Real Name: Damian Wayne

Class: Human

Occupation: Vigilante

Group Affiliation: Teen Titans, Super Sons, formerly Batman Inc.

Known Relatives: Melisande (grandmother, deceased), Mara al Ghul (cousin), Ra's al Ghul (grandfather), Talia al Ghul (mother), Tim Drake (Red Robin, adoptive brother), Gabi Kane (great-aunt), Jacob Kane (great-uncle), Kate Kane (first cousin once removed), Bruce Wayne (Batman, father), Richard Grayson (Nightwing, adoptive brother), Nyssa Raatko (half-aunt), Jason Todd (Red Hood, adoptive brother), Marta Wayne (grandmother, deceased), Thomas Wayne (grandfather, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, Prime Earth

First Appearance: Batman and Robin II #1 (November, 2011)

Powers: Robin possessed a genius-level intellect and was a skilled detective. He was a highly trained martial artist and swordsman and utilized batarangs.


(Hawk & Dove V #6) - Batman and Robin were on the trail of the Necromancer, a sorceress who was using Blockbuster to steal magic totems in hopes of creating a vortex of magic that would let her access different planes of reality. Hawk and Dove caught Blockbuster stealing the Amulet of Ra from the Smithsonian, and their fight with him led them all the way to Gotham City. They were met by Batman and Robin, who were cautious about strangers operating in Gotham City.  Hawk put on his best tough guy attitude for Batman, who was unimpressed, and said that if Hawk and Dove wanted to help them on the case they’d remember that Gotham was his city and they’d play by his rules. They found Necromancer and Blockbuster in a warehouse down on the Gotham wharf, and by breaking Necromancer’s circle of totems they broke her control over Blockbuster. Blockbuster was in a rage but confused and easily put down by Batman and Hawk. Necromancer cursed them for ruining her plans, and escaped after throwing a smoke bomb. Batman told Hawk and Dove that they had great potential and hoped they lived long enough to realize it.

Comments: Created by Mike W. Barr, Grant Morrison & Andy Kubert.

Robin had a cameo in Dial H #7.

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