Aliases: Eliminations, Inc., Genetic Society

First Appearance: Adventure Comics I #466 (November, 1979)

History: (JSA #68) - The Red Morgue were a group of genetically engineered fascist soldiers from the year 2666. They came under the leadership of Per Degaton.

(JSA #68) - Per Degaton sent the Red Morgue through time to eliminate Stargirl and her family. They murdered her family, but in turn Stargirl killed all of them.

(JSA #70-72)- The Redv Morgue brutalized Chronos, who tried to stop Degaton from altering history and ending the Justice Society legacy in 1951. The Red Morgue then went back in time and made sure a 10 year old Gabriel Walker (the future Chronos) was killed in a car accident. The Red Morgue returned to Degaton’s side and protected him from Hourman I. Degaton tortured Hourman by sending the Red Morgue back in time and eliminating his childhood friends one by one. Hourman II saved his father from Degaton, plowing his way through the Red Morgue. The Red Morgue and Per Degaton attacked Washington with the intention of killing President Truman and blaming it on the Justice Society. The Justice Society and the time-travelling JSA defeated the Morgue, and they vanished into the timestream. Because of the time distortion, the recent assassinations made by the Red Morgue were undone.

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