Class: Terrestrial species

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsUndersea, prehistoric times until present

First AppearanceSea Devils #20 (November-December, 1964)

PowersThe Reptile-Men were giants that possessed superhuman strength and high levels of intelligence. They were equipped with a molecular transfer-ray that could rearrange atoms, turning any object into anything they desired.

History: (Sea Devils #20) - The Reptile-Men were a prehistoric race descended from reptiles that evolved bipediality and great intelligence. They constructed an underground world under the sea for themselves, and one day they rescued an alien whose ship had been badly damaged. The alien rewarded them with a molecular transfer-ray, and they used it to create gold and other riches that let their society exist in a state of leisure devoid of crime and violence. In times of need they made their way to the seas to fish, and were the basis of several human legends of seafaring monsters. In modern times their world was discovered by a group of human criminals, who raided their riches. They attacked an oil rig as retaliation. The Sea Devils investigated, and brokered a truce, telling them they’d help the Reptile-Men against the raiders. Their talk was interrupted by the raiders, who stole the transfer-ray and made their way to the surface. The Sea Devils and Reptile-Men followed, but the raiders holed up on an island, and covered I with snowy slopes to keep the heros at bay. Sea Devils leader Dane Dorrance climbed a slope and used oxygen tanks as skis to sneak up on the crooks. He explained that their master plan of turning everything into gold and other riches was doomed to failure because it would only devalue gold. Their leader Lonnie saw the logic in Dane’s speech, and after Dane used some judo on him the crooks surrendered and the ray was returned to the Reptile-Men.

Comments: Created by Jack Miller? & Howard Purcell.

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